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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: saladbar ()
Date: October 27, 2009 09:37AM

You all are so wonderful. Thank you for all the interesting ideas which you have created here. Such robust stories and intriguing dramas! This really provides a nice break from doing homework and other useful things. Please keep with this noble work and do the best work you can.

All the best,


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Wangdrag ()
Date: October 27, 2009 05:41PM

We should not just talk we should do something and make the whole organization to shake a little bit. What would be the suggestion? It is just awful how people are falling into this whole fakely made up idea. If you are not able to have a carrier outside you can make it inside ! This is the idea - called dharma carrier. Many people are not educated of course as they would never question how a well educated would.

I am afraid it is difficult to do much at this point, for example I got into their social web-network called Virtual sangha and started to post critical (not directly critical, but the aim was clear for those who read it) posts on my virtual sangha blog account. The criticism was immediately silenced. They did not kick me out, but they changed the settings of blog posting so that the new blog posts do not appear on the front page as they did. That is - if you specifically do not go to check new blog posts, you would not know that there is something new.

Also I now believe that the only work that could be done here is by insider, not from outside, it must be someone who becomes influential within the group and slowly and patiently does the work of dissolving the cult. I myself would love to that, but I am quite well known within their circles, so I cannot just show up as a new member (unless I move in some other country), I would be immediately discovered and questioned as to why I came back and all my efforts to undo the cult would be easily revealed.

Another thing that can be done is to stay informed and inform other people who might be interested in entering this group. The older members usually cannot be turned away, unless they are mistreated by the cult itself. Also here in Central and Eastern Europe, the cult is growing so rapidly, that is almost unbelievable. They get at least 5 new members every week in Czech Republic, right now they have more than 50 groups in Czech Republic, that is in every city and they started to have lectures even in small towns with less than 10000 inhabitants.

There is another thing which is up with Ole, but I will not share it until it becomes of some greater significance, shall that be the case. Lets wait until next month or December, when their papers on the Center meeting in Braunschweig are out. I have an access to their internal web in one of their local groups under the fake id, so I can get hold of those documents and publish them either here or on E-sangha (currently down for server maintenance) as I did before.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: milarepa ()
Date: October 29, 2009 04:19AM

Hi Wangdrag,

I agree with everything what you just said. I am-after my experience-telling people what can they accept from this group. I would love to tell openly the truth but you are wright -they would cut you off. I am still part of virtual sangha but more and more people are stop using it after Lama Ole advise-keep it for buddhist business not for privacy.
Well another control hey!

It is true the group is growing as people are more disappointed in everyday life and trying to find something meaningful. Many people are joining it because of their lonely life and try to find a partner or try to join a social club. And yes they party a lot (would not mention how) following they dearest Lama who is always showing off in these parties like jumping off from the second floor onto the crowd's hands as a stage diver.

I do think it is time to do something i am not against the whole idea i am against of this organization what appears to be buddhism. Making buddhism cheap and commercial.

Maybe we could work or maybe other people can help as well but i need to disagree that you would be able to change anything from inside. If you open your mouth and have a different idea they will kick you out straight away.
We need to take some actions instead of slow way of change.

What do you think?

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: milarepa ()
Date: October 29, 2009 04:29AM

You all are so wonderful. Thank you for all the interesting ideas which you have created here. Such robust stories and intriguing dramas! This really provides a nice break from doing homework and other useful things. Please keep with this noble work and do the best work you can.

Dear Saladbar,

Yes we are all wonderful and beautiful. Even we are buddhist or non-buddhist. But one thing you should know. The stories here are true and real. People found this webside to write their own experiences to make other people aware of it. If you are clever enough you start to open your eyes and realise within lama Ole's group not everything diamond!!!

These stories are not dramas people experienced it got hurt and here in this corner of the world trying to share to make it less painful. As they were not able to share with they "friends" because within diamond way buddhism only one way exist.

Other you follow the lama and the people who high on the hierarchy (like ~steve dafydd matt from the london sangha) or you are out.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: bkalnoky ()
Date: November 24, 2009 02:58PM

For your reading pleasure: Yes I'm having sex with students, says Ole, but in that one moment when we're in bed it is not actually a teacher-student relationship (but it is before and after)


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: villager ()
Date: November 27, 2009 09:49PM

Can you specify, when exactly he said this? - if possible, quotable.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: jah ()
Date: November 28, 2009 07:47AM

Villager, the article linked to gives the date it was written and when Ole was there giving a lecture there: November 14, 15 2009.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Outsider ()
Date: December 04, 2009 04:21AM

As this thread grows we see more and more truth about DW coming to the surface. Read the article posted by bkalnoky on 24.11.2009, note number of ON followers and again a stab at another religion. In the local DW center there is the usual nucleus of people who are currently posting anti muslim threads to one an other on FB (I know because my partner is participating). The recent vote to ban minarets in an obscure European country was a joy to them but when it was pointed out that perhaps this can lead to bans on temples of other religions once reality kicks back into life they were indignant, srong and confident in their cause as ever a DW member should be. It may also be interesting to note that DW does not appear proud of itself beyond its members, the centers (other than the Europe Center) commonly occupy dingy back street buildings and members lock themselves into their gompa beyond the reach of the outside world, not often you see an open day and to hear ON ramble through the same old stuff one has to pay $ 10 a shot, 200 people thats not bad considering the local center has paid for the venue, ON travel, lodging and beers when they all retire to the nearest bar to swoon over a 68 year old who still thinks hes on the hippy trail.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: jah ()
Date: December 04, 2009 09:12AM

What is "FB?"

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: ~*~ k a t e ~*~ ()
Date: December 05, 2009 02:22AM

The social networking site Facebook, I'm guessing?

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