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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: bkalnoky ()
Date: December 08, 2008 02:38AM


1) well I asked my wife about streams versus being there. It appears streams are for desperate caeses when you really can't go. I am not sure I understand this, but the thinking is that the community of the sangha exudes some special beneficial power, and Ole himself of course very much so, especially since he gives personal "blessings" at the end of each event with a little implemet that is said to have incredible power for some reason or other. So, much better to pay. And evidently, the Initiations into new meditation techniques, which you need to progress on the path to wisdom, well you can't get initiated on the internet. You need to be there and pay.

2) Ole-ists wax ecstatical about how cheap it is. In fact, some business empires have been built on the concept of low prices, mass products. Much the same here.

Have a look again at what Hao posted. Tells the whole story really. [] So-called lectures are here described as what they are: "Fund raising". The costs are called "fund raising expenses". The profit (Funds raised minus fund raising expenses) appears to be a whopping 75 precent. Wow, most companies can only dream of that.

The way this profit is turned into a non-profit (of the non-profit organisation) is the same as in any company, except there it would be called investment: DW reinvests it into the company, into itself, in order to expand. As Hao pointed out, this furthering of themselves is called furthering of religion, but the result is more centres = more money.

There is no difference at this point to scientology, expect it's cheaper and they don't have Tom Cruise. (But if they had him, they would make a point of underlining it to everyone.)


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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Emma C ()
Date: December 13, 2008 03:36AM

I couldn't agree more! The harassment and threats I have received since leaving is also very similar to Scientology. I'd say Diamond Way certainly has more in common with Scientology than with Buddhism!

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Emma C ()
Date: December 15, 2008 05:01AM

An article by The Daily Telegraph, also reported by the Independent Non-Governmental Organisation Canada Tibet Committee calls Ole Nydahl "a self-promoting schmuck and quasi-cult leader" and accuses Diamond Way members of violence.

Here is a copy of the article: []

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: bkalnoky ()
Date: December 15, 2008 02:52PM

good read, but it seems the article in fact accuses both sides of violence, in the "battle of the lamas". There always has been violence in buddhist battles for power, and I have no problem with that - no different than any other religion.

On another note, this thread has lead to an open and sensible discussion with my wife anout Nydahl. It appears he had flings with a good number of girls here in the Budapest Sangha, which is hardly news - but when I ventured that DW is not much of a family-centered philosophy, what with their role model Ole having had more sex than is good for him but no children, my wife exclaimed: Oh no, he has lots of children.

It appears he has kids with a number of women, allegedly because these women wished to have children from him. Magnanimously, he complied.

I uttered my total lack of admiration: I find it scary when a man in a position of authority and prestige fathers children to his (perhaps mentally unstable) devotees, even if they ask for it.

Apparently, he "keeps contact" with the mothers.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: darren c ()
Date: December 16, 2008 02:52AM

You pull up an 8 year old article where some unidentified American Buddhist slanders Lama Ole and doesn’t even have the moral fortitude to identify himself to the readers of the article. It is so obvious that this whole topic is tainted once you post an article about the Karmapa controversy.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 16, 2008 03:03AM

darren c.:

Your last post fit almost fit within the category of a flame.

The Daily Telegraph is a respected news source in the UK.

Attacking the author doesn't change the fact that "Lama Ole" has received bad press.

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Outsider ()
Date: December 17, 2008 12:35AM

Further reading that may open the lineage saga:

The Dance of 17 lives by Mick Brown Bloomsbury Publishing PLC; Re-issue edition (4 April 2005)

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Russky ()
Date: December 17, 2008 12:46AM

Attacking the author doesn't change the fact that "Lama Ole" has received bad press.
Who doesn't get bad press these days, eh? :)

Further reading that may open the lineage saga:

The Dance of 17 lives by Mick Brown Bloomsbury Publishing PLC; Re-issue edition (4 April 2005)
Do not change the topic. We were talking about Ole and how bad he did with this Emma girl. And all other girls who now have kids without a father. And all these poor bastards who gave their money to Diamondway Centers. Lets talk about that!

Its just one thing I don't get. This board is about cults or about buddhist teachings?

Alexey, Moscow

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 17, 2008 12:54AM


This thread is not a debate about Buddhist teachings, but rather a discussion concerning what might be "cult-like" and potentially harmful about the group led by "Lama Ole."

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Re: Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Posted by: Russky ()
Date: December 17, 2008 01:15AM

This thread is not a debate about Buddhist teachings, but rather a discussion concerning what might be "cult-like" and potentially harmful about the group led by "Lama Ole."
why these people keep bringing up all this buddhist stuff instead of bringing proof - and I mean like concrete proof - that he created a cult and is a cult leader?

Alexey, Moscow

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