Re: Bnei Baruch anyone?
Date: December 08, 2010 10:42PM
I get many docs from the innergroup, as I'm in the inner group... Actually I'm leaving the BB Group.
I believe that the study has great fonts, and is the most real thing that approaches kabbalah from orthodox jews to the BB texts. But, always a but, when you start you are not required to pay anything... so I believe that if we stay in a very low profile is good, and the study is good, just do not try to be an inner member otherwhise, they will tell you that the only way is paying 10% of your money, and works a lot to help them (for free!). I just in the beggining realise that, if I'm working a lot normally in the real world I will get paid... sooooo, if I refuse receive any payment is like a Maaser! but I do not think the BB will accept such thought.
Here is something I have, think by yourself, and in the future I hope we dont create a wikileak of that:
The Charter of Bnei Baruch Members
“Laws are threads and ropes which help me get connected to the group.”
“These rules are aimed at involving a person into the group and into the state of Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”
“These are the conditions on which basis you set frames for yourself, and if you don’t observe these conditions, you move away from them and fall out of the Kli.”
2. Work
A group member is obligated to be a working man, even if he is financially provided for.
• Every student is obliged to pay his part of expenses for the premises, equipment, and public utilities.
• Once a month every student has to allocate 10% of his income for the current month (after the deduction of all state taxes) for dissemination of the science of Kabbalah.
• 20% of the Maaser (tithing) the group collected is to be sent to BB for issuing materials for dissemination (books, CDs, etc). (Actually I have a schedule that the group in the reality is paying only 10%, why this group do not pay correctly?????)
Bnei Baruch is a non-profit organization for teaching and sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah. To maintain its independence and purity of intentions, Bnei Baruch is not supported, funded, or is otherwise tied to any government or political entity.
Since the bulk of its activity is provided free of charge, the prime source of funding for the group's activities is tithing, contributed by students on a voluntary basis. Additional sources of income are Dr. Laitman's Kabbalah books that are sold at cost, and donations.
Question: Is it possible to cross the Machsom without paying Maaser?
My Answer: No.
- Question about this: Before Latman said that we need only 4 years to cross the machsom (in 2003), after that, everybody (in the world) are needed to cross, and in some text, Gay people need to correct themselves before cross, and only men married can cross. So, in the end, nobody have change to cross the machsom if all requirement is not complete (homosexual be a man, and marry, everybody paying 10% to BB, everybody united in the same path, etc)? Ok, I’m not gay, I’m married, my wife is engaged in Kabbalah, and I study for 8 years. I need to wait every others correct themselves to cross-together machsom… looks convenient to guilty the Ego to tell me why I did not cross the machsom. How to believe in such Laitman’s Phrases if all the time is changing with the time. To adapt you could say. But, I do not see the point, when Laitman says that BB receive in the voluntary basis, and all groups Obliged every student to pay! If every student pays is a physical matters that is against again with the BB that states we do not perform any physical matters (candle, meditation, letters, red string, holy water, mitzvoth, Shabbat, etc…) but pay masser, marry, be obligated to dissiminate, etc are physical!!! How incongruent this looks like!
- Also When someone is questioned, I know we are instructed to not answer immediately, to give a chance to that answer come by itself, but this is important to be answered, otherwise all materials including internal discussion in the inner group will be freely sent out to all students and media to think about what BB is doing… I believe and dedicated 8 years to do my maximum, my wife as well, but all physical groups acting as a mechanism to receive money, and money, and no group create harmonic place, all the times is discussions, all the time is about money, is about perform such things as put all efforts and your life to dissiminate and you will save your soul!!! This is Religious! Maaser is religious, do not accept gays in the inner group is religious and obviously Homophobic, and much much more!
- I need correct answers, otherwise, let the students give us the correct answer. What about my 10% goes to an counter dissemination explains exactly happens in the inners group, and how things work to do a brain wash to gain your salvation. Why all those things is hidden and only after the student was engaged those things is showed? Tell me where this is different from all those things BB was against, I believe in a Future society where I can use my life time to help another, I believed in the past, when Laitman told us that we are going to live in a spiritual way, and I can understand cleared the necessity of give 10%, but why need to be money? I’ve worked for free to BB for 8 years, if I get paid for that, I’m sure that I give back 100% of the money for that “voluntary” work… So, I’m rejecting 100% of the money, to give BB my efforts to disseminate, to help, and using my money to buy papers, food, everything to keep running BB… I believe that many many people will do the same for free, better, instead to get paid to do it, refuses the money from BB, giving free work!!!! How you can explain me What Laitman said that is not possible without paying maser… why need to be money? Money money?
Question: Do we correct ourselves during the initial period of study, when we do not contribute the Maaser?
My Answer: Yes, but only at your first preparatory stage. Kabbalists never accepted students who refused to follow this condition. After all, no matter how much a person tries, Malchut, the tenth Sefira, becomes corrected only when a person gives away to others one tenth of what belongs to him.
Question: Do new students who are in their first year of studies also need to give the Maaser? When should a person begin to pay the Maaser?
My Answer: One should begin to pay the Maaser when he begins to understand that he desires spiritual development. A person will not advance without making efforts. Maaser is the tenth part of the desire, which can only be corrected this way, by being given away.
- Again, I understand my desires for the spiritual, and I understand that I need to give and make efforts, but my efforts could be a maser, without paying CASH MONEY, as I did not receive any payment from BB to be in the inner group, to disseminate, and so on…
And finally I saw many groups, that do not pay attention to the other who not pay MAASER!
Folow some discutions in the inner group:
Hi friends, I was told that certain people who neither are members of BBA nor involved in common dissemination work and not paying Maaser, wrecked our planned Sunday Meetup schedule and on half way through the meetup initiated debates related with group's business and open critics of certain group members. I think this is totally unacceptable(!). All issues must be discussed on common inner group meeting and only between members of BBA. Regardless of whether their critics and arguments were justifiable or not they shouldn't be creating such a clutter in the middle of the meetup. I think this is a serious blunder of ours, and it shouldn't happen again! Although it is entirely our organisational fault I think those people should very gently be told of their place. No regards our group situation I suggest to meet ASAP and discuss the situation we are in. I see that there is no trust, no understanding, no integrity, brakeage of communication, and finally no UNITY between us. We, firstly, as Bnei Baruch group secondly, as dissemination factory, as well as legal entity cannot carry on like that, and should sort the situation out now as a matter of urgency. I see the 3 wayouts of the situation: 1. We forget the past, rise above all grievance and begin a constructive dialogue. Get back to the level of communication we had several months ago when we had weekly meetings, with minutes etc. Back to working together basically.. 2. We go under the management of BB. Don't quite know how it going to work yet, but I have a feeling that the reason why creator is sending us all the obstacles is to show that the way we have chosen to move forward is not quite right, and we should be managed by BB. 3. Shut up shop and go home I suggest to meet this Sunday at 11:30 to discuss everything. Some may say" that we tried many times..". and "there is no point to discuss..". they" won't listen..." and etc. But we need to do it otherwise there is no other way as split apart(!). Let's give it another go, m? Any comments, suggestions, are welcome
Someone in the group answered:
We also have to put spirituality above everything. There is none else beside him. Therefore the disruption was caused by ourselves. Irrespective if it is members or not we are providing a service. Furthermore I am not in the army and any aggressive approach is not acceptable therefore. As a I am the only person out of this email group who has been brought in Britain I understand the environment, culture, people by going to school, attending the girlfuides, social clubs, working visiting most countries around the world has given me an understanding of cultures, religions etc and in Britain this means opening the doors to all nations. Like the rav when he hosts the Zohar convention if some annoys him he does not close the congress and tells them it is over and blames other people for disruptions. Currently the position is there are almost 10 people who are students of beni Baruch who wish to complain about conduct of certain Bba uk full members and I am in aggreement with them. I do not accept bullies from our organisation who are in the inner group. The clutter was the one who stopped us listening to lessons and that person needs to be told gently of their place as a full member. I personnally will not stop my spiritual work with Kabbalah and if the choice to shut up shop, I am prepared to open another shop for the creator is good and will supply me with the right people and environment. If we are experiencing the current situation then this tells me. Bb management are going through the same situation that's why no one knows what they are doing. We have to learn from the past I understand then when you started bbuk in Hendon this was the same situation. A way forward is to treat people with human dignity. And work towards unity. Evey week I meet 500 hundred people and I have to me polite to them even when they shout abuse this I have learnt this is caused by pain of their teeth so they act that way however when the pain is gone they are so nice. People are in pain and are looking for spirituality. This means a relief from pain thereforw Kabbalah environment should be where children can come. As in my past as a martial arts instructor and had a classs with 30 children. Their parents entrusted me as they felt the environment to be safe to learn. At present we do not have that. If we are prepared to discuss in a dignified way they the meeting on Sunday is good. As I have been a board member for several orgainsations from school governing boards to business entities I have a good understanding of codes of conduct. Furthermore due to s’s efforts in starting the meetup forum is why we are able to meet people and thank him for that. Currently, we should from those who have been brought up in the Jewish culture/faith and if we find that the people we have to have a quite word who are not members you will find that they are Jewish so be careful at who you attack!!!
(note the person who write this last letter, is not attending the group anymore, and after that many discutions ahead in the physical meeting created a problem for everybody, specially when many states that if some one are not paying MAASER can not discuss anything… wow, how spiritual level those guys are!!!)