StillTaitenAndProud Wrote:
> Hate to interrupt your witty (weedy?) repartee,
> but I stumbled upon this site, by a "Rev. Greg."
> The short article up top is interesting, but the
> discussion down below is even MORE interesting -
> it deals with Lisa Jones, of Buddhajones (in)fame.
> Her website was taken down under pressure from
> SGI, I understand. The "Rev Greg" certainly takes
> an uncharitable view of her, referring to her as a
> "failed cultie"!
> []
> ve-your-loyalty-right-now/
> There are some things in life it's better to fail
> at...
Lisa Jones got into legal trouble because she signed a contract to ghostwrite a book for President Ikeda. Part of the contract was that she'd never reveal that she, rather than the great Daisaku, actually wrote it. This is very common, both with Ikeda, and famous people in general: they don't write their own books, and the real authors sign a contract saying that they will never, ever, ever tell that Mr. Famous didn't write every word of that book that goes out under his name.
Ikeda doesn't write his own books, wow, what a surprise. Not.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2014 09:51PM by tsukimoto.