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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: bkalnoky ()
Date: May 27, 2009 05:07PM

I'm actually living with a Nydahl-follower as I've stated at the beginning of my presence in this thread. Been a long many years now, and I suppose it would be easier if I were a normal average person holding no strong personal beliefs in matters of religion. But I'm a (lax) catholic.

It has been, and is, and interesting experience. In the first four-five years discussions revolved mainly around my criticism of what Ole says about Islam. I think a man of religion - let alone a bhuddist preacher - can fall no deeper than to say another religion is evil.

Also I confronted Ole, with my wife's email-support, on something he quoted from the Koran in a public lecture, and he did answer, and it did turn out he had not in fact taken his quote from the Koran at all, unlike what he claimed during the lecture. So far so good, all of this I've posted before.

During the last few months, our discussions have finally reached deeper. My wife is now actually saying she regards some pretty essential bits of Ole's approach as "mistakes". 1) That he thinks it's OK to have other sexual partners once you're married 2) That he thinks couples should separate if there's a problem, even if they have kids (he advocates to keep on living together but choose other sexual partners -- proves he knows nothing of family life) 3) That the yogi way is the best way to enlightenment and that all of his students in fact -- according to him -- are taking that road if they keep following his (paying) courses. She doesn't feel the yogi thing is for her, and she doesn't feel it's the best and almost only way.

Now here's the interesting bit. She'd never dare state these views in public in the sanga, let alone tell Ole himself she considers these things as mistakes. She'd rather, she says, jump in the Danube (!).

I think it says alot about the kind of conformist pressure these pour souls suffer in the sanga. Usually without even realizing it.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Emma C ()
Date: May 28, 2009 02:19AM

Very interesting about the pressure applied in the groups, that fits my experience as an ex-member too. It's as if there's some dual reality - One where you know you disagree with what is being taught, but at the same time you are accepting everything you are taught and can't see anything wrong with it, and see it as perfect.

Bizarre, but I guess that's what the cult's brainwashing does to one's brain!

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Wangdrag ()
Date: May 28, 2009 05:51PM

3) That the yogi way is the best way to enlightenment and that all of his students in fact -- according to him -- are taking that road if they keep following his (paying) courses. She doesn't feel the yogi thing is for her, and she doesn't feel it's the best and almost only way.

Now here's the interesting bit. She'd never dare state these views in public in the sanga, let alone tell Ole himself she considers these things as mistakes. She'd rather, she says, jump in the Danube (!).

I think it says alot about the kind of conformist pressure these pour souls suffer in the sanga. Usually without even realizing it.

Dear Boris,

I can assure you that what Mr. Nydahl teaches has nothing to do with a yogi way.

Please read biography of Chadral Rinpoche who is an exceptional and true vajrayana yogi, you will see how different is his path from what Mr. Nydahl preaches:


It is very sad to me how Mr. Nydahl abuses this name of the path of the yogis.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Wangdrag ()
Date: May 28, 2009 08:47PM



Sorry a wrong link there, it is nice biography but it is quite poetic.

Here is something easier to read:




In short yogis like Chadral Rinpoche spend most of their lives in solitude of mountains and they don't give a damn about fame and chicks, they are humble and do not seek appraisal and numerous students.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Dave ()
Date: May 28, 2009 10:04PM


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 28, 2009 11:21PM

FYI, there has already been a Dharma debate on another internet venue. concerning Ole N.

This entire page and the next one is worth a peek.


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Outsider ()
Date: May 31, 2009 05:16PM


Good to see you are back, perhaps you can tell us all who (at the end of the day) is the owner of the DW Europe Center, its prime real estate in Berlin and the many other centers around the world that are proudly proclaimed as belonging to DW. Property has to be owned by an entity in Mainstream Europe, be it an individual, couple or company. I' m interested because I know that DW centers looking for 'retreat' property have pretty high expectations and are being pushed personally by Ole to raise funds for the material gain that is property ownership.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Emma C ()
Date: June 01, 2009 01:48AM

Here is the site I have been working on so far. It is still under construction, but you get the idea!


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: bkalnoky ()
Date: June 01, 2009 05:28AM

Emma, it might have been better to wait until you have someting more to show before going online with this site.

Speaking of wich. Have we all been blind or just stupid. Have a look at the status of DW foundation

bloody hell Ole's printing money

Look at it very carefully. Not everyone will understand.

1) Ole is master, he determines who gets on and who gets kicked out. Sole controller of finances

2) I know from my wive that Ole when he holds a lecture likes to ask for 1000 Euro for the next airplane ticket/taxi etc to the next center. But actually, every cent he spends will be refunded by the foundation. So that's 1000 extra for him. how many trips to centers does he do? multiply by 1000 eur

3) This staus says he can give mones to outside companies without controll

4) After him Cathy (who he thought gives better sex than his wife) will rule

I feel these things have more power than anonymous personal testimonies

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Emma C ()
Date: June 04, 2009 01:57AM

Very interesting! I didn't realise he was reimbursed, I just assume his overpriced lectures, book sales etc paid for it all. I guess this shows just how much he milks his followers. Thanks for posting!

While I agree that perhaps this sort of evidence is better than personal testimonies, I felt former members like me could do with a place to air their experiences and have it all in one place for those researching or getting sucked into the cult - if it saves just a few potential recruits, job done.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2009 01:59AM by Emma C.

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