Sahara71 Wrote:
> This is what we see again and again with the Moo
> organisation - we see people who have attended a
> 10 day retreat or belonged to one of the
> international sangha groups coming forward to
> defend Moo - because they, themselves
> not personally see any abuse form Moo. They
> were not personally subject to abuse, therefore it
could not have possibly>
> Although there have been people who have attended
> the 10 day retreats and come away with the
> impression that what they were witnessing was like
> a highly staged entertainment event - a spiritual
> pantomime.
Namaste, spirituality develops at different rates in individuals. Some are very ripe, like gun powder, and a little spark of Truth will finish them off in a flash. People like Hui Neng achieves enlightenment in an instant. []
Others are like the bark that strips from a gum tree, they require drying by the sun. After this process they combust when coming into contact with Truth. It appears that a lot of Moo's devotees belong to this category. They listen to his recital of Truth from saints, have an experience, get the impression that they got it through his 'power' and apparently place all their trust and resources in his hands. Moo seems to depend on these people to demonstrate that he is the living 'god'.
These group of people need to realize that their attributes contribute significantly to their experiences and be their own "light unto" themselves. They need to understand that even if they don't meet moo, they will get to where they are by following guidance of saints, which are well documented in Avadhuta Gita, Who am I?,...etc. In addition, they may not progress as much as they want to under him. This may explain why this forum has documented many individuals who continue to be confused even after following his teachings for many years.
There is a third group of people whom he avoids and/or detests seemingly. These people are attracted to his promises of enlightenment but are still not ripe. Like banana trees, they require an extensive amount of drying time before they are ready to light up. He seems to know that and appears to avoid them (e.g. screening individuals visiting MS). We have repeatedly seen him showing impatience in videos captured by his own AV team. In the past, Ramana's devotees who belong to this category get to sit with Him in silence and absorb energy from His being to clean up internally and progress further. With him? I don't think so from my own experience.
I write this with the hope that devotees reading these can start to work out what is going on. Actually, nobody is interested in nor benefits from his downfall. Everybody is only concerned with the well being of people in MS and elsewhere, who are using up precious resources and time, and may not get anywhere near the "promised" Home.
> Then we have quite a lot of people saying that
> Moo's close devotees are the ones who are
> potentially abusive and manipulative - I think Rob
> Juliano is one such person. I have also seen a
> report on Reddit where one attendee called Moo's
> team "as weird as f_ck".
There are beautiful souls like Meera Om in MS. If you meet her, you will fall in 'Love' with her. But I would like to highlight this person call lakshmi who behaved abusively towards me after one of the rishikesh satsang in February 2017. After one of satsang, my local sangha leader asked me to wait in the compound outside the satsang hall while she went into the lunch hall to buy me a lunch ticket. I found a chair in the shade and sat down to wait. Here comes lakshmi who asked me why I was sitting there. I told her the name of the sangha leader who had asked me to wait. She did not even bother to confirm and instead bent down, use her index finger to press on my right knee, and telling me to leave the compound in most defile, unkind tone and manner (e.g. facial expression). I related this to a couple who had been visiting Ramana Ashram for the last 50 years. And they only told me that nobody is ever rude to even the people who lined up for free food everyday outside the Ashram. "In the early days, even when Mani met with money problems, he never gave up feeding the poor when they came to the ashram."
> We also repeatedly see that high demand groups
> like Moo's group operate very much on the fringes
> of society, tend to persist against all odds, and
> in many cases are not technically breaking the law
> (although many of them are guilty of offences that
> are well-hidden).
> All people can really do is be aware that such
> groups exist, and that they cause a lot of
> unhappiness, disappointment, psychological
> problems such as PTSD, they rip people off
> financially and tear families apart.
These seem to correlate with well documented case stories of what Rajneesh's devotees were prepared to do to sustain dictated amounts of cash flow into the organisation.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2020 11:06AM by stefa.