Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: December 07, 2013 12:59AM
What a compelling read on the end of that link Cbarb. Interesting, if not downright creepy!
"Delusions of grandeur" a common term on my school report.Hahaha, it must be a contagious.
But it is definitely the trickled down message, not that I'm blaming smc for anything on my
Another enduring influence at that time though was the God-will-provide attitude, which is
linked in some way to the elitist message from smc. Some seem to be provided more at the
expense (metaphorical and financial) of others. Surely it is those who give and give that
really deserve.
Ahh, but the narcissism blinds the undeserving. I can totally see how that
I would like very much to know the long-term effects, if any, of being tutored by people
who suffer this disorder. (Oh no, wait! I can infer from experience.)
Happy Survivor, how obvious in hindsight that you were wholly unsuited to the post you
applied for. Quite simply a matter of not fitting the mould. They need proper yes-men;
qualifications can be overrated if it leads to you being less able to completely and
utterly control, I mean "manage"! There was way too much danger that you might teach from
your heart. Doing this you would stray from the most crucial point about smc being superior
in all aspects. I hope you were not too disappointed. I mean, I do think that would have
had the potential to be a rewarding and fulfilling post, but you would have had to pretend
to agree with stuff you know ain't right, and on a daily basis. That would be corrosive
and damaging.
I do think that you have given a stark example of how jobs are allocated at Cedars. It
smells iffy to me. I wonder how they advertise vacant posts, if they do. Imagine a real
life Joe Bloggs applied for a job there. Fully qualified and armed with a CV to die for,
but unaware of how things are in la-la land. They say the right things at interview and
get the job. (Of course, we know this can't happen, but...) They would last a short time,
and I can easily picture a tribunal being told that they were dismissed because of
something discerned.
Anyway, your experience fills me with yet more dread relating to the school's staff-
recruiting methods. And the resultant ability to absolutely control, apparently free from
the mainstream constraints.
Also I noticed we have pretty much disappeared from the search engine. I used to type "smc
cult" and we would pop up even above latigo. Incidentally, kudos latigo or latigos, I
think I see what you've done...very sage indeed.
Now I can't even find us using several different word-combos. Just wondered if anyone else
is having better results and if so, what is the best phrasing for the search?
And I do hope everyone keeps well and apologies for recent absences. I am still reading
but due to a shoddy connection haven't yet posted anything successfully. (Shame because I
lost a couple a pure masterpieces!)
Regards all, and happy days, Cornelius.