Re: The Gnostic Movement/Gnosticweb lead by Mark H. Pritchard (Belzebuub)
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Date: June 21, 2010 11:36PM
yes, its extrordinary how all these groups have one rule for scientists, ie. they don't know what they are doing (even though they are happy to rely on technology of scientists that has been produced with exhaustive research and peer review), and one rule for themselves, ie. anything we say is true because "we know".
its so arrogant and superior and aloof, try that in a scientific situation you'd be a laughing stock, do it in a political situation you'd be a nazi.
when you question people about the astral, ask them if they regularly project with their partners, girlfriends, wives etc. no one can do it.
no one meets other people in the astral other than in rather vague watery situations, there is the odd fluke, but nothing regular and nothing substantial.
when you really clear your mind and start from scratch, without prejudice, without bias, without any kind of religious, mystical doctrine in the back of your mind, even let go of any kind of childhood ideas about fairies, witches, aliens. etc. etc. then what do you personally really know ? and what peer review research has proven any of this stuff ?
what proof is there of anything beyond the tanglible known physical existance.
take something like the astral, that appears practical and real, to actually scientifically prove it is anything more than just some kind of vivid subsconsious imaginative experience you need to project with other people, meet them, exchange information in the astral and then wake up and confirm it with them physically.
if you have never done this, and i mean really done it on multiple occasions, again and again, with various people, that makes it a valid proven experience, well you have no way of knowing whether its all just a trick of your imagination.
Saying that the metaphysical cannot be studied like this, or that its a personal experience etc. etc. is just not good enough, since a mad person has experiences that he truely feels are real and valid. What is the difference between a mad person having vivid experiences and someone in a cult group claiming all kinds of astral experiences, that he has no way of proving or relating back to real life ? both "know" their experiences are real.......
Another often used excuse is that we are not in touch these days, people were so much more mystical in the past, but histroy disagrees, people were highly superstitious and chopped each others heads off on mere hearsay. How was that more mystical and enlightened ?
Thousands of years of human existance has produced real tanglible technology that works, that verges on being supernatural, you can chat on video with someone the other side of the world. You can move at high speed in an areoplane, you can even go into orbit around the planet if you have a few hundred thousand dollars to spare. In time as understanding improves we will probably have warp drives, teleporters, force fields, you name it..... I'd put far more stock in technology than mystical clap trap.
How come all this improvement hasn't produced a single scientific valid research of the supernatural and metaphysical ?
There are alot of awefully intelligent people out there writing PhDs. on all kinds of abstract and obscure subject matter, and yet somehow the mystics while not producing anything valid themselves manage to discount all human scientific discovery as behind, degenerate even negative.
A mystics methodology is frankly no different to an insane person in its modus operandii.
On top of this they have the ultimate contradiction that they have the benefit of all humanity as their goal, whilst a chosen few in the organisation benefit from its followers financial support, and at the same time rejecting any kind of real science that could prove their theories once and for all and open the mystical world to all humanity.
Its absurd when you think into it and step back from all the religious and mystical ideas in the back of your mind.
If you really want to benefit humanity, then come on guys, come with something solid, demonstrate what you are talking about is real, show it to the world, change peoples whole idea and perspective on life, but do for real, with tangible facts, not a rambling, misleading, doctrine that you expect people to take on face value and on faith.
The gnostics and many others tell you its an internal science, that you have to investigate for yourself, but this is not good enough. It has to be tangible, it has to be real, and it has to be confirmed at very least by interaction with others during some of those mystical experiences.
Otherwise all you have is high functioning delusionals.
I can say that I have personaolly experienced and proved the idea that the earth being carried on the back of a giant spider, that when he stumbles it causes earthquakes, I can say I have seen it in my mystical experiences, I can say for me its real and valid, and I can invite you to experience it as well, and you can probably also have highly imaginative experiences similar to mine, especially after I have spent 6-12 months subconsicously programming you with my ideas. Does that prove the earth is being carried on the back of a giant spider ?
You dig back into all your childhood ideas, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, fairies, angels, witches, demons, its all just childhood fantasy, you have nothing real or tangible or solid that supports any of this stuff.
Its as though we come out of childhood, discover all this stuff is rubbish, move forwards with much excitement into adulthood and then realise its nothing but responsibilities, chores, and boredom.... so inorder to recapture some of our childhood we reinvent alot of fantasy stuff to keep ourselves happy. Its all garbage. Its also highly convenient for controlling other people. How many kings, even in recent times, GW Bush to some extent started massive wars in the name of god.... I can say whatever I like so long as I have god on my side, and you have no way of proving me wrong. Its just marvellous. You are with me or you are against god. What a great con job.
Children who feel neglected or lonely often invent imaginary friends so that they can control situations and their parents. My imaginary friend doesn't want to go shopping, she wants ice cream, she wants to watch a movie etc. etc. etc. Its a control mechanism, since only the child can communicate with the imaginary friend. Without real experiential proof, how is all the mystical stuff any different from this ? Life's neglected losers hanging onto some shred of childhood fantasy to make themselves feel less hard done by.
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2010 12:05AM by savedatlast.