> Do Chris Butler's disciples call him "Srila
> Prabhupad"?
Some other important quotes:
Because, you see, Lord Chaitanya's teaching's really very simple and doesn't have anything to do with all these kinds of politics. Once you get into an ecclesiastical situation whether it's in a Catholic Church situation like the Pope, the bishops - you know that whole scene ______________? It's like they have an election and it's like somehow these people get together and they decide that you are the representative of God, you know? Then you become the head of that ecclesiastical system. But it's all politics, you know, it's like, "Oh yeah, we're going to... Who's going to be elected? And Italian this time? Oh, the Italians are taking over," you know? It's like a... it's all politics. If you actually talk to these people, they're not really seeing the spiritual, they're seeing political. "Oh, yeah, his views are too conservative. We want a more liberal pope next time. Fits in better with modern society." All politics: who you know, how many... you know, and currying favour and going around to the bishops and cardinals and hoping that you'll get elected pope. AAARRRHHHHH!!!!!!! (laughter) Who wants to be a fucking pope! Give me a break! "Let me down, I want off the chair! I want off! I want off the chair! Hey! Let me down! Shit! (laughter) Give the golden throne to somebody else. Shit, man - give me a break. I'm going surfing." (laughter) It's terrible.
Who wants to be a "jagad guru"...
Date of Lecture: 2 November 1993
Tape ID number: SPA 9331/M88A3
It is a big deal because you've just destroyed your spiritual life. You've just cut your relationship with Krishna off. And it doesn't matter how much you fucking chant Krishna's Names. You can do nothing about it. Because I can tell you this now, that if you destroy in this way the spiritual potential by planting these seeds of perversion in a little child, you're finished. You're finished! It doesn't matter how much you chant! Krishna doesn't see you. You'll taste no nectar at all from His Names. Nothing. Better the honest person who will openly go to the strip joint. Better the openly... the guy who's openly doing drugs rather than posing as a devotee and destroying the lives of their children.
Date of Lecture: 7 April 2002
Tape ID number: S132A3
Generally speaking we don't associate with these people at all. Why? They may be a bad influence on you or they may be blasphemous, but there is another reason and that is that we don't want to fight with them. The only reason I haven't had people in Iskcon after me the last few years is because my disciples have not been going there and telling them the truth directly. You see? And as soon as you start doing that then I have to start having more hassles with bodyguards and being very careful about where I go and this and that. And I hate it. I hate it. It's a drag living like the fucking president or something, okay? But if this person... does she still associate with these so-called Iskcon people? If she is sincere then the Paramatma will be telling her in her heart, "No!" You see? If she is sincere, then how is that she is still associating with people who teach something which is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Lord Chaitanya and to the acharyas? How is it possible? That is how you tell whether someone is sincere or not. So tell them the truth, if they keep associating with those people, then you know they are not sincere. Why bother? Has this person never heard the possibility that these people are rascals and blasphemers, that these people in fact are diametrically opposed to Krishna, that they are the enemies of Krishna? Hasn't anyone ever told her that possibility? Have you ever told her that that may be a possibility, or give her a Haribol Special or anything like that?
Gaudiya tradition - a temple has a president, asecretary and a treasurer.
Date of lecture: September 24, 1989
Tape ID number: S62A3
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2023 03:55AM by Culthusiast.