Its been a while since I last posted here, a long while, good to see the thread still progressing and expanding. I am not going to pick up on any particular posts, rather add what I see as relevant information. Freedom of expression, speach, its something that has been fought for over the years and I find it interesting that some recent internet posts commenting on Ole Nydahl in a negative manner have seriously irked one of the Baltic Sangha`s. So much so that they recently had a meeting, a gathering of the said country`s Sangha`s to discuss what should be done to counter such `slander` of Ole online, legal recourse was mentioned. This just reinstates my impression that followers of Ole are obsessive in the extreme, forget the real world outside the Sangha , only what is circulated and adopted within the group is tolerated, regardless of where the group focus is heading (of course, it is always headed where Ole says it should be headed towards) it always swings towards blind faith.
Thank you Outsider. And this is why Micaela's case is going to be very, very important.
I wish Markus Kompa all the best with all my heart.
Good, brave man Markus!!! I wish you good luck with your Barbara Streisand method!
Diamond Way does violate human rights. And they do it on the levels that people find too difficult or impossible to talk about. It is emotionally too hard and people cannot find words to express their experiences. There are also very strong religious taboos which prevent people from talking.
Apart from that:
1. If you decide to talk, no one in the group will support you. You will be left on your own.
2. There is a danger that Diamond Way will get heavy on you as they did on Micaela. They will close your web page and they may sue you for defamation.
So you will really need to be emotionally and intellectually fit to be able to handle that.