Re: James Arthur Ray, Dave Lakhani,
Posted by:
The Anticult
Date: January 07, 2010 08:56PM
Dave Lakhani is playing a lot of cards at once, for the purposes of attempting to market himself.
As was noticed immediately from his material, he is not to be taken at face value.
On one hand he tries to play the "ethical persuasion" card to try to market to people who want to manipulate, and not feel too guilty. Those are the dupes.
He also criticizes James Ray a bit, to talk about those who abuse advanced persuasion. But at the same time he is sending the message that he KNOWS the techniques that can get people to risk their lives, like James Ray did.
That is actually marketing for Dave Lakhani.
Dave Lakhani puts in enough clues for those who want the Dark Side of persuasion. There are many websites that market directly to people who want to control other people. Many of those sites are full of lies and false claims, and just exist to extract money from wannabe sharks.
But its a large market, those who want to learn to screw with people's minds, for their own profit, money, sex, and power.
So Dave Lakhani is like a fisherman, who throws out many fishing lines, seeing which fish will bite.
The REAL material from Dave Lakhani would likely come from his mailing list. One could subscribe to his persuasion mailing list from an anonymous email account, and monitor it, and cross-post parts of it.
You can be 100% assured, that very expensive "coaching" and seminars will be marketed, perhaps in a subtle way in his email newsletter. He'll use his strategy of "selecting" you to pay him thousands...that is the sucker-test, literally.
That is the WARNING that was put out about Dave Lakhani right from the beginning. He certainly is not about "ethical persuasion", whatever that means. He says its about good "intent" but that is literally nonsensical, and Lakhani knows it. The worst cult leaders often have pure "intent" and many do believe they are what they say they are, they are the dangerous ones.
James Arthur Ray clearly had 100% full conscious intent that he was exploiting, using, and controlling people to the maximum degree possible, and knew people had been hurt in the past, and knew people had died in the past, and covered it up. That is reality. James Ray knew Colleen Conaway died, and concealed it. He knew people got seriously injured doing the same seminar. So of course guys like James Ray know they are hurting people, that is why they are dangerous. Even after 3 people die, and many other get injured, they still claim a pure "intent". So its completely ridiculous.
On top of all this, Dave Lakhani is an expert using STORIES to persuade, and using embedded hypnotic language within those stories. Its in his persuasion book.
Everything Dave Lakhani is saying, is literally a part of the Story persuasion process.
So again, these are the types of guys one has to approach with extreme caution.
But no worries for Dave, he will like that criticism. That is why he uses a photo with his eyes staring straight into the camera trying to look intimidating. He deliberately cultivates that "danger" image, with his Stories of being in the military, and cults, and using mind control, and creating a cult following.
He knows that sells, to those who want to learn to manipulate and control people.
So he is trying to show many faces at once, for marketing purposes.
But its was great to bring him up in this thread, as he has a little more substance than the obvious scam-artists like a Joe Vitale.
Dave Lakhani says he trained with Richard Bandler, but that could mean anything. If he really did carefully study with Richard Bandler for a long period, then watch-out.
These guys can literally run circles with most people's minds, and they won't have a clue of what they are doing to them.
From a trained person's perspective, this is how to approach a guy like Dave Lakhani, and many others like him.
Never give them one dollar.
Everything they say has to be verified and proven.
All communications from them have to be carefully analyzed for the patterns being used, whether verbal, spoken, or visual.
Don't go into a one-on-one meeting or phone-call with them, unless you have at least 10+ years experience in persuasion.
Read all contracts many times, and have them double-checked, and never sign anything in their presence.
These guys have chosen to be professional manipulators, so they reap the Karma from that, which is that they get handled like they are radioactive by those who can see what is going on. You don't jump into a shark tank or lions den.
That is why they try so hard to "Pre-frame" themselves as ethical persuaders, to overcome the healthy skepticism people have about them.
Its a version of "trust me".