James Swartz
Writes about Himself
(as "Projected" upon Earthquake)"Projection" is a funny thing. In this phenomena, a person sees and judges someone else for his or her own traits.
In recent posts on this site, James Swartz has "outed" himself while projecting his own ways, habits, and doings onto Earthquake. Everything Swartz writes here is really about himself.
Earthquake, an ex-follower who saw the actual essence of the excremental fake teacher and moved on, certainly does stir up the deep recesses of Swartz's innermost dark psyche.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
He’s always broke and tormented by sexual urges. He’s so gross, classless and insecure that he has to resort to deception to get sex and money and drugs.
Yes. That is Swartz, exactly as Heather, and others who knew him (especially in India) have described him.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
Nothing ever works for him.
Swartz has been extremely insecure his whole life. He never has enough of anything, as he knows deep down that he is somehow, always, lacking.
James Swartz -- about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
People find out and he boots them out and preys on new recruits.
Exactly what Heather saw happen for decades as she watched the "monster" from outside his slimy view and touch.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
He’s actually very miserable behind that spiritual façade.
Nobody could be more miserable inside than Swartz. A few times as he wrote his threatening, loving, befriending, accusatory messages to me (as displayed in the book "
Guru? The Story of Heather") he also asserted that I was also "obviously very unhappy." Wrong.
Similar to me, on this matter Earthquake responded, "I'm a very happy person, actually"
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
It’s a real shame because people like that give Vedanta a bad name.
No one is worse for Vedanta than James Swartz. No one.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
It’s not up to me to sort him out. We did our best. If I wasn’t so busy serving the ShiningWorld community I’d contact the police, his parole officer, etc. but I’m an old man and haven’t got the stomach for such a nasty job.
Yes, Swartz has always known that he was nasty. He always knew it would be really hard to straighten himself out and to become a "real" spiritual teacher. Therefore, he never did.
It was easier to stay a rapacious, criminal false teacher than to do the hard work of becoming the real thing.
Swartz never had the stomach, the courage, "for such a nasty job" as to look inside himself and to get things "right."
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
In any case anyone who isn’t angered by this kind of behavior is not in touch with their emotions. It’s good that on the conscious level you acknowledged your bhakti for him and the teaching, but honestly you should never give your confidence to people until you have a secure relationship, particularly someone with whom you have a purely online connection.
Good gracious. Swartz is warning every potential student to avoid him himself. Upon observing Swartz, who could give him their confidence. Upon reading this site's posts and the Heather book, who could trust him?
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
If a person is speaking the truth, just take the truth as a gift from Isvara and forget the messenger. If you have a proper guru this kind of thing will never happen.
As I've noted before, at least Swartz does mention real teachers, like Sri Ramana Maharshi. That is as much truth as ever comes from him, a person who deliberately misconstrues and mistranslates the holiest books of the world, including
The Bhagavad Gita.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
I feel sorry for him but I also feel sorry for the reputation of Vedanta. And Vedanta has done and will do a lot more good for the world than any individual.
Irony knows no bounds.
No person has tarnished the reputation of Vedanta more than Swartz himself.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
He will not even rate a footnote in the history of the spiritual world.
Yes, Swartz will be nothing but a fart in a bad wind of the history of the spiritual world. If he's remembered at all, it will be as a bad example of spiritual teaching and a terrible one of how to live as a human being.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
He’s not even a world-class demon like Adi Da and others.
Swartz is probably jealous of Adi Da. Adi Da was much more famous, got laid much more often, and was much richer and famous than Swartz has ever been and will be. Yeah, poor James. Only a small-time demon.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
Maybe you can post your experience on an anti-cult website.
Yes, James. Over 450 posts and going on 42,000 views-- it is certain that you love this anti-cult website.
James Swartz - about himself (as viewed through his misperceptions of Earthquake)
The last chapter about him could be entitled “Egg on My Face.”
Egg on whose face?
Keep writing, James.Please.The more you do, the clearer the truth about you is.
You've taken down some of your "Shining World" posts for just this reason. In them, you showed your real "self,"
You couldn't have that.
You know that the more of the "real you" is seen, the worse it will be for you.
If the real you was clearly seen, you'd have no students left.
What a thought.Yes, do keep writing, James.