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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:13AM

You get an alotted amount of water for showers and other things ect. Per day

"Are you able to distinguish between free-spiritual-sex-hippie’s ashram/community and a false delusional cult society with worshiping of a liar-guru. And between the non-duality teaching/the true Self as a pure philosophy and regular spiritual practice like meditation on daily basis and to keep the mind focused on a work.. atc. "

Not really apparently??

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:14AM

I mean i think i like a free spirit hippie vibe but, yeah i can discern between true meditation and "free love" vibe

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:15AM

Somewhat, probably not really as much as i think i do, haha

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:20AM

You shouldnt ask people, its weird and accusatory, whos going to say "yes i can"? Someone who thinks theyre very enlightened??

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 12:54PM

Hi Heythere101,

thanks for contributing so much information to the discussion.... especially the stuff about Tony Moo talking about extra-terrestrials and other dimensions!

This is indeed fascinating new information for most of us here on Cult Education. I'm pretty sure this has not come up before, so please someone jump in and enlighten me (excuse the pun) if aliens have been discussed here before, in relation to Moo.

This is so interesting. Heythere101, if there is anything at all you can remember Moo saying about aliens... then I would love to hear it. Perhaps Moo is himself part-alien, or else he has potentially been visited by aliens recently?

One theory could be that Moo talks about aliens to test just how delusional his followers are? The ones who take it seriously are the ones he knows he can get to believe anything at all, perhaps? Maybe.

That is also very interesting about people being reprimanded for not wearing Moo's mala around their necks, and for showing reverence to Ramana and Papaji over and above Moo himself. That does not sound like a guru who is not interested in being worshiped! It sounds like Moo is obsessed with being worshiped.

About the Mooji Foundation being a charity: yes, it certainly is, and it is registered in the U.K. and of course has to conform to certain standards and be accountable. The beneficiaries of this 'charity' are the Moo cult followers... those very people who are living at Monte Sahaja and those who come for silent retreats and attend Satsung. The charity is run by a board of directors, of which Moo is no longer included... he is only an employee, on paper, anyway.

This is all publicly available information

Can you remember anything else interesting?

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Heythere1010101 ()
Date: January 29, 2019 05:50PM

The extraterrestrial thing has come up before (on filmed satsangs) that are floating around somewhere on youtube.
it was dismissed as humorous of course, but whoever comes, with whatever beliefs they have, it is bound to come out there.
Yes i only heard it very vaguely but it seemed he was musing to himself (in front of the sangha at the private meeting) about "there must be people from other dimensions who can understand what hes saying".
This may actually be a direct quote.
It was very surreal, i heard it on a speaker (there are speakers all around sahaja to hear recordings of mooji wherever you are on the land) and eventually realized it wasnt a recording, the meeting was actually happening right then. It seems that yes, he may have been musing on this as proof to the sangha that he is "on another level"
The mala thing struck as very unalined with any attitude or teaching of ramanas or papajis, more like something they wouldve poked fun at. Again i could scarcely believe i had heard it, it was so bizarre like a parody of what was happening, i could not comprehend it. Or the fact that people actually felt guilt about something like this, it was unfathomable to me.
But you know, there is this whole thing of "you just interpreted it like that" and "the guru can act any way for the benefit of the devotee"
These may not sound like much, but go a looong way in the mind & heart of the devotional.
I dont think it makes you any more enlightened though, whatever perspective you have of mooji or sahaja, you can really get off on persecuting others, that doesnt mean you know better or make you justified in the judgments your casting. Even with all the stuff ive already heard felt and seen, its not like im out to persecute anyone, who has time to do that?? Im just writing because its literally the only thing i can do right now.
There are also many positive things i experienced there.
I think this is imbalanced because you guys are after dirt, but its not one way.
There are many different parts, everyones "mooji" story is similar, they really needed the guidance and eventually something felt "off".
Who cares? Even if you find out the "ultimate dirt" there will still be loyal devotees and haters, not much will change. The people that stay, stay and the people that go, go.
Also about the devotees, if you have it in you to look past all this stuff then by all means, the consequences are for your experience alone, again who cares?? Who are you trying to save?
What are you guys getting out of this?
Some kind weird accusatory satisfaction? Or are you genuinely trying to help people??
People need this forum, dont go with so many petty accusations and you will find out a lot of practical info im sure. You get too extreme with your villainous accusations.
You have to keep it simple and direct and listen to what people have to say, dont just cling to random clues about moojis "evilness".
If all of these serious accusations are in fact true, there is a lot of work to be done, things to sort out and support to lend. But no one knows anything as "fact" yet. And your not going to find that out by going on a witch hunt.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: January 29, 2019 08:07PM

Two pages of long, rambling incoherent posts (again)? Time to look a couple of pages back! What needs to be buried so you won't see it?

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 29, 2019 09:44PM

Guys, lets take a deep breath.

Mara Fiota has paid a teaser visit (again) and may have made us jittery.

A way to compare whether people contribute to this discussion is to read
all their prior posts, and see what their contributions have been.

Here are Mara's prior posts.


Here are Heythere's prior posts.


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 29, 2019 09:48PM

Please try to be respectful.

This thread is being trolled.

Apparently Mooji people are concerned enough to do that.

Not everyone that has left the group and is critical will agree on everything.

The focus of this thread is -- Is Mooji a cult of personality? And what behavior within the group is negative and/or destructive? Are people being hurt.

Please focus on the core subject not the people commenting about their experiences.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: January 30, 2019 12:46AM

Heythere1010101 ,
Thanks for your contribution here specially this thread: Date: January 29, 2019 08:08AM about the meeting with the inner circle. I also can understand that many seekers looking for spiritual adventures and inspiration there, but on the other hand, they promote and assist to build the Mooji’s cult/ashram and his publicity. Mooji presents or misuses them as his devotees, as an audience, in large photos, for free labor work, and atc. One can keep a balanced position (some good-some bad) but at a curtain time one needs to take the clear stand not to get later confused and lost.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2019 12:51AM by Horowitz.

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