Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: April 03, 2007 05:56AM
Hi rosebud
I don't actually live in Kennelwood any more, moved a while back now, I very occasionally drive past the fellowship church on Old Rough, that's about as much contact as I have with KCF nowadays. I noticed recently that the church windows have been bricked up. Hadn't spotted that before - kind of wondered if that was to keep people out or maybe keep 'em in?? :wink:
I don't actually remember you at all but as I recall KCF have this weird thing about taking new names (I gathered that this was something to do with taking another name from the Bible) so you may not have even been using your current name. Plus I think you said that you left about 17 years ago which was before I moved there I think.
As far as living in a street-full of them, I suppose it was a bit weird at first but after a while I stopped thinking about it. I personally didn't have anything against them but there was always the odd element in the street that took offence to their presence. I remember a few incidents in particular, KCF members (or God Squad as they were referred to) getting spat on in the street, cars getting vandalised regularly (I remember one car actually being toppled on it's side and caved in), bricks going through KCF members' windows. One house used to get hammered constantly and got so many windows put through that they stuck perspex over the glass to bounce the missiles off. It was like Beirut at one point. I wonder if that's all calmed down now?
As people they were OK, friendly but standoffish at the same time. Actually in fact, if I admit it, cult stuff aside, it was still much better than having a street full of scallies throwing bricks at your window, keying your car, and burning your wheelie bin! But hey, that's Kirkby for you I suppose, that's why we love the place!!! They more or less kept themselves to themselves apart from the odd occasion when they hinted at you finding out more about them, steering the conversation toward religion and so on. Like I said earlier I would have liked to have seen a bit more just out of curiosity but I'm sort of glad I never got too involved after reading the stuff on here.
I know KCF were more or less buying up the whole of Kennelwood Avenue, I heard it was because they received a message telling them to go there, but I think more it was about creating a self contained utopia, where outsiders are kept out. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense given what people are saying on this board.
I wonder how far they got buying up the street since I left? The last I heard (a couple of years ago) they'd bought another house halfway up the road, one of the younger couples moved in, I heard that they paid quite a bit over the odds for the house but I suppose it fits in with their buying up strategy. At the time I would say that they probably owned around 40% of the houses in the street already so by now they're not doing too badly I would have thought.