Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by:
Date: December 25, 2023 08:31PM
> Like, I am sure that Tulsi Gabbard is not a
> complete moron. She is an Army officer and former
> Congressperson. She's not a dummy; she's not an
> idiot. She has an above-average IQ. But she
> is thoroughly psychologically
> conditioned and heavily invested in Chris Butler,
> and so I understand why she, for example, stays
> with him and SOIF. Either that, or she's even
> more cynical and opportunistic than he is.
It's an interesting arrangement of mutual acceptance. Tulsi is famous. She received no less than $21 million in financial support for political activities - campaigns (FollowTheMoney). She is not bothered by sponsors such as Planned Parenthood (350,000 abortions per year). Her "guru" apparently didn't mind the money either since she received these subsidies from PP three times. Money do not stink. Money does not drip with the blood of aborted fetuses. From hunting companies, etc. As you can see, when it comes to money, power or fame, the "guru" is very happy and proud of her...
Or the entire Hawaiian SIF system as assessed by Japa das Joseph Bismark. "He is doing great service to Prabhupada." But somehow no one asks about this "business model" which is not very consistent with Garuda Purana...
> cult. The rest of them live highly reclusive lives
> with a very controlled lifestyle and group of
> people that they have been hanging out with pretty
> much since birth. Very few of them have branched
> out in any meaningful way. Those who have left the
> cult have definitely, and my view, lived a very
> enriching and exciting life. They have found their
> voices and talents and ultimately, themselves in a
> much much deeper way than any time in the cult had
> ever afforded them. Basically, these types of
> religions often make you the kind of guy in the
> room who can only talk about one thing and bore
> everyone to death. Not to mention they feel like
> they're know it alls and you can barely get a word
> in edgewise before they're calling you offensive
> or a demon.
This transformation can be traced. Realization of spiritual "competition" in Hawaii in 1969, joining ISKCON through "shaving heads as a symptom of submission", getting burned in ISKCON, proposal of a watered-down "ISKCON" and gradual "materialization", Hawaiian properties, costs of maintaining them and political involvement plus mega -ecumenism in the glue of marijuana promotion, etc. etc.