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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 15, 2006 05:57AM

Well, each person may have their own reasons.

It's a public board and it's up to them.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: December 15, 2006 06:27AM

It would still be nice if someone had the tenacity to find more publicly available documents on the financial dealings of this controversial organization.

The best defense that individuals have against potentially dangerous "cult-like" organizations is as much factually accurate information as possible.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: private eye ()
Date: January 03, 2007 02:05PM

my 1st post. Sounds ugly all that is said. I know what is going on who lives where. Michael lives in a house in Lucerne but the house is under a different name,,? why? and a lady lives there with a completely different name sounds fishy to me, she may be "Paprika" I know her real name and alot more. The house Michael lives in has a new two car garage. Personal if u ask me. money well spent for him. I can say alot more , lets see if this goes through 1st

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: stop rw ()
Date: January 08, 2007 04:32AM

Private eye,

Sounds ugly and fishy.........because RW is ugly and fishy !!!

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: michlook ()
Date: January 18, 2007 07:49AM

Anything new on this organization?

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: withone ()
Date: January 21, 2007 04:22AM

Here's another insight to the Royal Way operation.
Most of us know that the RW members have these small group sessions somewhere in LA area. I'm not sure what the purpose of these sessions are, but I do know that when these members get together they share intimate details of their lives. For instance, family troubles, financial, medical, professional...etc.
We also know that these sessions are led by one or two of the higher ranking(level) members. So here's whats troubling....these ranking members take detailed notes(written or mental) on whats going on in a particular members life, and they write a letter to Michael outlining these details.
Of course when these non-ranking members have a private session with Michael, they are in awe with this guy who seem to understand their feelings and the emotional distress they have/are going through.

So, whats in it for these ranking members?
First, they look good in front of Michael. They know that they have provided something very critical to Michael's operation. Like everyone else, Michaels not a mind reader. He probably usese the same techique that most fortune tellers use. Becuse of the "Awe" factor, they forget whats details they have revealed in the first place.

Second, these ranking members are humans just like you and me. They all have the desire to seek power and authority over something or someone. So in this case, their choice of weapon is "Information", not guns and ammunitions. Just imagine that you're a corporation that have inside information about your competitior, I think this leaves the competitor/person very vulnerable.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: Cult-ivator ()
Date: January 21, 2007 11:52PM

I thought I read somewhere in this thread where Sharon Sloan stated that she gave a parcel of land and another member gave a couple of parcels of land to RWRanch. I did a title search of "Royal Way" and got 45 different parcels of land that they own. I didn't pull up complete reports on all 45 properties, but I randomly pulled a few and Sharon Sloan "gifted" and/or "quit claimed" at least 3 parcels to RWR and another woman with the last name of Sloan gave at least another 3. I live in the vicinity of their compound (locals use words like "compound" & "cult" when talking about them). They are located on the Lucerne Valley / Apple Valley border and many, possibly most, of the parcels of land that RWR owns are in Apple Valley. Just thought that info might be helpful to someone out there.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Real Deal ()
Date: February 02, 2007 02:13AM

Here's another insight to the Royal Way operation.
Most of us know that the RW members have these small group sessions somewhere in LA area. I'm not sure what the purpose of these sessions are, but I do know that when these members get together they share intimate details of their lives. For instance, family troubles, financial, medical, professional...etc.
We also know that these sessions are led by one or two of the higher ranking(level) members. So here's whats troubling....these ranking members take detailed notes(written or mental) on whats going on in a particular members life, and they write a letter to Michael outlining these details.

They tell you that one reason you need to go to class (small sessions you described) is so you are better able to be with Michael on the pilgrimages. As for the information getting back to Michael, absolutely right on, liaisons do this work (such a special privilege :) ). The awe factor is something that particularly hits newcomers, because they are not aware of what is being set up behind the scenes. Then they grow this awe, which in time, is never questioned. Meanwhile, Maggie and her groupies sit around after class, talking about people behind there backs. Really spiritual isn't it? Well, maybe things have improved since I left and they changed, especially with all this Internet activity. I am sure it has sparked questions/skepticism for anyone looking into a Royal Way retreat and I say so be it.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Real Deal ()
Date: February 02, 2007 02:41AM

The Anticult

Case 29315VSMG Defendant 2047890 GOTTLIEB, MICHAEL M


Name YOB Case Number Filing Date Count 1 Charge
GOTTLIEB, MICHAEL M 1928 29315VSMG 04/06/2005 VC I21802(A)

There is also a civil suit listed as well, PI Motor Vehicle



This really shows one of the many cover ups in Royal Way. I was in Royal Way when this accident happened and we were told it was [b:9f921a2a00]not[/b:9f921a2a00] Michael's fault. Why the cover up? Does that make him more human and less enlightened? Why not use this as a teaching, "you are the cause." To think, I spent hours of my time getting to the ranch, to attend healing meditations for Michael that were based on a lie!

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Real Deal ()
Date: February 02, 2007 04:13AM

Another Member

I too am a member of Royal Way. I have been reading the unspeakable lies about Royal Way that you and a few others have posted on this website. I chose not to respond because I did not want to be a part of such unpleasant, low level interactions.

But I can no longer remain silent. What is this strange obsession of yours? You keep spewing this nonsense about Michael and a profit plan. You don’t know Michael. You don’t know anything about his finances. As a matter of fact, Michael gives everything he earns, not only to Royal Way, but also to individuals. You say you asked RW members to discuss this and we have ignored it. We haven’t ignored it. We said no.

And who made you the authority on what is a legitimate church? Who are you to pass judgment? You actually think your opinion in this context means anything?

Unspeakable lies? There are many facts posted on this forum and a fact is not a lie. It could simply be a matter of perception. Maybe it is like your perception of not wanting to act on such low level interactions, but you did didn't you? The most disturbing part of your post is your response to the questioning on what Michael earns, you say, "we haven't ignored it, we say no."

Michael gives everything he earns, where did you get this malarkey?
It is all about what Michael earns, the lavish gifts he gets, the luxury car(sssssss), the patrons party (not really for the patrons) and the grand gala that goes along with it. The donations of money and land parcels. Free labor, oh yeah, that is service, where you can see your process. All for the higher good? With no questions asked?

Then you go on with your condescending tone, saying, "who made you an authority?" When there are actual facts being disclosed, that may be an issue for some that don't see Michael as the almighty. You think you are above it all, just because of your opinion. I want to make this very clear, your opinion and your inability to question does not reveal the facts. So the same question you asked in your posting may apply to you, "You think your opinion in this context means anything?"

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