Lost a best friend to Landmark
Date: March 20, 2003 12:27PM
Happy new Spring time:
<<WOW! No you're not angry. Totally in control ........ but why are you here? Right, this is a board where we share experiences?>>
Well, it's a happy Spring for some anyway...
So your reasoning goes as follows:
1) By virtue of being here in this thread anyone is automatically an angry person.
2) Karmal64 is here.
3) Therefore he is an angry person.
No offense, but that's not even remotely logical.
And claiming to know divine my moods isn't humanly possible. Yet you label me as a chronically "mad" forum maniac based solely on your opinion. And then you behave as if it's an established "fact" and post what to me is perceived as an implied attack on my character.
Please calm down. You've worked yourself into a rant all for nothing, truly. Let me try to explain this.
If you weren't referring specifically to me that at least in that regard then I apologize.
At least I am willing to admit the possibility that I may have been not totally correct in this particular regard and say so publicly.
I'm asking you honestly (not implying anything about you): Would you do the same for me?
<<WOW! No you're not angry. Totally in control ........ but why are you here? Right, this is a board where we share experiences?>>
You're making mind reading claims again, and then again you're labeling me as chronically angry 24/7/365, and then writing as if it's an established fact rather than just your impression of me filtered through the sunglasses' hue of your own offended subjective sensibilities.
I am highly astonished that you would read into my reply that somehow I supposedly said you couldn't share ANY of your "experiences" ever. That's entirely untrue. Share all your anecdotes or whatever all you like. Nobody said you didn't have to except you.
To clarify I only requested you not to PLEASE make sweeping assumptions about how someone is all the time based on how they may have behaved on a few (or several) occasions...
...sort of like I get the impression that you you're doing right now with me. And now as far as you're concerned all I am and all I ever will be is an "angry" person with no other redeeming qualities in the past, now or ever.
Lucky for you I don't judge people as harshly as you based on practically nothing.
<<"Do whatever you think is right for your life. It's none of my business as mine is none of yours."
Smooth Karmal, very smooth. I havn't said anything about you. I just stated a general opinion (which I assume you don't like - ops sorry you don't like that either) and added some of my own thoughts about having Landmarkian friends.
I'm sorry if you feel as I judged you.>>
To be quite honest I don't think you're sorry at all. You're just giving me a phoney "Enron"/politican "apology."
Oh boy, but YOU sure have judged, condemned and sentenced me to hell fire for all eternity in your own (never once angry/mad or any dark emotion in its entire life) heart now, haven't you.
You reminded me of something that more Americans should really be aware of. You too.
We learned in social psychology when I was an undergraduate that people from Asian countries, when they see somebody in a bad mood/angry mood, don't automatically label the mad-behaving person as therefore always being a mad/angry/hostile person by their very nature.
Instead according to social psych., Asians typically say that the person who is behaving emotionally (i.e., the one behaving angrily) is simply having a bad day, that something must have happened to them to make them feel angry, sad or whatever. They don't automatically brand the person forever and all times as a mad mad mad person and shun, comdemn and vilify them.
Asians realize more than Americans so this study would seem to suggest, that they realize that we are all humans beings, and they allow everyone the luxury of being "human" now and then, and that includes being angry sometimes.
Would that more Americans, like you seemingly, would do likewise. Although I imagine you'll blame plenty of externals whenever YOU are mad. I.E., "me" in this example.
Whereas in America, Americans do just the opposite. An American when they see someone else behaving angrily will automatically assume that the individual has a permanent character flaw which predisposes them towards anger and merits harsh judgement.
Paradoxically however when that same quick-to-judge American is mad/angry him/herself, s/he automatically blames literally anything or anyone for his/her feelings---rather than apply the same harsh judgement that they dispense so easily and automatically unto others.
And that's clearly what you've done with me here now.
Think/Be/Feel whatever you damned well please. I'm not going to try to blow smoke up your a-- by trying to tell you that I care about you or your problems. I don't.
If you want to feel mad at something go ahead. Kindly allow me the same privileges of being a mere human with human emotions (including anger) like you clearly do.
But know this: If something offends my sense of justice, spirituality, politics or those things and people who I love... I'll display whatever emotions I--and ONLY I--think are appropriate and do WHATEVER I think is appropriate. If I think it's appropriate and rational to feel anger I'll do so, and if you or anybody else disapproves then that's just too damned bad.
<<Smooth Karmal, very smooth. I havn't said anything about you. I just stated a general opinion (which I assume you don't like - ops sorry you don't like that either) and added some of my own thoughts about having Landmarkian friends.>>
You're claiming to "mind read" again. Science still hasn't proven it exists, so KNOCK it off.
Ok, if you didn't about me specifically then I apologize for that particular interpretation. Eric just lost his girlfriend though, and if you were criticizing him I still think you really need to give the guy a break for Chrisakes. He just lost her recently, and he's a human being too, just like you. Not all of us so emotionally bullet proof not feel anything after getting dumped. It's just being a human being with all their--and our--faults and confusion, you know like you have and I have too.
Nevertheless you clearly expressed your opinions about the "anger" and "self pity" in this thread. I admist the possibility that I misread you but you may have been guilty of not expressing your point as clearly as you could have. Regardless, when someone makes a similar observation about yours, I fail to understand why you react so harshly and with such vitriol... or so it seems from the tone of your writing.
So, I won't simply say that I'm sorry "if you feel if I judged you."
That doesn't feel like a genuine apology to me. That's what Enron types and politicians say.
I'll say I'm sorry for judging you if what I got from your message wasn't your intent and it was simply due to imprecise writing. It happens every day, and it doesn't mean you or I are bad readers or writers. It's just being human.
I'm willing to let you be human. How about you
<<I'm sorry if you feel as I judged you.>>
In other words you're not really sorry at all.
Ok, that's fine. It truly doesn't really matter. I know what I am, an I don't need you or anyone else to tell me based on a fraction of time in the universe.
Thank whatever God you pray to that your harsh judgements of me will never be as equally and liberally applied to you as well.
I don't communicate in the real world with people who don't like me or vice a versa. I'd prefer the same in this virtual world as far as you and I are concerned. Whatever else you do here is inconsequential to me. I couldn't care less.
I'm sorry that you cannot apparently tell the difference between being assertive and a passionately defending a point of view or individual. Thus I know you won't believe me when I write this, but I truly didn't and still don't feel any anger in the writing this post to you. I am what I am, and it's matters not what you think of me now or ever:)