Here is the most recent post from the Gnostic Movements blog, Gnostic Voice.
You have to wonder why an organization that has its own website needs a blog to post where its agents can post anonymously. For the record it should be stated that people post here about their experience anonymously because they know how the Gnostic Movement treats those who speak out, based on experience.
Of most particular interest in this post is a statement that Mark Pritchard is not posting in the Gnostic Voice blog.
"For example, Mark Pritchard, Belzebuub, has never written even a word on this blog site. Anyone who says otherwise is therefore a liar, and this then serves as one amongst many of the lies they have spread and will continue to spread in their persecution campaign against the modern Gnostics, particularly Belzebuub."
It was stated in this discussion a few days that anonymous98361 was actually Mark Pritchard. From what I can tell that is actually quite likely considering his patronizing writing style, but personally I really can't know. What is quite interesting is that the piece in question was written by someone posting as apocryphalnow. How could this person know that Pritchard is not posting on this blog if they are communicating with one another? Clearly Apocryphalnow must be a high ranking member. Gnostic Voice is obviously an official action of the Gnostic Movement, with Pritchard as the leader.
We all know now that Gnostic Voice is not a place for open and far discussion, it is just meant to appear that way. Personally I think it is pretty despicable that they will not permit me to comment on the posts that are written about me.
It would also seem to be clear that the membership and leadership of the Gnostic Movement is reading this blog. So why do they not respond to the real concerns that been raised her? Why do they not come here to defend themselves as we have requested?