Posted by: changedagain Date: January 08, 2018 08:01AM
puddington Wrote: I recall hearing in LW services, teachings about the “unforgivable sin”, i.e. blaspheming the Holy Spirit. It was said that to deny that Christ was coming forth in his people was equivalent to blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The LW teaches that the 2nd coming of Christ will happen with Christ coming forth in his body first. Then later, the actual reappearing of Jesus. This doctrine empowers the leaders to claim they have the mind of Christ. It was said often (in back room meetings) that to have “Marilyn’s thinking” was to have the mind of Christ.
There was an immense amount of pressure during my 21 years involvement in the walk/TLWF (1976-1997) to regard the voice coming from leadership (John, Marilyn, Gary) as the voice of God. John himself often said from the pulpit that the word he spoke was the equivalent of scripture, and in fact, was elevated beyond scripture since it was supposedly revealing what God was doing now ('living word'). When the mantle supposedly fell to Gary/Marilyn, the same held true. To question them was to question God...committing the original sin in the garden ('hath God said?"). Heavy stuff. With that type of clout over the fellowship, the door to control people's lives (which is really what 'divine order' became") was unlimited. As people who spent many years in this cult have noted in this forum, over and over again, every aspect of a person's life was subject to surveillance by 'Christ in the flesh' (aka Big Brother in the Flesh). I think the purpose of the 'designated relationship' phase during G & M's reign...was to keep tabs on the thoughts and actions of members of the fellowship, so any resistance could be swiftly dealt with. Apologists who scoff at the idea of coercion, either are ignorant (perhaps because they lived on the periphery), or purposely dishonest...for whatever motivation. The place was, and likely still is, saturated with coercion. It's scary even thinking of breaking away from this cult when you are heavily evidenced by the stories of the many who have done so in this forum, and the difficulties they experienced. The bonds of oppression are powerful.
One of a basset hound's priorities, perhaps top priority, is simply to have good time. Humans must help make that happen. Otherwise, what is their purpose?
We were members at Coniah is 1975, in the garage. We found our way to Coniah through Marco Albano. We were there 6 months and moved on. Time at Coniah shaped us immeasurably for service of loving others. Would loved to connect to those who we met there in 1975.