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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 12, 2006 07:47AM

Folks can also file complaints with the BBB in the area against Royal Way. There is a national BBB charity index, but Royal Way would be local, at this point.

BBB Complaints


The Better Business Bureau serving LOS ANGELES, CA andSAN BERNARDINO, CA is:

BBB of the Southland
WWW: []
Phone: (909)825-7280
Fax: (909)825-6246
PO Box 970
Colton, CA 92324 -3052

National Charity complaints.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 12, 2006 07:54AM

stop rw
I wouldn't be surprised if a media outlet jumped all over this story in the near future.

Stay tuned..................................

If a person wanted to get some media going, they could spend a little while putting together some information about Royal Way. The complaints, secrecy, etc. Keep it factual.

Also, list some of the more serious complaints as well being made against them, some of their "weird" practices, that they are being called a "cult", and are buying up property like crazy, etc That would give the media something to dig into.

Then make a list of a bunch of media in the area, big and small.

Then send them the info, and call them up. Call up a local reporter on his phone, and tell him what has gone on.
One of them will bite, and once the media starts investigating, then things will start moving.

It would only take a few hours of work to get that moving, and if a person feels that is something that is important to do, it could help others to not get sucked into the Royal Way sect.

That is what stopped the Gentle Wind Project, just people telling the TRUTH.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: antibigotry ()
Date: November 12, 2006 01:34PM

To Anticult:

You quote a portion of my post and write “There are clearly some pretty smooth operators in the Royal Way group.”

My post was a genuine response [...] I feel my personal privacy and that of my community violated [...]and my spiritual beliefs questioned and mocked by people whom I know nothing about [...]

No one in Royal Way is an “operator”. We are real and unique individuals with real jobs who work for a living and have families, who vote and love this country and the good it stands for. And get ready to be shocked: WE PAY OUR TAXES [...]

[b:645469432b][Editor's note: "flaming" by posting a stream of insults as you did will not be approved and appear on this board. Last warning. You may be banned if you persist][/b:645469432b]

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: stop rw ()
Date: November 12, 2006 10:02PM

Dear The Anti cult,

Just wanted to thank you for all of your efforts and the time that you've put into exposing the fraud that is called the royal way.

Your posts are very accurate and resourceful. Even if just one person is saved from either joining or escaping from this cult that is led by a sociopath, then all of your efforts have been worthwhile.

Although, I feel as if a lot more will take place in the near future and the end of this cult is on the horizon. Lets hope it doesn't end like Jonestown.

Keep up the awesome work. Best of luck.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 12, 2006 10:16PM

stop rw:

It is exrtremely rare for a group to end like Jonestown.

In examining RW, which is largely a group of professonal people living and working in California, it is doubtful that this group will ever approach such an extreme situation or position.

They are not living in a compound. Instead, they are working at jobs within the larger communtiy.

It seems important not to become too shrill and exaggerate the situation.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 12, 2006 10:40PM

I had the same thoughts, after the post by "Paprika". It was my opinion that the text in that post was probably composed by Michael, due to its structure.
I have seen that type of thing before. You have a Guru, who has conditioned his flock to think that he is some type of Divine Being, and can influence reality. So when he says he "knows who they are", for someone who believes he is some type of Divine Being, then they might believe it.
I also saw the text as being some type of attempt at a spiritual or superstitious karmic "hex". It could be the author really does believe they can influence reality in that way, or they just know that some people are superstitious enough to believe it, and if they believe it, it can affect them negatively.
Its an attempt to invoke a type of "Nocebo" Effect on the victim. Guru's know all about this type of thing.



nocebo and nocebo effect
Research has...shown that the nocebo effect can reverse the body's response to true medical treatment from positive to negative. (Root-Bernstein 1998)

A nocebo (Latin for "I will harm") is something that should be ineffective but which causes symptoms of ill health. A nocebo effect is an ill effect caused by the suggestion or belief that something is harmful. The term 'nocebo' became popular in the 1990s. Prior to that, both pleasant and harmful effects thought to be due to the power of suggestion were usually referred to as being due to the placebo effect.

Arthur Barsky, a psychiatrist at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital, found in a recent review of the nocebo literature that patient expectation of adverse effects of treatment or of possible harmful side-effects of a drug, played a significant role in the outcome of treatment (Barsky et al. 2002).

Since patients' beliefs and fears may be generated by just about anything they come in contact with, it may well be that many things that are unattended to by many if not most physicians, such as the color of the pills they give, the type of uniform they wear, the words they use to give the patient information, the kind of room they place a patient in for recovery, etc., may be imbued with rich meaning for the patient and have profound effects for good or for ill on their response to treatment.

I was moved to make my first posting after I noticed what I perceived to be a theme of retribution in some of the RW members' postings...
I was concerned with the "Judas" and the "stroke" comments ... but I think it's another thing when you begin to feel that others should be punished for speaking out about your group or questioning its legitimacy.

It seems the authors of these postings were fanaticizing that people that are anti-RW would be the victim of some type of divine retaliation or karma, if you will. ...But when they take their ideations to the next level, start discussing themes of Judas and betrayal... well, I just find it disturbing.

Maybe I’m the only one who felt that way when I read those posts, but I just thought I'd put it out there.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 12, 2006 10:58PM

Antibigotry, I am not going to get into a personal war of words, as that is just a distraction. I was simply pointing out that getting someone to come down alone, onto the recruiters turf, is the oldest technique in the book.
I happen to think, based on the posts in this thread, that those who are identifying themselves as Royal Way, are quite smooth operators, except when they are asked tough questions!

Instead of people coming down onto Royal Ways turf, why don't they post their financials in this thread, or link to their website with the info? Then we can "discuss" that information.

Also, you accused me of religious bigotry, which is obviously false.

I am simply asking for an open accounting of a tax-exempt corporation.
The extreme hysterical response of the Royal Way members to the most basic adherence to the most basic ethical principles, pretty much tells the entire story.
As far as taxes, that is up to the IRS. I am not talking about Royal Way members personal taxes. I am talking about the tax-exempt corporations financials. Until we see hard evidence and facts, then everything else coming from Royal Way is just empty words.
Even worse, alleged officers of Royal Way have made claims in this thread, and then [b:43b06098c3]refused [/b:43b06098c3]to provide the evidence to back it up. That is very damning.

To Anticult:

You quote a portion of my post and write “There are clearly some pretty smooth operators in the Royal Way group.”
...and my spiritual beliefs questioned and mocked by people whom I know nothing about [...]
No one in Royal Way is an “operator”. ...And get ready to be shocked: WE PAY OUR TAXES [...]

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 12, 2006 11:10PM

The irony of this situation, is that if Royal Way simply adhered to the most basic ethical principles of financial transparency, then at least 50% of the argument would not even occur!
Its very clear that because Royal Way absolutely [b:126c53a286]refuses to adhere to the most basic ethical standards[/b:126c53a286], then they should be avoided at all costs for that reason alone.
A tax-exempt group that has operated for 27 years, with all sorts of real estate transfers, and no public records? Stay far away folks, stay far far away.

One wonders what they are going to do with all that land? Is it just a place to hold money and let it accrue, or is there another reason? Are they building something? Flipping the properties for profit? Are there land trading conflicts of interest?

No one knows, as there is no disclosure whatsoever from the board of Royal Way...the board won't even tell the public who they are!
That is light-years beyond outrageous!

That is why open disclosure is a must, to prevent the abuses that can occur in the shadows, secrecy and darkness.

That applies to all groups and sects, not just Royal Way.

stop rw
Dear The Anti cult,

Just wanted to thank you for all of your efforts and the time that you've put into exposing the fraud that is called the royal way.

Your posts are very accurate and resourceful. Even if just one person is saved from either joining or escaping from this cult that is led by a sociopath, then all of your efforts have been worthwhile.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: stop rw ()
Date: November 13, 2006 01:23AM


Having had the unfortunate experience of dating a rw member, I can tell you that without a doubt, this lost soul would have done ANYTHING to impress or adhere to the sociopath "teacher".

Unfortunately, this would also include suicide. I'm not saying that all followers would do the same. My point is that this person was completely brainwashed and under the control of their "teacher".

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 13, 2006 04:34PM

Earlier in this thread, we talked about how some of the text in this thread appeared to be some type of attempt at a "curse" on the "Judas" of Royal Way.
All of these Guru's use that "curse" trick.

Listen to [b:be313eee94]Benny Hinn[/b:be313eee94] placing a CURSE against his critics, and claiming he has supernatural powers, the curse, and the claim to have "powers" is basically the same as the earlier post in this thread.
What is really scary is that huge amounts of people believe these types of cheap theatrics. Curse This!

Hinn placing a curse on his opponents. 787kb

"Under this anointing, everything I say, happens" 319kb


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