Dear all:
As a regular reader of Ms. Marble's work, I can attest that the big deal you all are making about this column is unwarranted. If any of you read this writer on a regular baiss - and it is obvious from your posts that you do not - you would understand the point of her columns. She writes personal essays (i.e. the first-person "egocentric" tone - I don't find them egocentric, but I'm quoting from one of these posts). She writes about stepping out and doing weird things and then telling her readers about them. There's ain't much weirder than going to a Landmark Forum weekend. I'm rather appalled at the lack of courtesy in these posts, and it could be because you all aren't professional writers, so deem it necessary to take down someone who is.
Nahhh, godscribe. That ain't it. This is an animated place. We're not jealous of people who get paid to write. We're just wary of people who seem to be defending or promoting Landmark or encouraging others to go. Werner Erhard and his pals have made lots of money off the "curious" and the gullible and turned more than a couple of skeptical journalists into unpaid spokespeople. He's sitting in the Cayman Islands laughing his head off at all the fools who think his "programs" have something to offer. They're just as ~empty & meaningless~ as they claim life itself to be. Oh sure, they "decorate" the place with a few profound-sounding bits and pieces they've picked up over the years and some rather amateur basic psychology, but at its core, Landmark is just a hollow sham and a rip-off.
The woman knows what she's doing, otherwise, she wouldn't be getting published in a print newspaper. (Which, you must distinguish from postings on the web, in blogs and even in on line "magazines.") Print products have certain standards, and Ms. Marble meets them as a writer, or she wouldn't get a hearing from an editor. Primarily, however, reading through these pages about this column, all I can think is that you all need to read the rest of her work to get the "point" of her Landmark column. If you are familiar with the writer's work, you know where she's coming from and the column is not misread. In addition, the publication for which she writes assumes the readers are well-educated and intelligent, because of the demographics of that particular community - it is highly doubtful anyone reading Marble's column would rush out and sign up for Landmark. Take a breath, dear people, and relax a little.
Gee, I have two college degrees and I couldn't tell whether she was writing of her experience in glowing terms or tongue-in-cheek.
Which "god" is the one to whom or of whom you write, if you don't mind saying? And by that I don't mean the conventional one or some variant, but the brand-name of your particular religious persuasion. And how much have you investigated this group, if at all? Imagine if she had come back from a scientology week-end and written about it as "fun & interesting."
Thanks for your input,