I do see the connection.
There are so many of these groups and they all use a weekend seminar as a vehicle for training, which is more like group therapy.
The problem is people such as Fritz, are not really qualified to lead therapy sessions, which frequenlty delve into people's lives and personal problems.
LGATs essentially teach a philosophy for "empowerment" based upon whatever the founder has put together.
See [
This is Fritz expounding on what he calls "transcendence."
He says,
Moments of transcendence come in three forms:
Bad and/or painful moments in your life, such as failure, loss, a health crisis, a near death experience, tragedy, a sense of hopelessness.
Neutral moments in which nothing in particular may be going on.
Good moments in life such as being in the height of success, falling in love, a change of aspirations or desires, the successful accomplishment of a major goal.
The form transcendence often takes is:
An original state, followed by a moment of realization, followed by a fundamental choice, followed by a new modality of taking effective actions on behalf of your highest values and aspirations.
Transcendence is not simply a peak experience followed by a return to business as usual. It is a life-changing event that allows you a new direction, and enables you to change your ways and live life differently. It is not a reaction to past circumstances, rather an awakening to new possibilities.
Transcendence ranges from that of a spiritual experience to that of a cognitive realization and all the points in-between. We are interested in your story, however it played itself out.
Fritz then goes on to detail his philosophy, which sounds much like Landmark Education and other so-called "human potential" groups.
Also see [
Fritz teaches others to become instructors.
Our Instructor Training (IT) will equip you with all you need to begin teaching the five week course in creating – Creating Your Life.
Fritz explains,
About Creating Your Life
This course, created by Robert Fritz, is designed to help individuals achieve their most meaningful goals and learn to master the creative process as their life-building process. During the five weeks of the course (one session of around 3 hours per week) participants learn principles and tools that can lead them to sustained and measurable growth – principles and tools that enable them to organize their lives around their highest aspirations and deepest values. Through DVD videos, exercises, group interactions, and profound explorations, the participants discover how to create the lives they've always dreamed of creating.
If you go to the Landmark Education Web site you will read much the same thing in similar jargon.
See [
Landmark says,
The Landmark method is more like coaching than teaching, more like conversation than lecture. While conventional education methods focus on content (adding facts, rules, or skills to our knowledge), the Landmark method deals with context - the framework(s) in which content can exist.
Whenever we're limited in life, there is something - a context or framework - that we are blind to and that is holding that limitation in place. Landmark's technology allows you to create breakthroughs in a two-step process in which you:
• Uncover and examine the blind spots or context holding you back in your life.
• Find out where your current context originated and address it for what it really is.
Having completed these two steps, a new realm of possibility is available to you. The constraints from the past disappear. Your view of life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, change - and the change is immediate, dramatic, and without effort. It is a breakthrough.