"Heather's" Accusations Regarding The Foul One,
James Swartz,
Were Reported.
Plus, About Going Public...
And a Note to EQStrange that there's a question about that. I thought that this had been made clear previously. However, yes, one of Heather's band of friends has a law enforcement background, and this person (with her permission) contacted legal authorities about her accusations regarding James Swartz. Note that the account shared with this official, unlike "
Guru? The Story of Heather," used Swartz's real name, exact dates, and the actual places (San Francisco, Oregon, Montana...).
The conclusion was that, if her accusations were true, that Swartz was definitely guilty of a violation of the Mann Act (details about this law are below). Among other things, the official contacted said,
"This was a long time ago, and we are very busy, but this perp sounds really bad. I'll see what we can do."Ever since, whenever James Swartz comes back to the USA, there are some of us who wait hopefully for news of his arrest at the airport.
Also, regarding "Going Public," in the beginning even the thought of coming out in public about her abuse at the hands of Swartz upset Heather. Understandably, she still had a hard time with PTSD from his years of systematic physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and sexual abuse. She was not sure she could handle being in the same room as the "evil" person she considers to be a "monster."
She is stronger now, though, and James Swartz is very correct (it is his nature, anyway) to be scared to death of "Heather" really going public. He knows what a few YouTube clips of her telling her story would do to him.
Everyone who meets her finds her to be intelligent, reliable, and compelling, even some who doubted her tale strongly when they first heard it.
******In summary, let there be no more claims James Swartz's crimes against Heather have not been reported.
Also, as I've written before, Swartz doesn't really want Heather to go public. It would finish him as a spiritual teacher, and he knows it. (If Sundari wonders why he doesn't pursue this more strongly, that is why. Of course, by now Sundari has to realize the truth about him, right?)
* * *A note to EarthquakeYou've already got the "high road." Keep it. You don't need to respond to every little pinprick the insidious prick tries to stick you with.
Earthquake, you've got over 400 posts by other people on this forum alone that illustrate all of your points (and more) regarding the horrible nature of James Swartz's teachings and of his criminal, sadistic personal behaviors. James Swartz already has been proved to be deplorable in every way.
Regarding his accusations regarding you, I would suggest a retort like:
"James, you are outright lying or totally distorting the truth about me with everything you write. So is Sundari. By throwing dirt at me, you're trying to distract people from the pile of barnyard stuff that buries you. Fortunately, you have been 'outed.'
All I need to do is to point anyone to this forum and the Heather book and say, 'This is who is accusing me. Judge the veracity of this person for yourself.'"At least, that's how I see it.
May you maintain Peace of Mind even as this self-proclaimed "spiritual teacher" slams you with some of the dark energy in which he resides.
* * * * *Details regarding the Mann Act, which Swartz is said to have broken by taking an underage girl interstate for sexual purposes as detailed in the Heather book. These paragraphs are from Wikipedia.
The Mann Act - Enforced, based on Heather's account, James Swartz would be a Felon and labeled as a Sex Criminal.
The White-Slave Traffic Act, also called the Mann Act, is a United States federal law, passed June 25, 1910 (ch. 395, 36 Stat. 825; codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. §§ 2421–2424). It is named after Congressman James Robert Mann of Illinois.
In its original form the act made it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose". Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking, particularly where trafficking was for the purposes of prostitution. It was one of several acts of protective legislation aimed at moral reform during the Progressive Era. In practice, its ambiguous language about "immorality" resulted in it being used to criminalize even consensual sexual behavior between adults.[1] It was amended by Congress in 1978 and again in 1986 to limit its application to transport for the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual acts.[2]