Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 02, 2020 04:10AM

Thank you, PowerTrip. You're free to post here anytime. To varying degrees, I suspect we all have 'flashbacks,' and need the support of a community that can identify with what we have experienced. It doesn't mean we all have to agree with each other about everything, as long as we come from an authentic place (not trolling). One of the few times I wrote to the moderator expressed that point...or at least attempted to. I was seeking to have an obvious troll removed from participating in our ongoing discussion:

From: rrmoderator
Date: 06/03/2018 09:14AM

> rrmoderator Wrote:
>> It won't go up in flames. Because if anyone posts
>> inflammatory comments they will be banned from
>> the board.
>> Just message me and they will blocked and banned
>> if they are attacking people on this board person
>> ally.

> I've been a frequent poster in this particular for
> um for over ten years (I believe). Up until this
> time I've refrained from requesting that anyone be
> banned from this board, no matter how much I might
> disagree with their opinions. I've put up with a lot
> of aggravation because I value the principle of
> free speech, assuming somewhat is not motivated ju
> st to cause trouble (disrupt/undermine the discuss
> ion). I consider the poster N*********d, who joined
> this site a little over a year ago, to be in
> this latter category. He has been nothing but a di
> visive, contentious force since coming aboard. If
> he/she is not working on behalf of the cult, he is
> nonetheless doing its work nonetheless. He has no
> t only systematically personally attacked me since
> he's come aboard, but many of the contributors who
> se writing and truthfulness I most value...exposing
> the pernicious practices of this cult. In one of
> his posts, he actually admitted getting info from
> someone still in the cult. Now I think he is, at b
> est, collaborating with this person(s)...or a plant
> from the very beginning. BTW, a number of people
> in this forum have contacted me privately with the
> same suspicion, people who I consider rational, de
> cent and honest. Therefore, I am strongly urging
> that he be banned from participating again in this
> forum.
> Thank You.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 02, 2020 09:44AM

Still baffled by this one--the phantom threat on the GP church, never resolved:

Posted by: changedagain
Date: January 23, 2019 09:14AM

Apparently there was no basis for the threat of a mass shooting at the Grant's Pass church. It appears that someone made up the threat, and made sure it got posted on social media. Welcome again to the misinformation age.

Posted by: Stardomino1
Date: January 23, 2019 11:53AM

Thank you for updating us on GP. It all seemed so weird. Who would ever receive a threat without immediately contacting authorities? There are laws against making false claims and I hope that is being investigated.

Posted by: changedagain
Date: January 23, 2019 01:07PM

Stardomino1 wrote:
> Who would ever receive a threat without
> immediately contacting authorities?

Yes, especially the nature of the threat (mass shooting). It's vastly more serious then threatening to toilet paper a congregant's home.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 03, 2020 12:12AM

Stardomino1 wrote:
> Who would ever receive a threat without
> immediately contacting authorities?

To protect the congregants, I would think the pastor would report the threat to local authorities, and see if they could identify who was behind it.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Chachakitty ()
Date: June 03, 2020 03:40PM

Quick question
Is gary gay ?
And is Silas his lover
Is that why they ran off to Israel together
God please stay over there if you did flee the country
Wouldn’t it be funny if gary truly is gay and shunned his own daughter okay step daughter for being gay. When in fact there is nothing wrong with it. Lol. Good times

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 04, 2020 02:21AM

Hi Chachakitty,
No, I don't think Gary is gay, and certainly wouldn't recommend anyone asking him that question and risk getting punched in the face.
I suspect Silas and Gary's relationship was based mostly on maintaining the power structure in TLWF--each drawing on the other's support. It seems since the demise of TLWF they have had a falling out. I'm sure former church members in Brazil have a sharper perspective about the nature of their relationship then I do.
p.s. I do remember listening to the restrictive tape about Marti's sexual orientation. I walked out of listening room. I was exhausted about all the unnecessary drama at that point...though it turns out that the things that were seriously negatively consequential were ignored and/or covered over.
Good riddance to the whole charade.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2020 02:22AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Chachakitty ()
Date: June 04, 2020 05:17PM

Right ?? Then blaming Yasp kids that Kane’s umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck was our fault .... oh my coo coo birds
Well. I still think Gary is gay. Thanks for replying.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 04, 2020 10:24PM

Chachakitty Wrote:
> Right ?? Then blaming Yasp kids that Kane’s
> umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck was
> our fault ....

What? That's insane, even for Gary.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 04, 2020 10:34PM

And again, as I think I've said before (along with many others), since Marilyn was hooking up with a new man as John lay dying, she should have been the last one to dump guilt on the fellowship for not 'loving' him enough. But then she wouldn't be 'Mom.' :)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2020 10:45PM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 07, 2020 02:37AM

A couple posts from February of 2018:

Posted by: TheycalledmeJonah
Date: February 20, 2018 11:52AM

What a splendid idea! Perhaps we should also bind and loose the entire journey!?

After last years trip (happened around the same time frame) SEVERAL services were devoted to presentations of Israel from the folks who had gone on the trip. Several shabbats featured the recitation of ceremonial prayers in Hebrew and traditional songs were also played.

The whole fascination with Israel is not merely because it's where Jesus came from, but because of Genesis 12:3. "I will bless those that bless you, and he who dishonors you I will curse.."

Maybe when asked, a congregant of TLWF may not respond with this. I wager that the interest in Israel is not because of its strong roots of faith and peoples general interest, but because of fear. They want to be buddies with Israel so they are not cursed. This isn't a native thought, but something that has been preached over the pulpit in classic cloak-and-dagger TLWF manner. This is the same concept TLWF members constantly face. "If I am not friends with pastors, I will not be blessed. Even worse, I will be cursed."

I further contend that people's motivation to go on these trips is to have time with Gary and the other pastors in small group. Gary and the other pastors and celebrities to the congregants, and the poor congregants just want to be known and loved back and remembered.

Last year, after attending one of these services, I was asked by my pastor my thoughts on the service. I wanted to be honest. "It was a really long presentation and I lost interest pretty quickly, to be honest." His response was "You fucking millennials have such short attention spans." So then I went back to MOWING HIS LAWN.

Personally, I don't know why I wanted to be around the pastors (AKA cool people). They aren't cool, and the hangouts aren't very fun. I think I liked it because being invited came in the form of being noticed and being loved. If you're not invited, how else are you supposed to feel those things? If you're invited to another person's house in the church, you don't really care about it. Its not cool. Whats the point of being there? Maybe if you had gotten invited over to the pastor's house, you would be able to detect your status among the other people who were invited. Its all a status game.

Posted by: girls_turn_it_off
Date: February 21, 2018 11:56AM

TheycalledmeJonah--you highlighted something that is such a classic TLW tactic: make the little people feel validated only by doing (unpaid) work for the powerful. There were so many times that I cleaned houses, made breakfast/lunch/dinner, washed cars, went shopping for, babysat for, transcribed messages, mowed lawns, made copies, etc. JUST because it would allow me to "create an atmosphere" for whoever my DR was at the time. So many in the Walk are so starved for attention that they will do whatever they are asked to just for a moment in the sun with their "Christ in the Flesh" flavor of the week.

Gary and all of Shiloh U are totally taking advantage of people who want to feel close to the leadership. They are essentially selling the opportunity to feel like you have a connection to Gary or are somehow closer to the vessel of the word.

...But of course if you were to bring it up to someone you would be accused of having "position thinking." Unfortunately it sounds like this has always been a trend in TLW going way back to the days of riding around in the van with JRS or being invited to a backroom meeting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2020 02:53AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 07, 2020 11:46PM

I was thinking of a title for a message that actually might have been helpful in the 80's:
'Mom Turn it Off!'
(deafening silence in the room).

O.K.--moving on. Hope everyone has a pleasant remainder of the weekend :)

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