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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: JordanSamuel ()
Date: December 26, 2012 01:20AM

Here is a big testemony:

I was involved with BB and this is my conclusion:

There is a big possibility that Baal Hasulam's writings are all totally evil. Like some type of psychological-spiritual vampirism. The more you think about them, trying to figure them out, the dumber you get. There is actually a line in one of his articles where he says that "sometimes one's soul incarnates in the body of a pig". Jesus once casted demons out of a possessed guy and put the demons on pigs. Maybe kabbalah is just some type of coded-language demonology, and kabbalists are possessed. I mean, what are the odds that he discovered, out of the blue, for the first time in human history, the truth about the soul of humanity? Didn't anyone ever thought of it, or saw the things he saw? Bnei Baruch says that he had a sixth sense to see those things. Why don't we hear about anything even remotely close from other saints or sages? It is more likely he was evil, and created a mental trap to suck people's spiritual and intellectual forces away. Kabbalah takes advantage of people's curiosity and laziness, promising an easy abstract truth that is at least just mental masturbation, and more likely, purely demonic. What is the point of writing a book that is unintelligible? I tryied to figure it out somehow, comparing to other things I know about the mind, but it is impossible and a huge waste of time, and I would have to lie to myself to keep doing it, because I know kabbalah harms me and goes against everything good that I know exists for sure. Do you want some obvious truth? Google "Eucharistic miracles". Nothing abstract about that. Stay away from things that promise secret spiritual knowledge, chances are, they are just trying to take advantage of you. Seek real common sense wisdom, reason, consolidated philosophers. I wasted too much time on kabbalah, but at least now I know better. It's better to read one line of Aristotle than an entire kabbalah library.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: mellowchuck ()
Date: January 11, 2013 12:50PM

I've found this link to report how the Bnei Baruch Cult has ripped you off. I'm not sure what they do exactly as I'm still awaiting a response from them; however, I think it is worth going to this website and sharing your story.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 20, 2013 07:20AM

"..they wait for you to show severe symptoms of brainwashing before they start making such crazy requests and demands".

(Quoted from below)

A comment following an article on the Ghostwoods blog.

Several visitors insisted Bnai Baruch had 'never asked them for anything.'


March 5, 2012, 2:32 am Reply kri says

You’ll have to pay the 10% tithe if you stay with BB and get deeply enough involved with them.

What you probably don’t know is that BB has inner and outer circles– and there are a LOT of things you don’t know about BB if you aren’t in the inner circles.

You’re still in the far outer circles if you aren’t even aware of the requirement to pay 10% of your salary to BB if you “really” want to “advance spiritually.”

BTW it’s common knowledge in the more inner circles that you have to pay the 10% tithe in order to pass “machsom.”

They suck you in and get your defenses down by not telling you about the more stringent requirements of the inner circles, but if you stay with them long enough and show enough dedication (i.e. fanaticism, symptoms of brainwashing) then they’ll try to get you into the more inner circles where they gradually demand more and more of you, and shame you into putting way more time and effort into their organization than you would have ever dreamed of when you were a beginner.

If they told up front in the beginning that real spiritual progress according to BB requires spending nearly all of your free time either doing unpaid work for BB or watching the lessons, in addition to a 10% tithe– well you probably would run like hell. That’s why they wait for you to show severe symptoms of brainwashing before they start making such crazy requests and demands.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: kabbalah-victim ()
Date: January 20, 2013 10:07PM

Hello, please take a look at this site:
This site is intended for Russian speaking audience, but here are some English posts too.

Christianity vs. kabbalism

The real name of M. Laitman:

Nice video clip about cults and their techniques. Looks like they are talking about BB.

All other posts in English:

Everything what is written in this site is true!

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: mellowchuck ()
Date: January 21, 2013 02:01AM

Nice video clip about cults and their techniques. Looks like they are talking about BB.

That describes Bnei Baruch Cult almost exactly. I would say that 90% of that video explains how Bnei Baruch works.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: focus123 ()
Date: March 16, 2013 07:24AM

link to

Patrick Legault was an instructor for the English Education Center of Bnei Baruch in North America. He was also fully involved in Bnei Baruch's social organization cover up, called Mutual Responsibility. We'd like to honor his memory and the unappreciated effort he put in his work by making public his deep involvement in Bnei Baruch, his suicide, and how Bnei Baruch tried to conceal it, and disassociate themselves from Patrick Legault.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: BBEDCENTER ()
Date: March 16, 2013 09:51AM

Hello, please take a look at this site:
This site is intended for Russian speaking audience, but here are some English posts too.

The real name of M. Laitman:

Nice video clip about cults and their techniques. Looks like they are talking about BB.

All other posts in English:

Everything what is written in this site is true!

Hi, I just posted on godlikeproductions forum and I will paste the same message here, but I have just noticed that the last post above has our website address. In any case, I will write the direct link, so you can just click it. Also these links up here do not work for me. It says that I need permission from the owner. May I have that permission, then, to view the posts?

Here is the message also at godlikeproductions thread:

Hello everybody,

I see this conversation has been going on for a couple of years. We are a group of five former members of BB. We were involved in upper management teams, translation to French and Spanish, marketing and education tasks.

We are in the process of putting together a website revealing the true nature of the organization, as we know very well from the inside out. We have plenty of documented evidence. We will be putting information out as we find it necessary and helpful. it is a very difficult task, because of the highly skilled and tremendously deceitful ways of Michael Laitman and his Israeli team, but we'll try to do the best we can.

Of course, any BB member that wants to address directly the issues that are brought up is welcome to make a rational case with solid facts, and not with some propagandistic narrative that is only a disguise to spread their lies (unaware as most these people are of it, anyway).

Also any of you who thinks can help or contribute testimony, we are eager to work with you and see if we can make truth succeed.

This is our new website

Thank you for your posts and info!

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: BBEDCENTER ()
Date: March 18, 2013 04:25AM

And again, pasting from godlikeproductions threat:

Today I'd like to post the link to our new blog entry, because I think it exposes some of the subtle tactics that Laitman and BB use to consistently drip the brainwashing, and transform what ought to be the illumination of a spiritual awakening into a mind control system to be used for their own gain of power.

Laitman Vs. Ba'al HaSulam: Who Is The True Kabbalist? []-

Thanks again.

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: BBEDCENTER ()
Date: March 18, 2013 06:06AM

And again, pasting from godlikeproductions threat:

Sorry guys, I meant "thread", not "threat". Please, nobody needs to feel threatened. This is NOT BB. You will not be doomed if you don't want to "follow" our posts :)

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Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Posted by: poqzsuvs ()
Date: March 31, 2013 02:36AM

Hello again everyone. Firstly, I must say it is a telling argument (also embarrassing) that it has taken me so long to leave this ridiculous organization (first posting here September 2011). Be that as it may, I want to share something that helps maybe to put things in perspective.

Bnei Baruch a.k.a. Kabbalah Laam a.k.a. Humanity Integrated a.k.a. Mutual a.k.a. a.k.a. Ari Institute a.k.a. Ari a.k.a. Crossroads is NOT Kabbalah. It is POLITICAL CULT as defined by Dennis Tourish, M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Leadership and Organisation Studies, Royal Holloway University of London.

According to Tourish, in his usage the word cult is not a term of abuse. “It is nothing more than a shorthand expression for a particular set of practices that have been observed in a variety of dysfunctional organisations."

In an article called, Introduction to ‘Ideological Intransigence, Democratic Centralism and Cultism’ Tourish identifies a number of destructive consequences flow from these types of dysfunctional organizations:

1. A premium on doctrinal orthodoxy rather than critical reflection and innovative political thought.
2. Illusions in the absolute correctness of the party’s programme its indispensability for social change, and the superiority of its analysis – what has been dubbed “groupthink.”
3. A pathological fear of dissent, seen as imperiling the purity of an analysis held to be essential for success.
4. The demonising of dissenters and the suppression of critical opinion, leading also to the illusion of unanimity and agreement.
5. The over-working of a tired cadre, particularly the full time apparatus, as a means of extracting more commitment while providing minimal time for critical reflection.
6. A sectarian, ultimatist and frequently manipulative attitude to the rest of the left, and the labour movement.
7. The concentration of extraordinary power in the hands of a party elite, to determine ideology, actions, tactical alliances, and above all whose opinions remain consistent with the pure ideology ordained by the centre.

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