Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wheels ()
Date: April 13, 2009 05:51AM

Hello, can you tell me specifically how theophostic prayer is unBiblical?

Thank you.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: timeforchange ()
Date: April 13, 2009 08:27AM

Hello, can you tell me specifically how theophostic prayer is unBiblical?

Thank you.

I found a few of websites, ones for and one against. I am caught somewhere in between. I am not sure it is all bad, I think the problem is when it is used and then pounded over ones' head; which RLC has done. I do know this leaves no room for any physical issues one might have and leads to great condemnation and judgement. This is definitely more against then for. For me personally the jury is still out but I lean toward the side of caution.

Thess websites are against. []

This website is for. []

So here is the research I did, hope this will help.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2009 08:33AM by timeforchange.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 13, 2009 02:49PM

That is an interesting term and Iagree with "Wheel".....approach with caution!

I keep going back to this thought
"When people create terms and phrases, then get fixated on that activity, that the Bible does not address, approach with caution."

I recall from a couple of accounts where people were talking about Tony being able to see people in his prayer time. I have pretty much concluded that he has blended Astral projection (or astral travel). I recall people saying that Tony can read your mail (referring that he can read your mind). This also is connected to the out-of-body experiences people can experience while practicing Astral projection.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: April 14, 2009 01:37PM

For the first time that I can remember in the last six years I am observing the RLC being kept up to date with current staff and personnell. Chris Bambao is no longer included with the other staff members. It appears he has been taken off of the website. I would say welcome to freedom Chris and Janet. you guys are good people. Any followup on the Kynastons. Just hoping and praying that the good people that go there can escape from the manipulation and abuse. Are there many members left from the soma compound class. Or are they all still there and working at starbucks.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 14, 2009 07:10PM

Yes the stories that people have heard about Tony getting up in the middle of the night to pray, oh, that sounded so intimidating to the SOMA students and staff, it even intimidated several of the men who attended Tony's “3 strands marriage conference”. When Rose talked about Tony getting up in the middle of the night to (pray) that the children would some times get up and find Tony lying on the floor in front of their bed room (praying). But do not let it intimidate you in the least bit; this is just one of the places where Tony meets with his demons. I mentioned the astral projection or OBE – Out of body Experiences in a previous post. This is a practice that is similar to Hypnosis or Yoga meditation where a person can move the conscious mind into an astral plane or dimension. Descriptions of such experiences are found in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife, with the soul's journey or "ascent” being described in such terms as "an...out-of-body experience" wherein the spiritual traveler leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dream-body or astral body) into ‘other’ realms.”

I have researched this practice and found that people practicing Astral Projection often wonder into astral projection sex. This dates back to the pagan practice of people having sex with demons. Now in Tony’s world I believe he has managed to keep it pretty much on the emotional spiritual level but then there is stuff going on behind closed doors that I don’t need to speculate.

The 3 strands was the concept where married couples were instructed to allow God into their marriage to be that 3rd strand holding the marriage together. On the surface that sounds pretty good. But where Tony took it sideways was mixing in his Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Parenting and Covenant Relationships in to the couple’s relationship. Soon Tony was that 3rd strand and the husband was an emasculated pawn.

Here is an excerpt from an unidentified person who posted there experience with astral projection.

“Vast numbers of individuals and clustering groups of people are seeking ways to experience out of body, never mind that several of these people seeking to be out of their bodies are actually seldom in their bodies in the first place - more than 50 percent of their energetic fields are hanging out in the ethers....

My personal experience is that for a major part of my life I had been out-of-my-body more than in it. And even now making conscious efforts to be more aware of my body and to actually be IN MY BODY continually I struggle with yanking myself back in. My spiritual nature is floaty. Grounding exercises help tremendously with maintaining a balance of our physical and spiritual bodies.

For years I thought that being out-of-body equated with being an enlightened or more spiritual being. I have since learned (urr...remembered) that I AM already a spiritual being. Being here on the planet means that I have this unique opportunity to be housed within a physical shell. Why discard or disdain the physical house? Without our bodies we wouldn't be able to enjoy the physical pleasures such as eating or sexual intimacy among many other physical sensations. After all, how could the spiritual body devour chocolate??

Out of body experiences done in a controlled fashion are safer and more fulfilling. Cherish your physical body as a place to return safely home to after the spiritual journey, not as a place to run away from.

I recall a couple of years ago sitting in the grasses among another 20-25 individuals to listen to a spiritual oriented man share his astral projection journeys. During the Q&A period, the conversation drifted into tips and how-to's for performing astral sex with another person. If you have astral sex with someone outside of your marriage would it be considered infidelity?

Grounding exercises can help us floating spiritual beings become more connected to our physical bodies. Balance is good!”


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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 14, 2009 08:19PM


This thread is about Radiant Life Church in Sacramento.

I have moved your topic "theophostic prayer" to its own thread.

Anyone interested can discuss it with you there.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: wheels ()
Date: April 14, 2009 10:05PM

Great, thanks.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: April 15, 2009 01:56AM

Seems like church these days is all about marketing and how they are going to show themselves, what they are going to represent. Lets come up with a catchy name and decide what our church is. It's about establishing core teams to decide what we duh..........and why we worship god duh. We come up with our own definitions and laws that guide our purpose and we call it church. Churches spend alot of useless time trying to define themselves but never really offer any substance. It is just puff pastry. Consultants hired by RLC? I got fricking ripped off. I want all my tithes back plus all my special offerings to the Cult Leader. I never got a thank you note you know....LOL. Anyway, I have just been surfing the web and looking at churches, some of them just starting up, and some just starting up with ex RLCers. It amazes me how many of these go the route like they are starting a business with the marketing and logos and core teams and definitions and lessons that parallel sitting in a Strategic Advance class taught by Tony. Has it really gotten that bad? Are we in the end times? Yikes! When is the church just going to call itself HOME? When is the church just going to call itself FAMILY? When is the church just going to call itself WORK? When is the church just going to call itself LIFE? When is the church just going to call itself Bel Air or Safeway? When is the church just going to call itself Stockton Boulevard? When is the church just going to call itself Today? When are we going to stop worrying about where the church is going and start worrying about where the world is going? Where the bum down the street is going? Where the people living in the foreclosed house next door are going? Where the person just laid off from the car dealership is going? Where the mom and dad that just lost their daughter are going? Times wasting on wondering where the church is going. We think the church is moving and is supposed to but it is best if it is stable. A church does not have to worry about things like momentum, where are we moving, whats our mission, if they are following the word of god. It is not that difficult but rather simple. Love God, Worship God, Feed the poor, oppressed, take care of widows and orphans. Share the good news. Help people!!!!!!! Stay true to the word of God. Show grace and mercy and love. Correct and Rebuke false teachings. On and on. A matter of fact if a church is constantly moving say in the way RLC was at one time. You know........At one time there was so much going on and so much momentum about doing things. The church and the church members were busy all the time. Think about it. If you have that then how can someone who truly wants to catch the church actually catch them. They cant because the church is constantly moving.......momentum. People are too busy to stop and do the real work they are called to do. I know I experienced it myself. Got blown off plenty of times by people who were too busy. Witnessed several times the very poor treatment of newcomers. Witnessed many times the very poor treatment of someone who might be classified as a street person.... a bum.....a streetwalker.......or just a poor person. I helped one of these people who complained to me about the church. Not that they werent getting enough but that they werent very nice or compassionate. That they treated them like a poor person. is that really what jesus wanted. When I heard that i literally took them on a shopping spree and they were so grateful.

We have too many churches trying to define themselves with where are we going. What will be our cause? One starts then another and soon you have thousands of churches with different views of themselves and different purposes and you have the big christian mess of hundreds of denominations like there are today.

Something in the discussions above about consultants and marketing struck a thought wave in me. I am not sure yet what the conclusion to what I have writtem above is except to just say that the way we plan and do church nowadays is blasphemous to the holy spirit. Hearing about the consultants being hired at RLC and knowing that I contributed money to the church really repulses me. I want a refund. LOL. I really thought I was giving my money to God but it was not. My only consolation is that God knew I gave it to him. i certainly can not believe he said go out and hire a consultant so that all the little squiggly lines through out the church and on the website match and look good. You know the ying and yang lines Braveheart refers to. Is God saying if you do that they will certainly know that I am somewhere in the squiggly lines or in the artwork in the foyer.

Anyway...... this is unedited and somewhat random but needed to let it go. I think it is the prevalance of the things I have mentioned above along with alot of bad teaching that has kept me from CHURCH in the new age marketing sense that our society has developed in these days. God help all of us.

If I didnt make sense just write me off as a crack pot. I am probably not even on topic but this forum has been so great to share stories and testimonies and just heal and begin to grow in a new walk with a real God that cares and is full of truth.

This is part of what I have been saying since my first day on this thead. However this is not something new it dates all the way back to Constantine and his supposed conversion to "Christianity" and then the things he did to make "Christianity" acceptable to mainstream culture by doing things that were in conformity to the governmental and pagan religious institutions of the world. Common talk about wake up people at RLC, but wake up everone who practices institutional christianity/churchianity.

On another note some mentioned the joke that RLC called PCARE. From my experiece PCARE must of stood for "let me come beside you and Pee or your leg and tell you its the rain on God."

Also as for talking about the topic of someone reading your mail. Some times those who walk in genuine Prophetic gifting (Not the Pathetic that Tony C and his followers practice) and others of who have genuine genuine Spiritual gifts of the Word of Knowleged have insite given by the Holy Spirit about individuals. I have at times known details about people and there lives that I had no way of knowing naturally that have been confirmed by those people. However doing so brought glory to God no me. As for Tony C I beleive it is possible that at one time he could have walked in genuine Spiritual gifting, but that he eventually gave himself over to his narcissistic tendencies and lust for power and riches and that him then became false and no longer walked by the Spirit, but became led a long by his own lust and demonic spirits.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2009 02:15AM by TomWilson.

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: April 16, 2009 12:08AM

So when will the current elders wake up? How much more will it take? With "pastor" Tony's proven propensity to look out for number one what do they think is going to happen to themselves as part of his current in crowd?

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Re: Radiant Life Church of Sacramento, California, Pastor Tony Cunningham
Posted by: Guess Who ()
Date: April 16, 2009 01:06AM

“As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities”


Better yet -

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"

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