Re: quote, unquote "Real Love" - $$$
Date: May 04, 2018 01:41AM
One thing cult groups, like RealLove, are known for is their incessant reeling in of new adherents, or believers. This is, and always has been achieved by various means of ‘proselytizing’. Put simply, just going out into the big wide world of life and ‘selling’ or ‘marketing’ the idea, values and principles of said cult to anyone and everyone, family and strangers, friends and acquaintances and everyone else in between. This is done anywhere and everywhere, at any time of day and there is no particular or type of person to hone in on, just tell everyone all about the wonderful cult and how it saved your life and the lives of tens of thousands of others and it can save yours too! And we’ve all pretty much experienced that one person (may be more) in our lives who is so passionate about said cult that they are now highly involved with, that we can see, and hear, and sense and know very deep down within our souls that this person in front of us, selling this concept to us, has fallen for absolute and outright bullshit. We might have been drawn-in to the idea at first and given them our time and attention – but at some point, be in the same initial conversation or many, many conversations later we clock that they have been fooled into joining a cult and they are trying to fool us too. Some are fooling us knowingly, as it is their task to gain new followers. But there are many more who don’t have a clue that they have been suckered into a cult – that actually genuinely ‘believe’ it is what it said on the tin (therapy group, counselling group, spiritual group, life coaching, learning to love etc.). But you ‘know’ straight away that they have been duped into believing and joining and so you either choose not to associate with them anymore (you’ve had enough of their proselytizing), tell them you are not interested, tell them you have your faith or religion, tell them any other sort of rubbish story to get them off your back, or if you really truly care for this person you’ll tell them forthright and from the heart that they are in a cult. In each case the proselytizing will stop – eventually. But with the latter reason you will probably lose their friendship as they will not believe you and feel incredibly insulted and hurt.
Cults have been around for a very long time and are no different today than they ever have been. Cults have adapted and changed their enrolment methods over the years with key ingredient being the proselytizing and deception. Deception is key and that has always been the foundation of gaining new cult membership – it’s just that it has got a lot more clever than it used to be.
In generations back we all knew something about cults and they were not something any of us wanted to be involved with. We were all taught to steer clear of the motivational speakers at university touting their ideologies and reeling in the poor youngsters who didn’t have a clue what was going on – but it all sounded good. As usual, and has always been the case and will be forever more until they are eradicated, they tell us that our childhood have been horrendous and that we have not been loved by our parents properly blah blah blah. There is not one single cult that does not use this message as a foundation. Ever. It has been the biggest drawcard in getting people to listen and fall prey. They will also say how they are the ‘only’ ones who have all the answers and it is only by living and believing them that you will find happiness, fulfilment, salvation or love in your life. All leaders, without a shadow of a doubt – and the cult does not have to be religious or based on religion at all – are messengers of God, who channelled through them this amazing and earth shattering information, news, or call it whatever you want and nowadays this manifests as things such as ‘principles’, ‘Laws of…’, etc. etc. etc.
Not only have these leaders been specially chosen by god and the spiritual realms, but it is only through them, and them only and whatever they say, and what they say ‘only’ that will save people. These two factors are MASSIVE clues as to the fact that you are dealing with a cult. Massive. And you would think that people would see this and …!! But no, they don’t run. In decades past more people ran than joined, and we’d all hear stories about someone we knew who’d been accosted in the street and tried to be forced to join a cult. But we rarely hear of this sort of behaviour now. That is because it has all become so very deceptive. For two very big reasons. Firstly, the massive leaps in knowledge to do with the human mind, and the scientific testing and sharing of that information, and secondly the exponential improvement to modern technology. Both of these things are widely used to draw people into cults in a way that they have no idea it is actually happening to them. We could smell the bullshit easier in times past, but it’s a little bit more difficult now. And in this day and age people are so ashamed of being duped that they would rather go in hard and proselytize madly to gain new members – to thus ‘prove’ somehow that said cult is not a cult because other people are joining. Or by frantically proving it’s not a cult the person is in because of …… What are these ‘because of’s?’ These are the deceptive smokescreens that the cults of today use to fool people into believing that they are not really a cult – so we get hoodwinked. But because these clever tools ‘appear’ to be bona fide, it seems to become a decent argument and many people fall for it. However, once you are in the ‘mind-control’ loop there is not much that anyone can say to them to change their mind and get them to see that they are in a cult.
In generations past we only heard about cults through other peoples’ narrow escape stories, or from the news headlines when some major event was happening, or of the rescue kidnappings that saved people from a fate that had no idea about. They are still just as bad and just as deceptive, but much more clever with it, and while motivations have changed and the dynamics have changed about what a cult looks like and how it behaves the end results for adherents when they finally leave are just the same as ever. They penny eventually drops. It’s not like some things in life that build and build over time with doubts creeping in little by little until reaching a boiling point where something has to be done, although this is still the case for many. Modern cult members very often, if not being professionally guided back out, will have the penny drop all of a sudden. Things will just all come together and line up and not make sense, or make complete sense and then the reality sets in of what they have done. This must be one of the worst realisations ever happening to a human being – especially after they have split their marriage, rejected all their family members and friends and closed their life off in every way possible following the ideals, principles and laws of one person. To wake up from enthrallment must be such a shock to the very core of a person’s being – especially those who vehemently rejected, to those people who cared enough about them, that they were in a cult and who they eventually blocked from their life because of that mere suggestion.
The clever deception of modern cults, such as RealLove© Trademark Registered is their use of the two key elements that turn people into avid followers. As mentioned earlier this is the psychology element. So much scientific information is out there, and so many techniques to control and manipulate the mind. And like a wise scientist once said about something else, ‘it can either be used for good, or for bad – I hope it is used for good’ (I believe, Einstein). Many people are wary of psychological stuff – especially psychiatry. With good reason, because if you are loud and outspoken and may have a psychological condition it is likely you’ll be perceived as dangerous and that may lead you into a series of events that will forever cause mental and emotional destruction – if it is not right for you. But we need not be scared of psychology and counselling altogether as they have much benevolent help to offer – and they are about freeing you to be you, and not medically kidnapping you and taking control of your life and thoughts. Psychology is recognised as a science in recent years and it is also recognised that the mind is VERY, VERY EASILY MANIPULATED AND CONTROLLED. You just have to know how. Think car salesman, door-to-door salesman, and those telesales folk who are so pushy and forceful, but creepy too. They can talk anyone into anything by using a range of techniques that they use to manipulate your mind and emotions as well as letting down your guard and decision-making. Not just with words and interplay, non-verbal body language but hypnotic tricks, and many other psychological tools. Cults use all of these explicitly in all their activities. So whereas in years gone by many people would have got to a point with the proselytizing and told someone to bog off, nowadays our creepy proselytizer just kicks in with a known technique when they identify a certain behaviour. Most people don’t really stand a chance.
The other method at the modern cult’s disposal is technology. Cult leaders don’t even have to have or invest in a compound now! They don’t have to get everyone physically working for them, they don’t have to do anything in the ways that former cult leaders have done. Being a leader of a cult is not always about money, although there should be enough of a cashflow to keep up a life of not working (maintain a nice property, vehicles, holidays, expenses, lifestyle etc.). The leader has people working for and trained by them who do all the work ensuring that the money comes in. The cult is copyrighted to the leaders name, all their cult principles, laws, rules, behaviour codes, what to do’s etc… The cult leader also has their cult trademarked and registered too – just so that it doesn’t ‘look’ like a cult. Although it must be said that this deception has been going on a long time as the moonies and other cults register under different names businesses that link directly to the cult and people have no idea that this is so. And of course being copyright/trademark/registered they surely cannot be seen as a cult because this is not a behaviour of cults now is it? And the leader writes a whole load of books as well, so of course a ‘real cult leader’ would not write books would they? But for a long time now, some of the biggest and most well-known cults in history ‘have’ been writing books and distributing paraphernalia. They have not always kept their cult ideologies a complete secret.
While cult leaders don’t always aspire to be a multi-millionaire with mansions all around the world, they do, and still do, love the idea of being famous, adored, looked up to, feted, sought after and of being rather God-like. They love and feed off of this sense of power that all their followers give to them. Many have, and will continue to, move past the being powerful and god-like over and of other people who prey subservient to them and despise this stupidity while also loving how gullible everyone is. There are many stories by ex-cult members about how they saw this happening in their esteemed leader. However, what technology does is make it far easier to set up a cult and sit back in our armchair and control all these people – who believe every word we say! They don’t even have to leave their own home – except now and again. They can utilise modern technology to build a VIRTUAL CULT COMPOUND. The followers do as followers have always had to do – leave their partner, reject family and friends and dis- associate themselves from life. But instead of upping sticks and moving into a real compound that stay at home and tune into nightly conference phone calls, go to weekly groups, attend weekend seminars every now and then, go on the cult mind-control program once a month, watch the leaders’ video-chat once a week, and get a cult intermediary (trained and qualified by the leader) to coach, guide, teach, preach and tell you what to do with your life in a face-to-face or daily phone call interaction. Followers are totally disconnected from real life, all the bad people, but connected as much as possible by technology to stay in close contact with the all the good people – the cult. This is a virtual reality situation, a virtual cult compound. In this scenario people really are as much under the leader’s total mind-control as if they were on a compound in some remote region of the world. All the followers’ minds have been psychologically manipulated by various techniques (mind-control, persuasive coercion, undue influence etc.) stolen from psychology and used for bad and not good, while those very followers are indoctrinated to believe that psychology is bad and to stay away as it will not help them. This is very useful, because if they did go out and study psychology they might actually be enlightened as to what is happening to them. Clever tactic. The follower’s really don’t have the capacity to see what is happening to them and how their life is being destroyed. They are not in bliss and joy and there is no wonderful conclusion to being involved and following the leader. It’s all a total smokescreen using the best of modern technology to not just manipulate our minds, but to control our life so that followers don’t realise what they are doing. The longer people are kept in this state, that better for the leader.
I remember having a heated discussion about a member of RealLove’s propensity to proselytize and they denied outrightly that they were doing this. They stated emphatically that when they were ‘talking’ about RealLove©Trademark Registered, that they were “loving people”. I recall saying that going around being forceful (which they called passionate), and bombarding people with a set of values, principles, laws, behaviour checks etc. was NOT loving people, it was no different to being trapped by a JW, Mormon, Scientologist, Moonie etc. in the street with them going on and on about their religion/cult. They disagreed vehemently “ no, no, no, no, no,… this IS loving people”. And then I realised in the fact that they are completely under mind-control (or brainwashed if you like) by RealLove that they have come to totally, fully and completely believe this key doctrine:
“There is only one kind of love, however, that can fill us up, make us whole, and give us the happiness we all want: unconditional love or RealLove ©(Trademark, Registered)”
Yep, followers of RealLove actually believe that RealLove©Trademark Registered is 100% unconditional love. They cannot see that Greg Baer has basically attempted to copyright for himself, and trademark ‘unconditional love’ simply by giving it another name and owning the rights to that name – telling his followers that both things are one and the same thing – which they are NOT.
Then there’s this one as well:
“It is unconditional love or RealLove ©(Trademark, Registered) that we all seek, and somehow we recognise that anything other than that kind of love isn’t really love at all – it’s an imitation of the real thing. Unconditional love – RealLove©(Trademark, Registered) – is so different from the kind of love most of us have known all our lives that it deserves both a name and definition of its own”
Sorry Greg Baer, but you are so very WRONG on this one. But I now see that all that relentless pushing and pushing and pushing to join and believe in RealLove©Trademark Registered is because the person we know as our friend, lover, partner, family member, co-worker etc. has had their mind manipulated so fully that they actually believe that when they are what is seen to all and is ‘proselytizing’ (trying to gain new RealLove members) they see as ‘being loving’. They actually think and believe that they are giving their unconditional love to you, or anyone else they are sharing all their RealLove claptrap to. This is not only FREE advertising and promotion for the cult, but it is the same behaviour that has been going on since the first cult formed – and yet members do not see this either. They just think they are being loving.
I’ve lost some lovely, beautiful and wonderful friends in RealLove due to my discovery that it is a cult, and my telling people so. People don’t want to know me anymore. This is fine, it does hurt, but I understand that they truly believe that I am in pain and suffering something really bad and will be forever unhappy blah blah blah. But, I told people directly and indirectly through posts on facebook because I care about them and want them to see the light and not be trapped forever and miss out on a rich and fulfilling life. Not my choice to make I know, but then it’s not someone’s choice to make to manipulate people and have power over them for your own selfish deviated reasons. If I have sparked something deep within and the questioning begins to filter through one day then I will be happy, I will be there for them, and will love and accept them without judgement or criticism. If it means that I spark some deep questioning within someone about the cult they are in, RealLove, and I get to lose a friend and be hated, then I am happy with that and are able to sleep at night. It’s better I say something and lose that person and they eventually get out, than say nothing and they are trapped forever. Mind you, there’s quite a few men who really do ‘know’ what is going on but they turn a blind eye to it because they get off on the ‘love’ that comes with going to a group. The stroking of body parts and fingers run through their hair, laying in a woman’s spread legs and in her arms with her breasts in their face, the odd unforeseen erection now and then (whoops!), touching, hugging etc. There’s no denying that any man attended to and being loved with lots of touching by two or more women would just keep going back for more, even if he wasn’t sold on RealLove. I think this sort of group brings out the pervert that lies hidden in some men. There is no doubt that there are males who don’t want to do the whole shenanigans, but just go to group for the touching.
The final thing about how modern technology has changed the face and structure of a cult like RealLove for example, is that it can be used to truly HIDE what is going on under the surface. You have to admit that the gorgeous photographs (akin to LDS type promotional material) and videos and websites makes everything look so sweet and beautiful and loving and innocent. Yet, this cult like many others hides behind being a charity, as well as a life coaching organisation when in fact they are neither. The charity side is basically paying for Greg Baer’s lifestyle, home etc. so that he can make a video every week, do the odd intervention for quite a few thousand pounds/dollars, or the odd seminar for a weekend (for a few thousand pounds/dollars) and be at the end of a phone to ‘love’ people. By love people, that means spout his principles to followers. The same goes for the couple in the UK running things over there – both sustained by RealLove followers’ money via programs, daddies and mummies, seminars and tagging onto anything that can make a buck without doing a day’s work or actually any charity at all. The whole thing ‘looks’ squeaky clean’ and yet it is really quite evil. If we took away the groups, nightly conference calls, wise people, and everything else except the one-to-one contact between a coach and a client we’d have a coaching arrangement. An arrangement that maintains complete confidentiality as to who else is getting coaching and what that coaching is all about. There is no confidentiality here at all, because it is not a life coaching program – it is a cult. A clever, deceptive, manipulative cult that is using modern technology and psychological science to create a smokescreen as to what it is, and reeling people into a situation they feel powerless or too frightened to get out of, joining a crazy religion ‘because it aligns with Real Love principles and has a sense of community’ (LDS), being trapped into a virtual reality cult commune because they’ve rejected everyone they ever knew and loved in their life, and led to believe that they are being unconditionally loving by pestering people to join them!! The coaches who are also registered and insured with professional bodies should all be de-registered as they have all contravened so many of the factors that underpin being a professional coach. Shame on them all.
But maybe this is Greg Baer getting a practice run for being given his own planet, of which he’ll be the God of, when he dies. He has risen in the ranks of LDS and probably got more people to join Mormonism than anyone else in recent years and so maybe this is Greg’s way of getting a bit of experience of what it is like to play God, because he’s dun goooood in this life and god will reward him. People following this thread, and the other one about RealLove on this site (REAL LOVE on ‘Cults, Sects and New Religious groups’) who have lost people to all this craziness I can only but feel your pain at losing your loved one’s as I too have lost people I value in my life. I hope that if anyone on here manages to get someone out of RealLove that they would share their experience of how this was achieved, as it may be useful to other people. I pray every day for the souls of people trapped in cults to find that inner realisation and have the strength and courage to get out – as well as for the people who love and care for them to have the courage and strength to just love them when they do! I know I will, but at the moment I still doubt that they are able to see the light, or trust that I really do care.