"Living In His Lordship"July 3, 2016
"I . . . led the school of prophets further into the reality
(delusion) of what life will be like the day after Christ's return
(like in the 'Shape of Things That Never Came').
"One of the most difficult things we face on that day
(which day, which year, which century, which millenium?) is submitting to Him as Lord
(even with all the practice we have had in TLW)."
"We must realize that, in His Kingdom, He will truly function as Lord and King
(hopefully not like what has occurred in TLW)."
"Will we be offended by what He asks or directs us to do as we rule and reign with Him
(like LOVING EVERYONE--'I lost not one.')?"
"Today the school of prophets begins
(again?) a lifestyle of learning obedience
(again?) to the Holy Spirit."
"Father, we embrace the delight and joy
(as we receive our work assignments) of doing Your will, knowing that walking in Your will now
(for the first time ever--maybe) is the first reality of Your Kingdom on earth.
Shiver me timbers . . .