R.B. Thieme Jr.
Date: August 08, 2006 03:08AM
First of all, thiemite, since I have listened to Thieme for close to 40 years, I understand his "jargon". I know full well what postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation means. Once you have been saved, then your duty is to take up an intense study of the Word, in order to understand how your life should change, and the mechanics for accomplishing that, along with learning what gifts from God come along with it all. Thieme does indeed knock you over with verbiage, but that is designed to make you THINK...something that most today don't care to indulge in. Indeed, enemies of the cross...ie, Satan and HIS crowd...[i:73b376bda9]prefer[/i:73b376bda9] that you DON'T think, therefore making it much easier to push his lies and distortions. If you can THINK in words of more than one syllable, then likely you can take up more complex thoughts than just dropping the bible open and pointing to a passage with your eyes closed and call it the "Mystery of God" when it lands on something totally out of context. That is why he stresses that doctrine must be learned under authority. When the Word was being taught, in OT as well as NT times, the guidelines were always that of obedience. How is Thieme's request different? It appears to me, that what you are complaining about, is that there is someone out there who has the qualifications to do what they say, once they say what they do. There are reasons why it is called "the straight and narrow", that is, the road to heaven. There are so many wacky ideas out there from people who are NOT under the mentorship of one who has any kind of education, and it leads to such things as the groups who go in for the snake dances and drinking poisons and the like. That is an extreme, in my opinion, but it all is an attempt to subvert the true Word of God, getting people totally distracted from a worship of God thru Christ, which is the basis of Christianity in the first place. It is not "doing" something weird, like kissing snakes and drinking drano, it is the habitual study of the Word, with seriousness, in order to realize what God truly meant, and not using it as some sort of mystical Ouija board for those who are not educated in any manner, but want the power and profile of someone who is "gifted" but in reality is a charlatan. They existed back in the day, and are in proliferation today, obviously. Everyone wants their own version of things to substantiate whatever agenda they are pushing...mostly their own self image. Thieme never called anyone out except for not paying attention or interrupting during his teaching. No one was ever taken to task for not being in class except in the issue of their own soul. In fact, I recall him asking people to be so kind as to LEAVE and not return, if learning doctrine was not their interest in being there. Controlling? Heh, well it appears to me, that since he is the ordained and duly authorized pastor of that church, he has the right to ask visitors to behave in a respectful manner. All you ever have to do to escape Thieme's "control" is just leave. You don't have to visit, or listen to him, ever again. Your choice. You don't have to contribute one penny, ever. You don't have to "do works" for the church. EVER. Controlling? Only to someone who is trying to malign probably one of the greatest teachers of doctrine in this age. They don't come often, and more often than not, are the nay sayers, and the magicians and prophets, who are mostly out for profit...pun intended. You can tune in to any show, on any channel, and hear things that are just ridiculous, because they are a slant of whatever that person's agenda is. Thieme puts things in a particular vocabulary in order to make a person use their OWN brains to think. Once you do that, you are in a position to judge the message, and to make a real attempt to "rightly divide the word of truth". However, if listening to someone who is a professor in the word of God insults you, then you are surely going to be disturbed not only with Thieme, but anyone who has actually studied the word with intention to distribute it in it's entirety and it's accuracy, since your complaint seems to be that the directive here is to study under someone who has that knowledge and that gift. The ouija board method is no gift. Any twit can do it. Any self appointed "psychic" can do mysteries, but only someone who is gifted with the endurance to go and study and make SURE they are giving accurate teaching is going to get the job done with any measure of continuity, and continuity is something that is necessary with the Word. It is not a one shot deal, it is a life long pursuit. I prefer someone who is dedicated to that life long pursuit, much more than someone who says a few words and then lets you know where the offering plate is, in case you missed it the first time around. As far as I know, Beracha church has not had any "fund raisers" in order to keep the church from going into the red. All materials for learing have been free. Offerings were and still are strictly volitional. TSK!! Such control methods. I can see how distasteful this must be to someone who chooses not to follow any particular method of protocol. Then it is simple 'mite. Just stop. There is always someone who is positive to fill that space you vacated.