Hi Rensil
Good to see you.
I'm not really surprised that SMC are rushing to show how charitable they are. I don't think they have any choice when they're trying to impress the OSCR and keep their charitable status. I wonder how long it will last though in the event of a favourable decision by OSCR? Will they keep involving outside organisations in their activities, or will it just fall by the wayside as soon as they get the OK? The school is really the most worrying part of the organisation and I do hope the OSCR will see through any attempts to create fog over that one.
Unfortunately they've held the forum up to ridicule because of me and for that I do apologise to everyone. However, although the post was off-topic, it was still related to SMC - the fears expressed in the post would not have been so ingrained in me had I not been subjected to years of 'demon-talk' and 'exorcism' while attending SMC in my most impressionable years - even after all these years of being away from such destructive teachings there are still times when the worm stirs in the brain. Imagine a child growing up in an environment of devil worship - well, growing up in SMC probably wasn't much different apart from the God and the chicken sacrifices.
I am sorry guys but, like I said before, I wouldn't expect the OSCR to hold much against us because of my post since they have been following the forum for longer than they have been investigating Struthers and they are well aware of all the other posts over the past 3 years or so.
The members of Struthers may well be enjoying ridiculing us over it but that's what they've been doing all along anyway and those who have had serious doubts have also been following the forum for a long time and know that the December post was out of character and off topic so it's unlikely to stop them doubting what they are being taught in SMC.
The post I made in December was a visual representation of what was going on in my head and I'm not alone with having bouts of feelings of insanity and hopelessness. My closest friend and many others I know who grew up in Struthers (not all I hasten to add) occasionally experience bouts of not just a low mood but an inexplicable fear and withdrawal, when thoughts or nightmares about demons and the end of the world plague you.
My friend and I discussed this at length on many occasions and the common thread led us back to the constant barrage of demon possession talk, exorcism practices, being constantly told you would never make the grade with God anyway and the ultimate fear of not being able to get to Heaven unless you were a member of SMC.
You see, even although we know for a complete and certain FACT that what SMC are teaching is anti-Biblical and unholy the 'worm' still lives in the brain and occasionally rears its ugly head. I don't know if it's the same for people who joined the church as adults and then left but certainly of those of us who grew up in the church and spent our earliest and most impressionable years in the church the 'worm' once planted is not so easy to dig out.
It's like learning to write, once learned very few people are able to write with the other hand even although it is possible to do so.
On another note though, I was looking at an article recommended on the Latigo site about the Jezebel Spirit inhabiting the church. I hadn't actually made that Biblical reference before although I have, in previous posts, slammed the leaders of SMC for exactly these failings. According to this article, the Jezebel spirit can be recognised by the following 6 characteristics (quoted from the article):
1. The Jezebel spirit has a huge ego and wants to meet its desire and need for power. The Jezebel spirit does this by assuming false authority by any means possible. With this false authority the Jezebel spirit not only fulfils its need for power, but also gets tremendous ego satisfaction as it continually manoeuvres for a high position on any hierarchical totem pole — either real or imaginary.
2. The Jezebel spirit will continue and continue to proclaim their authority. The Jezebel spirit has to do this because it has no real authority. So they have to continue to remind others that they have Godly authority. Usually their group claims they have been granted a mandate by God Himself in some specialized area and that because of this others must obey their commands. Look for this insistence upon having authority granted by God with the claim that because of this others must become their followers. To make things easier for themselves, these Jezebel spirits will usually mark off some area of “specialized ministry” so they can focus on it. This way, they don’t have to have a broad understanding of the Bible, God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. After all, they are “specialists” who hear from where you don’t hear, so they are in charge of that area of “speciality.” This is really simply a variation of the Jezebel spirit claiming false authority.
3. The Jezebel spirit is quick to attribute any “problems” others point out to them as being caused by the person who brought it up. Remember, the Jezebel spirit “leader” claims to hear from God in their area of self-proclaimed “speciality” of God and you don’t. So, regardless of what the Bible says about something, they have “special revelations” from God and so they are the ones who will decide what’s a problem and what’s not a problem, and what’s right and what’s wrong. Again, a variation of the “false authority” theme.
4. If you attempt to remain loyal to Christ and His teachings, instead of the Jezebel spirit leaders teachings, you will be made the object of their wrath. You will be openly scorned, ridiculed and embarrassed. If you then say that you will leave their organization, or do so, there will be follow up by the Jezebel spirit leader and followers with overtones of impending doom for you because you are un-teachable. And so, the false authority theme continues to develop.
5. You will soon realize that the Jezebel spirit and/or their organization operates in an atmosphere of secrecy. Since they have an exclusive hotline to God, usually in their “specialized area of ministry,” they have exclusive knowledge that you don’t. You are to simply follow their leading and must not question their exclusive “truths.” The Jezebel spirit will constantly be springing surprises upon their followers in any and all areas you can think of. Because of their secrecy and their “surprise techniques” you and the other followers will be kept in a constant state of suspense, always aware that things can change at any moment in time, without any indication of such. The Jezebel spirit cannot afford to be honest, because that would jeopardize their false claim to authority. They cannot openly declare their policies, because the Jezebel spirit has only one policy — control through power over others. If they should somehow become transparent in their manipulations and intimidating tactics, then they will claim you have created a “problem” and will treat you as described in the third characteristic discussed above.
6. The Jezebel spirit will purposefully exclude the total counsel of God as stated throughout the Bible. The technique of taking scriptural verses out of context and stringing them together to create false doctrine is a speciality of the Jezebel spirit. In this way the Jezebel spirit can continue to claim they have an exclusive hotline to God on their particularly selected and segmented “area of speciality.”
The subject of the prophetic ministry, prophets and prophecy is one of their favourites. If the people who follow the Jezebel spirit can be persuaded that they are hearing the words of a prophet, they will be much more inclined to accept the controlling tactics of Jezebel.
______________________________________The article goes on to describe controlling tactics but if you want to read it you can find it at this link
The Jezebel SpiritIt's a very interesting read.
As always biiiiiiig love and huge hugggggggs to all
God Bless xxx
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2014 03:11AM by cbarb-again.