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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: milarepa ()
Date: September 28, 2009 05:24AM

"It is their own fault"

This is the policy of the sangha . The do not explain with these words they explain "it is your karma" . So if you get robbed or something else bigger happened to you this is your karma. Please shut up and do not show any emotion otherwise you can not fit into to this environment.

The contradiction is ole always talking about compassion and understanding. Does it work? Of course not -compassion works in the sangha when you need to lick certain people *** to get acceptence.

Compassion exist? If it is they would like children.

Another person who has big control who is the media person is Mat the gay guy.

My other interseting question is has anyone heard when someone says it

"She or he is non-buddhist but she\he is OK". How can we distinguish between buddhist or non-buddhist?

Isn't it this is racism? Black or white muslim or non-muslim?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: suenam ()
Date: September 29, 2009 08:47AM

Matt Huddleston - he does seem to have some control, but is not really part of the London sangha - he is based i think in Reading or somewhere provincial - he is a bit strange i will admit.

as for Jacek Kaberuk - the last i heard there was a rumour circulating around the DW members that he was heavily into hardcore pornography, and that Dafydd Moriss was quite critcal of him. (Buddhists take a vow not to spread gossip, but of course, this again does not seem to apply to dwb...) Anyway, many people had much sympathy for his girlfriend Miriam, who seemed to be quite innocent and inexperienced. The last i heard, Jacek was sleeping with several other girls and it seemed just a matter of time before Miriam saw his true nature...

As for the "karma argument" - it would seem to cut both ways - such ill-feeling towards dwb can only be seen in the same light, and were any other ill fortune occur then this could only be said to be the result of karma.

on which note - some members of the London sangha are currently being investigated by the u.k. police for blackmail in an attempt to raise funding...

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: ~*~ k a t e ~*~ ()
Date: September 29, 2009 04:44PM

Matt Huddleston founded the Reading group when it first started, but now runs the Exeter group.

The Reading group is now run by Daffyd's brother Ceri, who has run it from his flat since they got kicked out of a room they rented in a therapy centre for harassing people coming for counselling to join the group!

I'm interested about the blackmail at the London group. I experienced this (albeit after I left) - members tried to blackmail me into silence. Do you have any more info about the current investigation?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2009 04:47PM by ~*~ k a t e ~*~.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: suenam ()
Date: September 29, 2009 06:57PM

...there was a couple in dw who were making their own porn videos. when they split up it was quite acrimonious and the male was thrown out, not because of any right or wrong, but because the women are seen as a resource, and can attract more members. there is already a dearth of horny boys in dw, so it seems that they all sided with the woman because they saw her as a victim and all the men had a chance to play the role of "protector" in an attempt to be like Ole.

anyway, it seems that he then received letters demanding money against threats concerning these videos. what seems to have happened is that it has become very difficult to single out any individual, or group, as they all cover for each other, and any evidence gets "lost" - with so many members, all of them with computers, these files are impossible to locate, and even if they are found, who is to say that they weren't freely shared among the group in the first place...

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: suenam ()
Date: September 30, 2009 02:53AM

EDIT - correction, i meant to say, there is a dearth of attractive women in dw, and far too many horny boys!

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: milarepa ()
Date: September 30, 2009 06:33AM

Hey guys it is excellent that things are able to come on the surface!

I am just wondering what have DW people to say to this?

Where is Jacek,Maya, Steve, Dafyd,Matt?

Following my experience they pretend to be anything but hardcore porn stars and investigated by UK police. Or they are too busy to react because occupied with blackmailing some innocent "soul".

On the serious note if it's true -how can we expose groups like that to the society ?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: suenam ()
Date: October 01, 2009 02:34AM

remember that nothing has been proven yet.

what is interesting is the way that the DW have handled the whole thing.

firstly they way they took sides, which shows a lack of spiritual maturity, and revealed their innate prejudices. it sounds like something Ole would say in his talks... women are weak and vulnerable and need protecting by you fearless boys etc.

secondly, the way they close ranks. it seems as if no one even had the insight, let alone dare to question the "party line" dished out by the leaders.

thirdly, the way that they make decisions based upon conjecture. i guess they would call it intuition, but from the outside it seems as if they have a penchant for gossip, making premature judgements based upon their own unquestioned prejudices, and for scapegoating.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: ~*~ k a t e ~*~ ()
Date: October 10, 2009 09:40PM

That's a typical DW tactic, close ranks to force out anyone or anything that threatens their fragile precious belief system of Ole Nydahl as perfect.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: suenam ()
Date: October 15, 2009 07:39AM

while i agree with you Kate, i think it goes deeper...

it is not just the idea of ole being perfect, there is also this ideology at work in the group as a whole.

Buddhism could be described as an idea that one must work on the conflicts within, and that in fact all perceived conflicts are in fact internal.
Fascism could be descibed as it's opposite, the idea that there is some perfection if only we could target the "culprits" (Witches, Jews, addicts, satanists, paedophiles, etc.) - there is this perception of the guilty and the innocent, good guys in white hats and bad guys in black hats.

this may sound controversial because who would refuse to condemn paedophiles, however it is often the case that those who cry the loudest about it are the people who go into elaborate detail about the sort of inhuman tortures that they would like to inflict upon such people - the fact is that we all have some darkness within us, and if we do not admit and confront that, then we instead externalise it and inflict it upon others.

In the case of DWB, there are some rather strange paradoxes at work in their idelogy. on the one hand there is this idea of sexual liberation, and yet when examined closely, it is in fact simply a sort of victorian moralistic (and hypocritical) form of patriarchy. The same goes for their form of "buddhism" - it looks like tolerance and freedom, and yet it is only tolerance and freedom for "us" and judgement and condemnation for "them" (the bad guys in black hats).

DWB are very tolerant, but only if you do things their way - otherwise you represent a challenge.

for me - this means that they do not seem to have a fragile belief system at all, but in fact are perpetrating something quite insidious and hard to pinpoint. i know of some DW members who call themselves anarchists and who would reject this ideology completely if it were obvious to them, and yet they still do not see it, such is the insidious nature of this ideology - it is slavery masquerading as freedom, and repression masquerading as liberation.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: milarepa ()
Date: October 27, 2009 05:44AM

We should not just talk we should do something and make the whole organization to shake a little bit. What would be the suggestion? It is just awful how people are falling into this whole fakely made up idea. If you are not able to have a carrier outside you can make it inside ! This is the idea - called dharma carrier. Many people are not educated of course as they would never question how a well educated would.

One of the really good example how much this organization is not about buddhism.

Maya Muller Steve"s girlfriend got pregnant recently and she was the most unhappy person. She kept the baby because of the buddhist idea (do not kill) but she was unhappy sour and extremely furious during her pregnancy. So how buddhist is it keeping a baby and making his life so miserable? As she is not able to keep up with her first bastard kid( without father) so why did she take another onboard?

It happened in the Brighton sangha when a young girl got pregnant they influenced her to keep it because she was buddhist. The girl gave away the baby but before she went to ask Lama Ole's advice.

Lama Ole asked -is the baby from a white guy???? If it is give it to adoption that is the best-was his answer.

And if the baby from not a white man? What would be his answer?

Anyway everybody promised help to that young girl but she ended up on her own. She was carrying the baby not even giving any affection and love. Is this buddhist??

And it is just because of Lama Ole who plays God.

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