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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 05, 2009 01:39AM

M&M thanks for that last post!
you have hit the Bulls-Eye with a very accurate behavior seen in this structure of leadership.

Thanks for highlighting what
Déjà Vu posted on the RLc forum. I would also like to point out that Déjà Vu is posting from the prospective of an ex-3 year SOMA student and one who was deeply involved with church staff. his Testimony is chocked full of credibility.


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 05, 2009 02:44AM

saw a memo in the office the other day that said "we need to be very careful what we say to people on the phone or at the desk. Here is a list of topics we are NOT to talk about. pastor jackie, tony cunningham, apostolic ministry, newspaper interviews, youth on school campuses. take a msg and give to kari lewis or jeff barnes."

Wasn't there a staff meeting just a couple of days ago to clear up all of this info, and to help the staff know how to respond to these questions? Or was the staff meeting held only to issue the gag order?

Was anyone there who would speak up and let us know if these things were addressed?

When will Tony & Mike learn that in all there teachings have been and are being documented or recorded on digital recorders by peopel who take good notes. So for these guys to disregard any responsibility for what they have taught and then sit back and BLAME SHIFT, saying it was other people on staff who perverted the teachings.
This is a clear example of Staff Abuse!
Then to instruct there staff to NOT TALK ABOUT THE TEACHINGS???



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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Wounded Warrior ()
Date: March 05, 2009 04:32AM

Thanks M&M for your recent post. Perhaps Staff and members of TP will read it and begin to sense that the abuse and manipulation that goes on in the name of Christ at TP is WRONG!!! I have heard from members who had to vent about situations that they had been apart of where they felt mistreated. I would agree with them that whatever they felt was justified and how they were treated was wrong. I was later shunned by the same people who I thought were friends. I guess they were talked to (rather manipulated) to confess their bad attitudes and came back "in-line" to embrace "the program" that was being pushed(ever subtly or not) by their leaders at TP. I am sad to say that these once so-called friends have cut-off their relationships with my family and me. But by the GRACE of God not the grace of TP(there is none) I stand. To those still at Turning Point I continue to pray that your eyes will be opened. The GREAT God that we all serve would not sanction abuse in any way. LISTEN-the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you something and it may not be what you are being told by the leaders at TP. I say this with all the Love I have for you all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2009 04:44AM by Wounded Warrior.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: March 05, 2009 08:01AM

Hello to all of you here and especially those who are neighbors in Marysville.
I am the one who posted the “Cult” videos about TPC. I have also thought about removing them on several occasions since they were in my mind rather abusive in their own right. However, each time I was about to, I would then be given another piece of information that validated the videos or validated what I considered their necessity. I felt that a counter point to TPC spiritual mapping and spiritual assaults was needed as a flint to start a fire. The fire is burning now. I take no satisfaction in this because people are still afraid, angry, hurt by the church and in some respect by my videos. It is still obvious that Mike does not have regard for the Christian community here. His plan is the one that matters most to him. He is what matters most. It’s as if he is grabbing at any balloon to give him rise without knowing where it is going to.
Now, after the new SOMA video was released and posted on You Tube it is apparent that the marching orders for the flock have strengthened. That, with other new information tempts me to create a new video. I am not sure that this is the right course.
I am wondering if the dividing rod between us is so much the church or I.
Some input would be welcome.

A piece of information; I know that the Everett Herald will be interviewing several people about TPC today. A fire is burning.


Here is my opinion, for what it's worth.

I don't know if I've seen all of the videos, I know of the ones that I've seen, a have not watched them entirely. I don't think that they are helpful to your cause. Honestly, I'm not sure what your cause is. I have not found them funny, at all. I don't find them imformative. I've been told that I need to work on my sense of humor, so I suppose that depending on your target audience, there might be some comdic value, I just don't see it.

If your target is TP members, trying to get them to *see the light* about TP, I think that these videos may serve the opposite purpose. Anyone who is commited to TP is going to be offended by these videos, and they will go to great lengths protect the church and it's image.

As someone who no longer attends TP, and is very concerned by the things I see happening there, I find the videos to be hurtful. These are men and women that I have a great affection for, and whose spiritual well being I pray for.

All of that I said, I recognize your right to think otherwise. I understand that there are people that might find these funny, or see the artistic value. I'm just not one of them.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: March 05, 2009 08:29AM

mville4: I think some folks may be confusing you with another youtube poster that has made several satire videos of Mike's video blog. You may want to post links to your videos so people here don't go to see the other videos and conclude they are yours.

Just a suggestion.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: March 05, 2009 11:03AM

Hello to all of you here and especially those who are neighbors in Marysville.
I am the one who posted the “Cult” videos about TPC. I have also thought about removing them on several occasions since they were in my mind rather abusive in their own right. However, each time I was about to, I would then be given another piece of information that validated the videos or validated what I considered their necessity. I felt that a counter point to TPC spiritual mapping and spiritual assaults was needed as a flint to start a fire. The fire is burning now. I take no satisfaction in this because people are still afraid, angry, hurt by the church and in some respect by my videos. It is still obvious that Mike does not have regard for the Christian community here. His plan is the one that matters most to him. He is what matters most. It’s as if he is grabbing at any balloon to give him rise without knowing where it is going to.
Now, after the new SOMA video was released and posted on You Tube it is apparent that the marching orders for the flock have strengthened. That, with other new information tempts me to create a new video. I am not sure that this is the right course.
I am wondering if the dividing rod between us is so much the church or I.
Some input would be welcome.

A piece of information; I know that the Everett Herald will be interviewing several people about TPC today. A fire is burning.


Here is my opinion, for what it's worth.

I don't know if I've seen all of the videos, I know of the ones that I've seen, a have not watched them entirely. I don't think that they are helpful to your cause. Honestly, I'm not sure what your cause is. I have not found them funny, at all. I don't find them imformative. I've been told that I need to work on my sense of humor, so I suppose that depending on your target audience, there might be some comdic value, I just don't see it.

If your target is TP members, trying to get them to *see the light* about TP, I think that these videos may serve the opposite purpose. Anyone who is commited to TP is going to be offended by these videos, and they will go to great lengths protect the church and it's image.

As someone who no longer attends TP, and is very concerned by the things I see happening there, I find the videos to be hurtful. These are men and women that I have a great affection for, and whose spiritual well being I pray for.

All of that I said, I recognize your right to think otherwise. I understand that there are people that might find these funny, or see the artistic value. I'm just not one of them.

Yes, Brokenhearted, you are thinking of Sam Poling's posts.

But Mvill04 has posted some dramatic expose-type videos about where Mike is taking Turning Point. The first one I didn't think had much weight--the one that was just saying TP was a cult. The following two, however, had more evidence, but were difficult to follow to know who the "good guys" were and who the "bad guys" were. I could figure it out as I went along, b/c I had done more research about the NAR, but others to whom I showed it were confused about who was whom. You need better transitions between who is demonstrating the false teaching and who is exposing it.

I think these videos are VERY helpful, but need some clarification and less melodramatic music. Dramatic, just not SO dramatic. :) In fact, I keep checking in to Youtube to see if any new ones have come out. Keep 'em coming, please.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2009 11:04AM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: March 05, 2009 12:12PM

I'm sorry for not posting the video shortcuts. Here are the three I have done. The last one listed here is the very first one I made and has some discrepency of fact in the park rejuvination project and is argueable. If I decide to do another I will be taking time to do some scripture reading and confirming prior to making it. The dramatic music was deliberate to keep someone's attention and therefore a might deceptive but I felt that it helped to keep intrest so that the message would be heard. This is serious business and should not be taken lightly.




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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: March 05, 2009 12:16PM

I don't know how many of you watch these videos but here is another serious one from apirate4U. It lends more to scripture and gives the warning towards an apistolic ministry.


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: March 05, 2009 12:23PM

Okay, I can see where my mistake was. I think that I did see the first cult video, and I assumed that all the videos were by the same person. I apologize for the error. I will go and try to find the others. A link would be helpful, if you wouldn't mind posting one.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Forgiveness_101 ()
Date: March 05, 2009 02:23PM

Hello to all of you here and especially those who are neighbors in Marysville.
I am the one who posted the “Cult” videos about TPC. I have also thought about removing them on several occasions since they were in my mind rather abusive in their own right. However, each time I was about to, I would then be given another piece of information that validated the videos or validated what I considered their necessity. I felt that a counter point to TPC spiritual mapping and spiritual assaults was needed as a flint to start a fire. The fire is burning now. I take no satisfaction in this because people are still afraid, angry, hurt by the church and in some respect by my videos. It is still obvious that Mike does not have regard for the Christian community here. His plan is the one that matters most to him. He is what matters most. It’s as if he is grabbing at any balloon to give him rise without knowing where it is going to.
Now, after the new SOMA video was released and posted on You Tube it is apparent that the marching orders for the flock have strengthened. That, with other new information tempts me to create a new video. I am not sure that this is the right course.
I am wondering if the dividing rod between us is so much the church or I.
Some input would be welcome.

A piece of information; I know that the Everett Herald will be interviewing several people about TPC today. A fire is burning.


Hey Mville04, welcome to the forum. I looked over the videos and don't quite know what you were trying to accomplish, is it to help those who don't know about TPC? Or is it to help those indoctrinated in TPC?

Who are you trying to reach, cause i understood what you were saying but was still searching for more clear contextual information, some of what you took was out of context ie: Serve Day is a volunteer project, you made it looked like forced labor.
Anyway just some thoughts...

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