Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: October 11, 2009 03:52AM

[] Picture of false word-faith, positive confession,prosperity teacher Casey (i left my helicopter home this time) Treat at the Turning Point Church World Outreach Center discipleship conference at Medallion hotel. I hope Mike Villamor doesn't dye his hair red now!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: October 11, 2009 11:41AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2009 11:45AM by buddy.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 11, 2009 01:36PM

(from [])

While not made of stone like the idols that trapped the children of Israel; false gods are still worshipped in the church today. When the children of Israel came to the promise land, they found a place bursting with prosperity: a land “flowing with milk and honey” (Deuteronomy 8:7-9; 27:3). But this wasn’t all they found: The native Canaanites introduced them to the local fertility god, Baal, whom they credited with the prosperity and success of their land.
Baal was worshiped as the lord of the weather, the giver of the dew and the rain, which brought forth the earth’s vegetation. Baal’s lordship over the weather made him lord of the economic arena as well because he was in their minds, the source of fertile soil and, therefore, security. This brought questions and temptations to the children of Israel: Would their God be able to provide for them as Baal supposedly had provided for the Canaanites?
Could they serve both gods? How could they have the riches of the Canaanites and still serve the god of Israel?

They should have known the answers to these questions. They knew the commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5). The command allowed no room for additional gods. Later, Jesus also answered this question when he said, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money” (Mathew 6:24).

If we examine this ancient idolatry closely—if we strip away the archaic trappings and superstitious rituals—it becomes clear that the economic incentives of idolatry are timeless. American materialism is just the same as the fertility idolatry of Canaan. Just as the ancient children of Israel were tempted to serve God and the prosperity idol Baal, we today are tempted to serve God and Money . This is idolatry, and we would do well to recall God’s command to the Israelites regarding it “Their way” of worship was a form of manipulation. The Canaanites hoped to receive rain and good weather from Baal in return for their worship their offerings and sacrifices were not made out of love or gratitude but rather were carefully designed to appease their god’s anger or to guarantee a plentiful harvest.

A growing number of evangelical Christians today find this kind of worship appealing. Many of us are attracted to the idea of a “prosperity gospel.” Made famous by many television preachers, this system of teaching blends Christian theology with ideas from “self-help” programs aimed at attaining personal peace, prosperity and the American Dream. It is based on the concept “I give so I can get”.

It is almost surprising how much this prosperity doctrine of the modern church parallels the manipulative practices of the ancient worship of Baal. Prosperity pastors teach that we should give to their ministry in order to receive more material blessings from God. Priests of Baal taught “Give and the crops will grow”. However, just like the ancient Israelites, we actually are called to a different kind of giving. In stark contrast to the ancient pagan practices, God calls us to give “because the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 12:7). In the same way, our motivation for giving should be thankfulness to the Lord, not a desire for God to be like an ATM.

Greed defiles our relationship with God by making wealth—instead of God—the center of our purpose. When we learn to imitate Jesus’ life, our actions will be characterized by unswerving trust in God’s provision and selfless generosity to the poor. God calls us to generosity.
Everybody likes the idea of generosity. But when it comes down to writing the check, there always seem to be so many extenuating circumstances. We have insufficient savings. We do not agree with the church’s spending priorities. The tithe does not apply to us today. Are there any good answers to these common objections? Let’s look in the word for the answer.

The Bible is full of paradoxes. The Bible says that the first are last, that the greatest among us are servants, that if you cling to your life you’ll lose it, but if you give it up for Jesus you’ll find it. One of the greatest paradoxes has to do with your money. The Bible says that if you’re stingy with your money, you won’t have a lot of money. But if you really want to see God provide in your life – if you really want God to bless your finances – then you’ve got to be generous with your money. The more you give away, the more you’ll have. (it sounds like I am headed in a Prosperity direction, But hang on a minute). What it really comes down to is our motivation and our desire to serve God with everything we have. Who we are as a giver is at the very center of who we are as a follower of Jesus.

The main focus has to be on our motivation for giving. Do we give so we can get or do we give because we are grateful to God who has given us so much? That is what we need to ask ourselves. It is OK to expect a return from God, to expect to be blessed; however it cannot be the reason to give. I give because God has given me everything I have. He has given me the death of Jesus so I can be forgiven for the sin I cannot escape. I owe him more than I can ever repay.

So how do we find the place where we can stand as a giving Christian without making the money and giving just part of a part of a business deal with God? We start by understanding what God’s word say about money and then we live it.

First we Understand God Owns Everything, and We Just Manage it for Him
Psalms 24:1 — “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
Deuteronomy 8:18 — “Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

And God Is Incredibly Generous
John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
2 Corinthians 8:9 — “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

Our Giving Must Reflect God’s Agenda
Proverbs 19:17 — “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.”
Acts 10:2-4 — “[Cornelius] and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly. One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision. He distinctly saw an angel of God, who came to him and said, ‘Cornelius!’ Cornelius stared at him in fear. ‘What is it, Lord?’ he asked. The angel answered, ‘Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God ...’ ”
Romans 12:13 — “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 12, 2009 10:12AM

A response Dr. Favor...

So...which do you spend more time thinking, talking, dreaming about? Wisdom or Honor? Solomon wanted wisdom. Others want honor...double honor...but Solomon didnt ask for honor...double honor...he didn't ask the students in his class to tell the others about how he had been honored...he asked for wisdom and he told his students to seek wisdom.

God did not create you to succeed ... he created you to be saved so you could serve... in fact, you were born a failure. Really. You were born a failure. All have fallen short...all have failed...don't fall for the lies of those who worship at the altar of baal. God did not create you to succeed. You are more than a Christ Jesus. Not in yourself. In yourself you are a failure. All things ARE Christ Jesus. Not in yourself.

God's favor is not about to show if sometime in the future. God's favor showed up 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ was born. If you are looking for God's favor to show up you have missed the boat. Jesus is God's favor in the flesh toward you. The question is "Do you want the good parking lot at the grocery store or do you want the mansion in heaven"?

Doesnt the bible teach us to be thankful and to rejoice in EVERYTHING? Not just the "favorable" moments. The apostles of baal wants you to believe something other than the Word of God. They want you to believe a lie that sounds good. Did the favor of God accelerate Joseph's success? Joseph didnt spend 24 hours in prison...he spent 2 years in prison. But the apostles of baal want you to think it was only 24 hours.

Tour too can have the Back Street Boys tour bus if you want it...its all about favor...not about God. You want the favor of God more than you want God Himself. Why? Because its become all about you. Do you really want to settle for "favor"? You can have "favor"-- give me God. The Dr Favor came and charged for his so called CD's filled with "wisdom" but Jesus came and offered you salvation freely. If Jesus can pay your soul debt then why can't MV or Dr Favor pay for your CDs? And you spent how much on those CD's? Does your god Baal have the power to save your soul?

Believe in Jesus...not yourself. But your god baal tells you to believe in yourself. Believe in yourself and you shall be saved...this is the lie of baal. Does it really say, in Acts, Believe in yourself and you will be saved, you and your house hold? Is that what it states? Baal would have you think so.

Get it today...half price...$150.00...your apostles of baal will even pay the shipping costs. How much money did you lay down at the altar of baal this morning? does baal have the power to save your soul from hell? How much money out of the budget was used to bring in the apostle of baal to your church this morning? It always seems to be about money there at your church. I can hear the apostle in the back ground... "yeah yeah..." When did it stop being about Jesus and start being about money? When did it stop being about people's souls and become about people's bank accounts?

I would love to see testimony after testimony how the apostle and prophetess were blessed and turned around and gave that blessing to someone in need. The apostle says he is a conduit for God and his blessings. Surely there is testimony after testimony of how the conduit has worked in many peoples lives. But what do we hear? We hear stories of how others have shown double honor to the apostle.

Will you continue to worship at the altar of baal? or will you repent and turn back to God? As long as you worship at the altar of baal you will continue to see the hand of God removed from your ministry. You will continue to see the sheep be scattered to other shepherds who will care for their hearts. Look know this to be true...the hand of blessing has been removed...each week you see more and more leave. Will you continue to ignore the truth? Will you continue to look for someone else to blame? Will you continue to try and serve both God and mammon?

You can have all the faith in yourself you want. But your self directed faith won't save you from an eternity without God. You might say, but didn't we preach and heal and start a bible school in Jesus' name? Didn't we start other TPc's in Jesus' name? What did Jesus say His answer would be? He told you already what he would say...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2009 10:17AM by TurningPointReject.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 12, 2009 01:14PM

Some random links:



Didnt the apostle recently teach a series about "Great Faith"? Read all the way to the end: []


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: October 12, 2009 02:21PM

TPCWOC sermon for Sunday Oct.11 : Favor : The force of Favor: by false prosperity,word faith teacher Dr. Dave (i want to be the next Tony Robbins) Martin. Is now online at TPCWOC home web site.What a con artist.What a jokester! The only joke is going to be on anybody that spends 150 dollars to buy Dr. Dingdong Martins Cd's . Just buy his cds and you will be blessed out of your socks with favor.Just get some of Dr. Favors wisdom on increase and you will become rich. Dr. Favor wants increase to ring loud and clear from TPCWOC. Just use your imagination and visualize it and you can become the creater of your curcumstances. And you will never get a cold.Dr.Favor thinks he is a inspirational speaker.Dr. Flavor says you get what you say.Dr. Favor says the bible says to love everybody but God didn't say you have to love everybody on your boat but you need to throw some people overboard,people are like elevators they take you up or down,we need to delete some people.False apostle Mike Villamor has been doing a good job on that one.Dr. Favor says not everybody will be happy when you get favor.When you get blessed people will not be happy. Is that why all the people left TPCWOC because of all the favor on the false apostle Mike Villamor.Favor will accelerate your distiny.It will only take 24 hours if you buy Dr. Favors Cd's.Dr. Favor says if you listen to my cd's you won't have to work those three jobs. Then you can buy a fancy bus or a new suv like Dr. Favor.Dr. Favor says he does not like to be around dumb people.Dr. Favor says that in the back table you can buy his 20 hours of Cd's for half price,it was 300 dollars but you can have them for only 150 dollars and I will paying for free shipping if we run out because yesterday they attacked the tables.Dr. Favor says as a man think in his heart so is he.Just think about it and don't say I can never have that big fancy house and you will get it.Dr. Favor wants everybody to have a millionaire mentality.Dr. Favor says he never worrys about becoming greedy.Dr.Favor says the greatest law on earth is the law of the seed.Just keep giving your seed of your hard earned money to false apostle Mike Villamor and God will produce the harvest. How much did Dr. Favor but in the collection box?Dr. Favor says if you think you have enough money and don't need anymore then you are selfish.Dr. Favor says if your happy every time you give then you don't give alot. And false apostle Mike Villamor said that this was the best discipleship conference of all time. What a guy! Way to lead the sheep. You must of ran out of dog food to feed the wolves.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2009 02:27PM by buddy.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 13, 2009 10:08PM

I heard something so strange from a current TPC member that I had to think about for two days before deciding to say something. Why would Cyndi Villamor and her children be afraid to open the door to Cathy Shaw and Chris Gutenkauf? That is what members of the staff and congregation are being told. That with Mike not home Cyndi and her children were afraid to answer the door when Chris and Cathy showed up at their home "without" an appointment. Quite frankly I find the whole thing ludicrous to the point of questioning its real truthfulness. Lets face it, it wouldn't be the first time the truth has been twisted to suit Mike. I have known Chris for several years and she is one of the kindest sweetest people I have ever met. She probably knows more about the Bible than just about anyone I know and if she is questioning the direction that Mike is taking, then I know we made the right decision to leave. Her departure from TPC was very affirming. I have met Cathy and I know that her walk with Jesus is of serious importance to her as it is to her entire family. So again knowing this, I pondered on why Cyndi would be afraid to answer her door to two such Godly women who graduated from SOMA with her and who she knows oh so well.

The comment from the current attender about the "inner circle" was of concern to me. Those we left behind who have been there for any length of time see the truth and know what is going on and see the truth and know that Mike and the Elders have left the narrow way. They stay in hopes that Mke will see his error in judgement and return to the narrow way. They also question why TPC is still leasing or trying to lease outside space they do not need. The folks know that a move back to the TPC main campus is the best action for TPC to take. Yet Mike is all about appearances and is not willing to sacrifice his prideful and arrogant ways and do the right thing for TPC and its budget and income levels. Yikes, isn't this the road that Tony Cunningham went down and now his church has lost everything including its buildings and campus. I don't blame him for the Jezebel Spirit that has taken hold at TPC, although I believe that he brought it, but Mike has free will and he chose to exact double honor for himself rather than remain the humble community church pastor so afraid of leading his flock astray.

So to get back to my original question, why would Cyndi and her children be afraid to answer their door to Godly women? The answer begins and ends with the Jezebel Spirit that has taken hold and moved into TPC. Those two Godly women would, in my opinion, have been able to cast down that spirit like Jehu. Of course that Jezebel Spirit would create fear to prevent its demise. Cyndi and her children need our prayers. I am afraid only the intervention of mighty Jehu Prayer Warriors is going to restore and cast out the Jezebel Spirit at TPC and I pray that it happens soon.

Daughter of Dorcas

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 14, 2009 12:38AM

See the bold and red comments below: This behavior (in bold and red) is similar to the abused spouse syndrome - the abused spouse continues to stay in the home hoping that the abuser will change. This is enabling and co dependant behaviour that only allows the abuse to continue. The same is true for those who know and yet choose to stay hoping the the leaders will change. They only enable the apostle to continue in his ways and, by staying, lend their credibility to his actions.

I agree DofD we must continue to pray for those who live in fear. Isnt it interesting that TPc only recently had a message about living in fear. Hmmm.

Daughter of Dorcas
I heard something so strange from a current TPC member that I had to think about for two days before deciding to say something. Why would Cyndi Villamor and her children be afraid to open the door to Cathy Shaw and Chris Gutenkauf? That is what members of the staff and congregation are being told. That with Mike not home Cyndi and her children were afraid to answer the door when Chris and Cathy showed up at their home "without" an appointment. Quite frankly I find the whole thing ludicrous to the point of questioning its real truthfulness. Lets face it, it wouldn't be the first time the truth has been twisted to suit Mike. I have known Chris for several years and she is one of the kindest sweetest people I have ever met. She probably knows more about the Bible than just about anyone I know and if she is questioning the direction that Mike is taking, then I know we made the right decision to leave. Her departure from TPC was very affirming. I have met Cathy and I know that her walk with Jesus is of serious importance to her as it is to her entire family. So again knowing this, I pondered on why Cyndi would be afraid to answer her door to two such Godly women who graduated from SOMA with her and who she knows oh so well.

The comment from the current attender about the "inner circle" was of concern to me. Those we left behind who have been there for any length of time see the truth and know what is going on and see the truth and know that Mike and the Elders have left the narrow way. They stay in hopes that Mke will see his error in judgement and return to the narrow way. They also question why TPC is still leasing or trying to lease outside space they do not need. The folks know that a move back to the TPC main campus is the best action for TPC to take. Yet Mike is all about appearances and is not willing to sacrifice his prideful and arrogant ways and do the right thing for TPC and its budget and income levels. Yikes, isn't this the road that Tony Cunningham went down and now his church has lost everything including its buildings and campus. I don't blame him for the Jezebel Spirit that has taken hold at TPC, although I believe that he brought it, but Mike has free will and he chose to exact double honor for himself rather than remain the humble community church pastor so afraid of leading his flock astray.

So to get back to my original question, why would Cyndi and her children be afraid to answer their door to Godly women? The answer begins and ends with the Jezebel Spirit that has taken hold and moved into TPC. Those two Godly women would, in my opinion, have been able to cast down that spirit like Jehu. Of course that Jezebel Spirit would create fear to prevent its demise. Cyndi and her children need our prayers. I am afraid only the intervention of mighty Jehu Prayer Warriors is going to restore and cast out the Jezebel Spirit at TPC and I pray that it happens soon.

Daughter of Dorcas

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: WonderingNow ()
Date: October 14, 2009 01:12AM

Pastor Mike's tweet: RT @RickWarren Heresy-hunting lets u ignore the mess in your own life. God is more concerned about your hypocrisy than other's heresy.

I think there is a difference between heresy HUNTING and heresy recognition. The prosperity/favor gospel sets my teeth on edge and makes my skin crawl. The Holy Spirit in me REVEALS IT. I didn't go HUNTING for heresy! This heresy chills me to the bone! I agree with the statement above -- but I will not sit under heretical teaching even if my hypocrisy is worse than the heresy for in the end -- my true heart's desire is to be whole and spiritually healed. And I cannot attain to that chasing after favor and prosperity. I have to chase after Christ and let him give or take away at his good pleasure -- not because of anything I DO OR THINK!!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: October 14, 2009 02:02AM

I think God is more concerned about mikes hypocrisy. Mike always quotes passages that are for others never himself, he qutes things that benifit him and cyndi. they pushed the book undercover by john bevere as if it were gospel, but when john wrote another book about prophets and that book didnt match up to what cyndi was teaching about herself being a prophet. she stated that john bevere is not always right. I was sitting accross from her when she made that statement. I found it interesting how books that benifit her and mike are straight from God and ones that dont are off the mark. I call that delusion
Pastor Mike's tweet: RT @RickWarren Heresy-hunting lets u ignore the mess in your own life. God is more concerned about your hypocrisy than other's heresy.

I think there is a difference between heresy HUNTING and heresy recognition. The prosperity/favor gospel sets my teeth on edge and makes my skin crawl. The Holy Spirit in me REVEALS IT. I didn't go HUNTING for heresy! This heresy chills me to the bone! I agree with the statement above -- but I will not sit under heretical teaching even if my hypocrisy is worse than the heresy for in the end -- my true heart's desire is to be whole and spiritually healed. And I cannot attain to that chasing after favor and prosperity. I have to chase after Christ and let him give or take away at his good pleasure -- not because of anything I DO OR THINK!!

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