Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: October 06, 2008 12:43PM


What an excellent observation!
"The problem I am having is that everything has fallen on the leader, the followers are doing as the leader did, and the "authority" has a solution, blame it on the followers... but I don't see Christ. I don't think imitating is working so well."

I believe the rest of your comments need to be quoted!!!!!

I really don't think every one is believing the leader had nothing to with the application. Application comes from repetitive teaching. Once you have heard the same message repeatedly you eventually apply it. But it always starts with the teaching.

Let's see where did this teaching begin...during DTS...discipleship training seminars...anybody remember that. the fourth Friday Night of the month when it was devoted to teaching discipleship. What about the discipleship class in SOMA. How about staff meetings and leadership development. Who taught at all those venues? Consider this please.

How about Spiritual Parenting. Who modeled this? Who taught five fold ministry? Who taught prophetic cadre? Who taught Strategic Advance and Heart of David? Wasn't this principle taught there and in discipleship. Hasn't the main philosophy always been we teach by modeling. I model, you imitate at to be closer to Christ.

My favorite is gossip and slander. We have been taught not to engage in foolish and stupid arguments, quarrels and godless chatter. Who has repeatedly used public platform to discredit those who speak against him. Who had spoken badly of elders, staff, and various leadership during public settings such as prophetic cadre and SOMA classes. What about the public discrediting and maligning of those who have been hurt and spoken out against said leader; most recently from the pulpit FNW, GAP, and Sunday Morning. Aren't the sheep just imitating the Shepard.

Maybe I am a bit cynical, I don't know but I growing wearisome of such abhorrent practices being modeled then the followers being shamed for it.

Being noble means loving God with everything in you, that means loving his people. This doesn't look like love. Love does not produce shame, guilt, or fear.

Matter of fact it is biblical, "there is no fear in perfect love" The love of Christ is perfect. It will not bring fear, shame, guilt, or condemnation.
The promises of God are not dependent upon us. His love is free and he give purpose to us regardless if we sin or not. He still loves us no matter what.

So I pose the question, is modeling working?

RLC keep asking questions. Truth has not yet been exposed within the fellowship. Go to leadership, keep asking, the more who ask, the less it can be denied.

Once again i will ask, why does anyone have to discredit another to build up themselves. Why do they have to use public teaching and prayer times to do so. Unless there is something more, something you don't want told.

Thanks those are great points and questions!

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TrueWords ()
Date: October 06, 2008 12:58PM

I have read this forum off and on for several months now. My family and I left Radiant Life Church way back when they had just been given the bowling alley, and they were still called Elk Grove Community Church at that time. Little by little, I began to see major problems with how the Pastor and the church leadership arrived at decisions they claimed were inspired by God. The straw that broke the camels back was when the pastor sat at my own kitchen table and told me that "I need not study the Bible as much as I was doing. I needed to trust that God would instruct me via the elders he had put over me." That "instruction" set off the "cult" alarm bells in my head instantly. It cemented the idea that there were very serious problems with the pastors teaching and I should not be a part of it any longer. My wife knew leaving was the right thing to do, but it was very difficult for several years after. We continued our relationships with friends in the church, but those relationships were hindered by our leaving.

I just wanted all of you to know, there is life after RLC. A very wonderful life. We are in a healthy Christ centered church in Elk Grove, and have made many wonderful friends. Is our church perfect? No. There is no perfect church as long as humans are in attendance, but there are many churches that preach the word to the best of their ability. I know my problem with attending a new church after leaving RLC was a lack of trust. I listened to every word the pastor said, not with the intent of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in my life, but with the intent of finding fault in the pastor. Please don't do this. You will be prone to doing it after your RLC experience so know it now and be prepared going into that new church. If you were in leadership, you may need a break and time to heal. But that doesn't mean you should stop fellow-shipping with other Christians. Don't let Satan rob you by the lie that you just need a break from church for awhile. Allow God to use this period of difficulty to mold you into the person He wants you to be and you can only do that when surrounded by the fellowship of like minded believers.

Romans 5:3-5 says, 3 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

I can see character developing in so many of you as I read your posts, and the hope is just starting to come. It's amazing to see. If you haven't already, possibly you can begin meeting, not to discuss RLC, but to worship God and to pray for what God will do next in your lives. Great things are ahead!

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: October 06, 2008 09:44PM

txB2God: I apologize for my response to your statement about Thomas and Tony not being God. It did not dawn on me that you were referring to a different Thomas and therefore not my last post, but unfortunately not until after I already submitted it and then since my posts are being moderated before being posted I could not be here when it was finally posted to edit out my brain dead response to your post.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Ring barer ()
Date: October 07, 2008 06:08AM

Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that on a lunch break today Ryan Lazalier and I saw Tony driving down the street. Ryan and I decided it would be a good time to confront Tony on the things he has been saying about us and some other issues that we know to be true such as his propensity to slander those opposed to his conduct. We pulled into his church parking lot right next to where he parked. He attempted to act casual with us saying “what’s up guys?”. Ryan and I started into the conversation with asking why he had so much to say about us, he said he did not know what we were talking about so we provided him with several examples of lies he has told about us and others as well as practices he holds of slander and isolationism. Each account and each example brought before him was met with his denial of any involvement in any of it. Even when we could tell him of things he once told us about others in a slanderous manner he would just not say anything. At one point a man that was with him attempted to let Ryan and I know that we need to seek God, and he postured himself at Tony’s side in a bodyguard like manner, he was promptly met with my suggestion that he ought to mind his own business and that the current conversation did not involve him… in the end we stood before Tony and as he denied having any guilt or any responsibility as to the issues that plague his church we had the opportunity to tell him that he is in fact a liar, a manipulator, a gossip and slanderer, a false teacher, that he holds no real authority, he has absolutely no trans-local authority, that the surrounding church pastors know him as a dangerous teacher, that he is everything that he has said he was not and that he is not anything he claims to be, and finally that he is a coward for having absolutely no remorse for the people that he and his ministry have hurt and for calling those who have left necessary casualties… which he tried to deny saying until he was reminded that he in fact said those things to Ryan and I in private settings about people who have left…

The conversation was not planned it was not looked for, it just happened. And I wanted to let you all know before you have some telephone version told to you. In no way did Ray or I threaten him nor did we suggest anything to him. We simply confronted him with facts to which he showed zero remorse and no concern for what has happened. He denied everything and made no mention that he thought he had acted out of line in any way.

Tony once told my cousin that Ryan and I were “chestless” and “cowards”… yet a man who refuses to take any responsibility or even acknowledge the hurt and damage he has caused is in fact the coward…

Oh and I am sure that we will be served with restraining orders soon….

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: timeforchange ()
Date: October 07, 2008 06:55AM

That term causalty has been thrown around alot by other leadership as well. It had to modeled somewhere. Rembering at RLC modeling is teaching. The highest form of teaching if I remember correctly. Imitate me as I imitate Christ. I am sorry that is not Christ.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Deja Vu ()
Date: October 07, 2008 10:16AM


"In no way did Ray or I threaten him nor did we suggest anything to him. We simply confronted him with facts to which he showed zero remorse and no concern for what has happened. He denied everything and made no mention that he thought he had acted out of line in any way.

Just wanted to clarify that there was not another party involved named Ray. That was in reference to me. I just wanted to stand in TOTAL agreement to Matt in saying that this whole thing was not planned. In fact, when Matt asked, "should we confront him? Ryan, do you want to say anything?" We almost didn't drive into the parking lot. God had other plans so we chose to do what we felt was right. What most of you readers do not know is that Tony and a "few" elders have accused us of being COWARDS by hiding and not coming forward or confronting them. First: Matt and I have come to a few of the Elders. These few Elders are Godly men and are doing what is right. God put it on our hearts to tell them everything months ago. Second:I have personally called Tony and agreed to meet, but he has "dodged" my call. This was a chance to come forward and to let this man know we will not hide and have no reason to. This conversation was NOT HOSTILE at all, though much may be said in the next days and weeks about it.

My question is, "How can any human being so easily deny all this truth and call us liers without any remorse, understanding or any kind of compassion"? How can he look at all of you as CAUALTIES and not look at you as Children of God who have been hurt?

People, this is not a time to SHRINK BACK! It is OK to stand up and confront the lies and those who are supporting this deception. I hope you are all objective in this matter when more lies are brought forward. Matt and I wanted to bring this to you all first. May Gods protection and favor be over everyone of you. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."


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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: October 07, 2008 12:18PM


And Thank You RYAN & MATT for making the most of that opportunity.


or the Apostle Paul confronting the Apostle Peter.....yes they had a conflict go and look at that did it got resolved? They communicated with each other and they were both listening to the Holy Spirit.

Tony you have set yourself up like you are Jesus allowing your sycophant elders to keep worshiping you.


He could try being a janitor or driving a Big Rig...

people Do not let him be a slick ear tickler...

Put your trust only in God.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: October 07, 2008 12:21PM

I am hoping someone can help me out....

My experience with RLC is indirect. I live in Oregon and attend the church where Tony started as a youth pastor (I was not a member then). About 8 years ago several families left this church to go join RLC. Many joked then that they had run off to join a cult...little did I know...

Anyway, several of those families have since returned to Oregon and started a church here, drawing more families away from my church. Does anyone know if this is a plant?

I know some of the people mentioned in this thread and it breaks my heart to think of more people getting hurt. My heart goes out to those I don't know, to those still caught up in this....

To the Simon family: If you are reading this, I want you to know that I am praying for you.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Deja Vu ()
Date: October 07, 2008 12:26PM

I discovered some information today that many of you have asked about and wondered about. I spoke with my friend Pastor Wally. He is well by the way. I asked him about "His" property in the Batangas, Philippines that I thought was given to Radiant Life Church. He said that after the Philippine trip, he knew that nothing was going to come of the property based on the whole experience, so he never gave over the property. THANK GOD!!! I asked him about future plans... He said, "it is still open for Gods plans." (something to that nature) He desires for a children's school to be established there and an orphanage. He and I are praying for that opportunity. He wants it developed and hopes for some Americans to take ownership of it. Since the moneys donated by people at RLC have never been distributed for this purpose, the building plans are still in great need. So far.. no moneys have been given.

If you are interested in the beginning of praying it in to existence and contributing financially to it, give me a PM and or call me. I hope to return there to the Philippines to see what opportunities may arise there. I am also in need of support to visit there soon. If you would like an opportunity to go with me in the near future, please let me know.(that is enough of my little plug:):) Anyhow, I hope this encourages many of you who have desired to see something good and something real come out of that whole ordeal.


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Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: October 08, 2008 02:20AM

Hmmm even back then people were questioning or rather "joking" about RLC being cult like.

What is the name of the church plant? Do you know if this plant was started by RLC?

Tony has a long history of influence. I know that the founding pastors of Turning Point Church in Washington were discipled by Tony when they lived in Coos Bay. But I thought that they had grown so discouraged by Tony and his behavior that Mike had decided not to go into ministry. Obviously Mike changed his mind and did go into ministry. I wonder how that came about.

It seems like Tony has had an influence on College Park long after he left. Didn't Scott McCollough pastor there for awhile? Seems like Ive read some things here about Scott being a disciple of Tony.

It would be prudent to exercise caution around anyone who has yielded themselves to Tony's teaching and influence. And if those who started this new church in your area have had strong connections with Tony and/or RLC I would say proceed with caution.

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