by my opinion adept is not quite suitable word, we are more friends and colleagues.
For the last 10 years I did not notice somebody to encourage anybody else to go to more and more meditation courses. This is free choice and the art of what is possible. It is good to go, but if you don't go it is also good. For the last 10 years I was on 5 meditation courses, and the price for whole course (2-5 days) in Bulgaria is between 20 and 100 Euro. The price for lecture is about the price of cinema ticket.
In September I was on meditation course in Hungary with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and Lama Ole. The price for 4 days was about 40 euro including meal. The full course price was about 250 euro for 14 days including meals.
As far As I know all the lectures and courses of the Tibetan lamas are payed. Actually the lamas аre not taking money for that, they are not payed Buddhist teachers. With the money are payed expenses for organizing, and if there is something left - it is used for projects like
Stupa in Benalmadena, repair of monastery, buying a center or land for retreat place. Sometimes money are used for charitable purposes.
I am writing here to share my opinion and observations, not to convince or defend position.
Best wishes to all, be happy.