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Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: March 21, 2010 10:33AM

'So that means Dave Lakhani got all the money?'

They're on the same team. I know that there is very little transfer of cash between team members, money movement is kept off the radar as much as possible as there are auto-triggers that alert authorities looking for such transactions in money laundering and other nefarious crim-type behaviour. Each keeps a mental tally of what is earned and owed by each, (remarkable how astute the brain gets at keeping the tallies when it is your money) over time the debts are paid and incurred almost on a favour returned system. Driver is below Dave in the pecking order in this example, she is feeding off his list. If she has an event of her own, Dave will guest to shill his own stuff but also to feed off her list (presuming she has one by that time)

The percentage split is worked out beforehand; depending on how far in Driver is would determine how much percentage split she got of the total take. A newbie gets nothing for her input, if Driver is a newbie she surrenders her work, the DVD etc, simply for the privilege of entering the circle. In the example, there didn't seem to be any product at all, not even a frauduct, so that would take it into Death Ray territory as a sheer nasty straightforward con.
A lot of newbies just get savaged in the opening rounds, if Driver manages to avoid that she might get some higher percentage depending on how good her performance is. (this is beginning to sound like a description of a dog fight)

I don't know Greg Braden but the video was gross. I thought Dr Oz was supposed to be a heart specialist and one of the good guys that Oprah promotes. Qigong reverses the aging process? So where are all the eternally youthful Chinese types who have been practising this? They die too, and usually younger than westerners as they do not have our health and hygeine benefits. There's a clean water story that I will find a link to----
----it saved more lives (eventually) in London than all the self-important doctors and experts combined.
The money in this scam stays mostly in the west. Robert Ringer does a good analysis on the expert from far, far away. The further you have to travel the more the mystique grows.

We have a growing industry in the UK where agents here set up cosmetic surgery referrals to a cheaper surgeon in Eastern Europe, South Africa, and increasingly Asia. It is happening in dentistry too.
It is legit, you just have no way to check out the quality of the surgeon or dentist beforehand and little aftercare and comeback if things go wrong, so its a bit of a gamble. Some of the professionals do good work, some don't. The major money to be made though is for the agency here, the external professionals get paid the going rate for their home country.
So I doubt the Qigong masters get much for their chanting, nor should they. 'Not much' is relative though, I'm sure it translates wonderfully in China for the effort expended in making a bogus vid to show a cancer disappearing in minutes.
There are a lot of oriental scams of this nature, the Chinese are an inventive lot and have an entrepreneurial streak that would put IM circle jerkers to shame. For the moment though the money mostly remains here--that will change, look at Dahn Yoga.
Incidentally, Greg Braden's spiel reminded me of some of the TM bogus research, proving the efficacy of prayer/meditation on health problems and even having an influence on crime and violence in the community. I stopped watching then as I couldn't stomach the 'hurricane whispering' that I was sure would come next.
Perhaps he is an ex TM'er or Rajneeshi like our old friend Deepak who has made a bundle mixing his legit MD with Mahesh's exotic rubbish from far, far away.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2010 10:38AM by Stoic.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: March 21, 2010 11:24AM

'Where's the price for curing cancer in 3 minutes?'

If I were a conman and someone asked me what the price was for curing a cancer in 3 minutes, I would want to know how much the questioner had in total, for most terminal cancer sufferers would willingly trade their entire net worth for a chance at curing the cancer. Facing death has a way of starkly ramming home the truism that there are no rich men in the churchyard.
The conman would also rationalise this to himself as 'the person is going to die anyway and won't be needing the material wealth, I can put it to better use'

So the price will vary depending on who is asking the question but it will always be as much as the conman can get.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - harmonic wealth book revisited
Posted by: shimon ()
Date: March 21, 2010 11:37AM

i was doing some research and found his website that promotes his book "harmonic wealth" and it is interesting reading who endorsed it, and i wonder if they are glad they did it now. who would want to be associated with him now? interesting reading who endorsed him, most are from the Secret movie. And most are familiar names on here, as people we have been investigating. i hope nobody ever buys another book of his again and i hope nobody ever endorses him or promotes him.

“James Arthur Ray did not just write a book. He did it......he went out into the world and made it happen, charting every move he made. His book is a map that clearly outlines how you too can literally create a life of harmonic wealth. I have known James Arthur Ray for years and believe me he has lived the Secret to Attracting The Life You Want.”
— Bob Proctor

“This revolutionary book will change your life . . .
if you let it!”

— Hale Dwoskin
Author of New York Times Best Seller
The Sedona Method

"James Ray pulls no punches. He tells it straight, the way it is. In Harmonic Wealth he tells you exactly what you need to do to create the life you want. His writing style is just like his workshops—clear and powerful but entertaining. I highly recommend it."

— Jack Canfield
Co-author, The Success Principles™
and Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

“James Ray speaks from great life experience, honed by decades of in-the-trenches teaching experience --a rare combination. We all want to lead more fulfilling and significant lives, but exactly how to do that is the elusive brass ring. James has saved us all a great deal of time and numerous potential mistakes.”

— Bill Harris
Director, Centerpointe Research Institute
Creator of Holosync meditation technology, Author, Thresholds of the Mind and Managing Evolutionary Growth:
How to Create Deep Change Without Falling Apart

"Harmonic Wealth is both refreshingly candid and filled with powerful, transforming content. James Ray is masterful at being both relatable and informative. Harmonic Wealth is an essential tool in creating the life you love."

— Lisa Nichols

"In his book Harmonic Wealth, James Ray touches on the universal truth that all of humanity is destined to live an abundant and fulfilled life. Bravo! It is time for the world to know."

— Yehuda Berg
Author of the Living Kabbalah System

"An outstanding book. A must-read for anyone who is ready to accept that a clear and unbending intention is necessary to success, Harmonic Wealth shows readers how to create outrageous results ... now!"

— John Assaraf
New York Times Bestselling Author of Having It All
Founder, OneCoach, Inc.

"A powerful book that will show you how to forge your own success in the world. Harmonic Wealth offers a new way to think about and create wealth in every aspect of your life."

— Marci Shimoff
Author Happy for No Reason, co-author #1 NY Times bestseller Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul,
featured teacher in The Secret

"Harmonic Wealth is an inspirational, thought provoking, action stimulating book that will help you build vibrant wealth from the inside out."

— Dr. John F. Demartini
Bestselling author of How to Make One Hell of a Profit
and Still Get to Heaven

"The first book I've seen that distinguishes between knowing and doing, Harmonic Wealth makes it clear that creative thought depends on creative action. Mystical, yet practical, it shows us how to create our own blueprint for success. Are you ready?"

— Dr. Joe Vitale
Author The Key and The Attractor Factor

"James Ray writes with the conviction and ease of a man who has lived the truths he wants to share. I find his observations on the relation between spiritual and worldly well-being particularly invigorating and relevant to my own experience and current teaching. I believe readers at any point on their life’s journey will find this book full of practical and empowering ideas they can use right now to help make their lives more fulfilling and harmonious."

— Zen Master Dennis Genpo Merzel
Author of Big Mind Big Heart, Finding Your Way

"Harmonic Wealth offers access to abundance in all areas of life through practices that are fun and profound. The entire book goes down easy in leading its readers into an understanding of the difference between a disciplined and an undisciplined mind, the key ingredient to overall success. James Ray’s work and his life model what it means to live in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe."

— Michael Bernard Beckwith
founder of Agape International Spiritual Center
author of Inspirations of the Heart,
40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast and A Manifesto of Peace

"Harmonic Wealth offers a compelling new model for the way we think of wealth and the role it plays in our lives. Through personal stories and true-life accounts, bestselling author James Ray reveals how ordinary events of life offer an extraordinary window to our inner dialogue of personal worth. Once we recognize the language, the path to spiritual, as well as material, abundance in our lives becomes obvious. By sharing the powerful revelations of his own experience, James offers meaningful templates that we can apply to ourselves. Harmonic Wealth catapults us beyond the obvious, showing us that our ability to receive is directly linked to our courage to love. I love this book!"

— Gregg Braden
New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

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Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: JimmyProfit ()
Date: March 21, 2010 12:32PM

I was reading the info posted in 2007 on The Secret and came across the from The Anticult:


"It makes one think about why so many cultish leaders get so cynical and contemptuous toward their followers, and keep pushing them further and further. The fact that they can say literally anything, and huge masses of people will simply believe it, and follow.

That must be a moment for each "cult leader", when they realize that these people out there will literally believe whatever he tells him, do what he says, and give him their money, give him whatever he asks for. "

After seeing James Arthur Ray's site, posts, tweets, columns etc., I've been struck by the contempt he seems to have for his followers. As though they are pawns for his amusement. In stories told be attendees of different seminars, there is the common thread of - at best - no compassion and no respect. He just kept pushing them, because he could.

The Anticult called it. Again.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - power corrupts, Jane Doe
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 21, 2010 09:22PM

As they say, power corrupts, and that is true.
So James Ray, as his power increased over his inner circle over the years, would get more and more arrogant. Who could stand up to him at JRI? Of course no one. If anyone said anything, they were out. He wouldn't even let underlings speak to him unless spoken to.

What happened with the Colleen Conaway cover-up showed that to James Ray, his followers are literally a Jane Doe. Same with the death lodge. Jane Doe.
Some of the family of the victims were outraged that James Ray cared nothing for their family member, even though they'd "known" James Ray for years.

But here is the painful reality in these LGAT's.
Its not a real "relationship". Its a one-way street, and its based on exploitation, and commercial gain. (money).
The LGAT Guru looks at the mass of seething humanity out there with contempt.

Byron Katie metaphorically has referred to them as "ants".
________quote from Bryon Katie CD analysis__________
[] ANTS: eating ants on her salad, ants crawling all over her? Ants drawn to POISON in “ant hotel”, and then INFECT OTHERS. (excellent metaphor for the Katie seminar in the hotel). Love Death, murderer, kills ants with her hands and enjoys it? (remember that Carol Skolnick called her clients…Cli-Ants.) More insect metaphors

And guess what, sometimes the Guru has to crush a few ants with his hand while out on a picnic eating a sandwich.

They are very detached from their followers. The followers have an intense emotional BOND in the MINDS for the Guru, but its a one way street.
The Guru doesn't care about all these people out there trying to get at him, and get his attention. The Guru cares about himself, and me, myself, and I. He's a narcissist, and they are there to SERVE his Ego.

The Guru manufactures a one-way false intimacy with the followers, and its a terrible SHOCK the first time a follower really understands that.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2010 09:31PM by The Anticult.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - power corrupts, Jane Doe
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 21, 2010 09:40PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2010 09:49PM by The Anticult.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - Gregg Braden, biggest fan of Harmonic Wealth
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 21, 2010 09:46PM

Dr. Oz's wife Lisa Oz, is a "Reiki Master" [] and a "producer, writer, actress, and frequent co-host of The Dr. Oz Show".

Oprah is obviously going to produce and pick people who share her New Age beliefs, and it helps with the ratings! Maybe Dr. Oz believes in that, or maybe he just thinks its a placebo?
Reiki []

But its one thing to do some supplemental placebo hand-waving, and its another thing to do what Gregg Braden is doing, promoting fake 3 minutes cancer miracle cures in China to exploit dying people for money.

As shown above, Gregg Braden is also a big supporter of James Arthur Ray and Harmonic Wealth, all of which are a total fraud, scam, and now criminally charged.
Nice job Gregg Braden, Harmonic Wealth is literally bankrupt and lethal, and Greg was sending people right into it.
Now Gregg Braden is sending those with cancer to China to get scammed there.

"Harmonic Wealth offers a compelling new model for the way we think of wealth and the role it plays in our lives. Through personal stories and true-life accounts, bestselling author James Ray reveals how ordinary events of life offer an extraordinary window to our inner dialogue of personal worth. Once we recognize the language, the path to spiritual, as well as material, abundance in our lives becomes obvious. By sharing the powerful revelations of his own experience, James offers meaningful templates that we can apply to ourselves. Harmonic Wealth catapults us beyond the obvious, showing us that our ability to receive is directly linked to our courage to love. I love this book!"

— Gregg Braden
New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

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Re: James Arthur Ray - Gregg Braden, biggest fan of Harmonic Wealth
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 21, 2010 09:54PM

Why doesn't Gregg Braden set up a 3-minute instant cancer-cure clinic in the USA?

Because they would all go to jail for criminal fraud.
But hey, China is pretty lawless still for that kind of thing, so they can get away with it there.

There is a lot of money in criminal fraud exploiting people with terminal illness. The trick is finding out where to do it.
The Phillipines was hot years ago.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - harmonic wealth book revisited
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: March 21, 2010 10:13PM

Shimon, all those names have connection to the Transformational Leadership Council, TLC for short, a sort of cross promotional 'mastermind group' for the self-elected 'leaders' of the new age, new paradigm, new thought, new way of fleecing the marks. Its a new century circle jerk.

Pretty much anyone on the list, they have a site which lists over a hundred 'leaders', should be avoided if you want to stay out of the greased funnel that feeds directly down the rabbit hole.

Death Ray was on the list until his tragic accident, when he promptly disappeared. If he somehow beats this rap he will be back on it in no time, re-invented as an older and wiser dude but with even more to contribute as he has faced the devil of unbelief in his innate goodness and so has even more to teach his devoted followers.

Such skills as Death Ray has shown himself to have will not be allowed to lie fallow long. They will be exploited for the cause of hoodwinking even more people.

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Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 21, 2010 10:14PM


Cosmic Connie:
What's important to me now is that the main topic I am becoming more interested in, i.e., this whole "persuasion" industry, *is* getting some good coverage on this forum. That's one reason I keep coming back here.

Years ago, somewhere in his book, Rational Mysticism, journalist and author John Horgan referred, in passing, to 'The Enlightenment Industry.'

At the time, this rang a bell for me, as that choice of words linked the Enlightement Industry with the celebrity driven media driven Entertainment Industry.

And the two overlap, partly by sharing the same focus on creating and marketing celebrities, whether as entertainers or as gurus, A lists, B lists and the ways celebrity gurus tend to mingle with celebrity artists and entertainers.

Well, Cosmic Connie has given us a new phrase--The Persuasion Industry.

And, to a terrifying extent, The Persuasion Industry overlaps with the Enlightenment Industry and the Entertainment Industry.

It is my considered opinion that genuine teachers will not be a part of any portions of these three Industries, for the methods of all three--media exposure, advertising, image building, advertising, all work by massaging the greed, escapist fantasy, and trance.

In the words of Aldous Huxley quoted earlier, the Persuasion Industry, Entertainment Industry and yes, the Enlightenment Industry-- all deepen the quasi hypnotic trance in w which humans spend much of our time--and from which all genuine philosophies and truly spiritual religions seek to liberate us.

One of the items listed in the Bodhisattva Precepts is variously translated as 'beware of darkening the mind of self and other with intoxicants.' (Others translate it as do not sell or give intoxicants.')

Most persons consider this to apply only to drugs.

It is my opinion that this precept concerning intoxications also includes:

Marketing and advertising techniques that massage afflictive emotions of greed, delusion (because you are not given full truth about the product,group or guru being advertised)

Use of music or chanting that induce trance

Intoxication generated by sexual imagry designed to throw someone off balance so as to sell them somthing

Fascination with power, fame and celebrity, charisma

Trance induction through methods of hypnosis if not done by a medical practitioner and in a patient provider relationship boundary marked by law and professional ethics

Intoxication induced by any sort of social pressure

Intoxication brought about by issuing new upgrades of a belief system necessitating constant purchases of new books and DVDs and tapes in order for your intoxicated adorers to keep up with you.

Intoxication generated by sleep deprivation dehydration, anything undermining full access to ones mental and bodily resources

Anythingthat installs fear or lust or delusion, a)Which IMO includes most forms of advertising and celebrity fascination)

Intoxication brought about by creating mob mentality, installing us versus them mentality, creating social environment that sustain excessive and unbalanced emotions and block access to complete and truthful information from outside sources about that social environment.

Yes, there are great and famous persons who did huge amounts of good who became celebrities of a sort, such as Schweitzer, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and FDR.

But they took a terrible risk and all the persons I have listed lived in a time when mass media was not as intrusive and powerful as it is today.

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