Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: January 07, 2019 06:34AM
puddington Wrote:
> Note: the moderator’s links go to cult references
> that are fairly general. Most of them were
> written by other cult experts, as well as RR. I
> have read most of this material. I found it
> exceptional and very helpful for my healing. The
> Nichols paper is very helpful too. But everyone is
> different. Some of you may not wish to read all
> that stuff. Some of you will. Peace !!!
> Also, I am glad Onion is tackling the tough issues
> and constructing a timeline. I trust Onion.
> Completely.
I am bit late to jump in. I understand some statements are not setting well with some folks. here's my 2 cents.
I belong in this forum. I am a walk survivor. I only found this group because I was researching for several reasons that are centered around my writing a piece of fiction based on my need to heal from the walk and my own stupidity of falling into another persona's delusion when I was old enough to better.
I knew that there are patterns of behavior - that is my professional expertise - but I am still so dumb. What jrs and m or gh have done to take power and control over the sheep in the walk has been done before - over and over again. We are not the only people to fall for love bombs; sacrificing for a common goal that never happens. Cult leaders have a common thread- and they learn from other cult leaders - and they more sophisticated than their predecessors. Victims can very well become the predictors like the walk leaders have been.
Feeling special then realizing your were conned is disheartening.
We are all in stages of recovery. for me- because I had never figured out boundaries etc. a few years back I was nearly murdered by a a well known woman who used the same techniques that have been used in the walk. I promoted her- and I have to undo that promotion.
I am aware that my reactions to certain things that I was taught in the walk have affected my children, my co-workers and other relationships more than I will ever know.
My reactions to certain issues and circumstances while I can kind of cover up are not all normal and healthy - Much is due to the trauma of the power and control from the cult we were all in and how your or my parents made not healthy choice for us because of what they were told by the bro to do. ( not so very different from most of all the other cults. the same basic stories are told over and over could simply substitute the names. sorry to sound so trivial- this horrific act of power and control is devastating to each of us personally and to the world around us...)
When many of us were much younger (I'm 68) we did not have legitimate nor credible researched information at our finger tips as we do today on the subject of cults. We have been able read about how Hilter operated - yes- he used may techniques used by hrs and a recent president's pattern of speech. it is effective to get people to listen.)
The moderator has suggested as what I see to be valuable resources for us to study and see where we fit into the cult pattern of behavior. Speech patterns; music; sleep deprivation; feeling specially selected to do a task for the greater good; how child predators operate... We can learn from this research- take it or leave it.
But, unless I or anyone else can get help to change the only program in our heads that I (we) know I (we) will continue to be victims that affect other people lives more than what I (we) we can ever know. How we can make decisions does effect those around us. ( We were robbed of learning how to make good choices on our own. We seduced into always being dependent on the leader.)
I don't believe that the suggested reading was meant to be forced on anyone nor over self promoting as may have been taken. But, I can sure understand how some of our peers reacted negatively to the suggestion... And that is an example of how the patterns of controlling behavior from shiloh/ the walk still affect many of us today. I (we) can figure out how to live a more healthy balanced life than what we knew in the walk. (Plenty of other things trip my emotional trigger, as well, all too often.)
the suggested reading may not be for everyone. It may not be the right time to learn about how cult leaders or sex abusers sucker us in- its humiliating.
Just my opinion- take it or leave it- I hope my peers on this forum can feel safe. I can easily see how words, ideas, phrases will trigger a fearful or negative reaction. That will happen to all of us at one time or another.
No one in the forum is perfect- we don't have to be perfect in order to want to help each other feel safe.
...and with that said - it is wise to be cautious or even skeptical of everything.