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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: June 13, 2009 01:38AM

I think that I feel better knowing that someone else understands the confusion. I have always respected what they are into although there is a part of me that would like to stare at my folks and say " are you #$%^ kidding me!" I never knew what to expect when going to visit- it seemed each week there was new teaching. I tried so hard not to be judgemental but by not judging them I judged myself. I told myself at one point that just because the Greeks erected the Parthenon (sp?) did not mean that their gods and goddesses were real. Apparently humans can be taught to believe almost anything or there would be no suicide bombers and no Scientologists and no celibate priests. So, was Jack Hickman a crazy person or was he really a rabbi in disguise just waiting for the right time to reveal himself and take his followers to Spain to trace his lineage? I just remember him as a sloppy silly guy who always had an inner group of kids who were closer to him. Many of these kids are still his followers in Maine and CO. I don't remember much of what he said as a Lutheran pastor.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: resu ()
Date: June 20, 2009 10:29PM

I dare not ask questions because for years we have not talked religion. I do not know what they are awaiting but it is often referred to " when the @#$ hits the fan". I'm pretty sure they are prepared for a catrastrophy and each time I come away with that feeling of discontent and fear. What if they are "right" ?

What if they are right? Then they are way more screwed than the rest of us.
What's their plan? To run away. To northern Maine!! Are you kidding me? They'll make it 1 winter, tops.

As far as heat, they've got propane. 2 or maybe even 3 tanks by now. The big ones that lay down on their sides. The three of them together will heat the house for a total 1 month each. And then what? That shit has hit the fan, who's out there making gas deliveries.? No one.
They're looking into Bio-Bricks. You would need 4 to 5 tons to last you the winter.

Not only that, but what they are doing is the epotimy of putting all your eggs in one basket. What if something happens? One person get's sick, and get's everyone else sick. The place catches fire. The 'crops' that they're growing don't produce in the unbelievably rocky and crappy soil in that area.
And 'crops'? More like a couple raised bed gardens. Not even enough to feed a family of 4 for a summer.

If they are right, I don't want to be anywhere near that place.
I want to be here, in the real world, where I have options.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: pequagirl ()
Date: June 24, 2009 05:43AM

Thanks, I needed that! I only get their perspective and then I have to sort it out. Sound like you've spent some time with them.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Date: June 25, 2009 01:39AM

are you still in the family?

and if so, how come u don't know they are waiting for the tectonic plates to erupt?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Date: June 25, 2009 01:47AM

didn' t Jack prophesize a tsunami hitting Long Island soon?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Date: June 25, 2009 01:54AM

has someone offered to take you back into the family?

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: leftthecult ()
Date: July 14, 2009 04:11AM

I have some information about a couple individuals you may be asking about. PM me. If I post anything else here, I'm afraid the moderator may squash my privileges. See moderator's note.

Jack said the situation in the world will get worse and worse from 2001 to 2012 culminating in a global tectonic catastrophe.
Looks like Jack was right on.

By the way, does any one know if the following are still in:
Jim O. & Stefanie B.
Roy L.
Bob G. & Coonie R.
Jeff H.
Art C.

[Moderator note: Please don't identify possible former members by their full names]

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: leftthecult ()
Date: July 14, 2009 04:27AM

I don't want to be taken back by this group,
and I can't imagine anyone in their right mind who would want to go back.

You should count your blessings that they have ostracized you. This may be difficult to accept, but the separation from such a harmful and dangerous group can only be good for you.

In an earlier posting you asked about some people.

One person who had secretly stayed in the cult along with his wife and tried to bring along his daughters, passed away a couple months ago. I don't know where he was buried or where they held the ceremony. There was no obituary in any paper I searched. I'm curious 1) if his brother came to the funeral and 2) if he was buried in a Jewish cemetary. He died at the age of 60, according to Suffolk County records.

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Jack Hickman
Date: July 15, 2009 07:32AM

who has the book of hagu, the david series tapes, or anything else concerning the teachings or prophecies?

followers in spain?

who are the fish people race? the catholic church?

peace & love,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2009 08:02AM by beyondeverythingnow.

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Re: Jack Hickman
Posted by: resu ()
Date: July 24, 2009 04:05AM

who has the book of hagu, the david series tapes, or anything else concerning the teachings or prophecies?

followers in spain?

who are the fish people race? the catholic church?

peace & love,

Your username certianly betrays your inquisitive nature towards this group.

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