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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: PapajisaysNO ()
Date: February 26, 2019 05:11AM


He asked everyone he trusted from forever ago to go to India this year. His first day he noted the crowd size. It’s for appearance. But also, controversy tend to make ppl curious. Like watching a train wreck. And Harvey Weinstein also made a lot of good movies. It’s all entertainment.

Being abused by Moo is the last thing ppl believe could happen. And yet it happens all the time and no one helps the people. The victimize then further for speaking out.

That’s like Trump

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: billyboy ()
Date: February 26, 2019 05:56AM

Hi Sahara71,

I'm extremely interested in learning more about hypnosis, mind-control, thought-reform and all that jazz. I think educating yourself is the wisest defence. I was at the mercy of moo because I went in without suspecting that hypnosis would be at play. He's really sly; at first the inquiry seems so fucking logical, he starts by taking you through a logical thought process of inquiry; piggybacking off Ramana. Surely, if this process is related to Ramana; a man who gave up worldy desires, surely then, there could be no foul play in these questions of inquiry.

What are the most far fetched things you have come across? I am also interested in learning more about protecting yourself against such manipulative people like old Tony or radicalists who are working on you without your knowledge. Especially, since most of these people start befriending you at first and you never suspect that a friend/acquaintance could be deploying these tactics. Any resources you recommend to protect everyone from these types of people? or Identifying if a person is such a personality type?

Right now, I'm still traumatized by ol Tony! During my musings throughout the day and interactions, I keep second guessing myself with thoughts such as "Who is the one that is feeling is this" and "can the one that is perceiving all this be perceived?". It's almost like Tony's tapes are just playing on repeat in my head. I want it all out of my fucking head. Those damn stories he tells as well about the birds, policemen trying to catch thieves and whatnot are so powerful because they are so memorable and I feel like they have been cemented into my psyche. Can I cleanse myself of these thought currents by myself or will I need some therapy? Sometimes I find myself even chanting those Bhajans or feel like those songs are just playing in my head. Definitely need a detox. Perhaps a weekend of debauchery may help me come back to reality for a bit.

I'm going to take a guess and say, that "buzzed out" feeling is when moo has got you to the trance state to plant his suggestions. Yes, at some point I thought; something doesn't feel right about this, it can't be inherently good to waste your time and gifts just being in your head and not giving back anything to society.

I've grown to have an aversion against enlightenment now and spiritiuality. I've been bitten, stung and i'm not intending to put my hand back in this hot pot for the moment. I think Maslow's ideas about self actualization is probably a better goal to strive towards than enlightenment.

I'm not sure how I came across this website. I'm glad I did though.

I havn't looked into Advaita Vedanta, but right now I think I'm a bit too traumatized to delve into spirituality right now. I think I may ground myself by reading some Aristotle or something.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: February 26, 2019 06:48AM

Hi Billyboy,

I would like to post some links for you to explore:


A good general website all about hypnosis.
The author does say that a type of indirect hypnosis can be used on people without their consent (they have no idea that they are being hypnotized) and that this is skill is dangerous, if it ends up in the wrong hands.


This is a BBC documentary. It goes for a full hour, from memory, but is well worth watching. It explains the science behind hypnosis. A British doctor who uses hypnosis in his practice jokes and says that hypnosis is similar to 'brain-washing'.


An article about how cults can use the internet to recruit people, just by posting video content that is free to watch, but becomes addictive and trances people out.

I recommend you look at all these resources. There are also some old posts by a member of Cult Ed called 'The Anticult'. He knew a lot about trance induction and explained things really well. You can do a search for his name here in this forum... he was posting 4 years ago. There are a lot of old posts to read through, if you have time.

The stories that you mentioned Mooji telling are a special trance induction technique. They are called in hypnosis terms "Nested Loops".

Osho was an expert at these types of 'nested loop' stories and much more of an effective hypnotist that Moo will ever be. Watch some old Youtube clips of Osho, if you have the time. You will see that he tells a story within story within a story. It is very difficult to follow logically and if you are susceptible, then you will become spaced-out quite quickly.

Osho also used the very slow, soft voice and took a lot of pauses in his speech. He didn't blink much and stared and started into the camera or at the audience. This is trance material. The staring and the soft voice create a false sense of intimacy, and makes whatever he is saying sound profound.

The trick to hypnosis it to remain as vague as possible, while sounding profound.

Then if you dare, watch Moo's trance centerpiece "The Invitation" online. Apply all that you have learnt. Notice Moo's soft voice, getting slower and sower? The pauses in his speech getting longer and longer? Then he stops talking completely and stares and stares at the camera? He leads the audience in a series of questions to which they all reply "Noooooo", over and over again, like zombies. He even audaciously says to them "This is not hypnosis!"

But unfortunately it is hypnosis.

As for seeing a therapist about all this, I don't think it would do any harm. But I am not a psychologist and can only advise you as a friend. Make sure you see a trained, registered therapist, who is very experienced. Perhaps ask your doctor, if you have one you trust, to recommend someone?

I'm not so sure you should try debauchery. I'll leave it up to you, but it may just freak you out a bit. What about catching up with old friends? Spending time with family? This helped me a lot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2019 07:01AM by Sahara71.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: February 26, 2019 07:21AM

thanks for the video: Mooji Music. Dancing with Mooji at his birthday party
[] , I have asked around and the lady at 0:25 is Mooji’s real finance, they will get married the next year.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2019 07:22AM by Horowitz.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: February 26, 2019 10:33AM

billyboy, following what Sahara just wrote, here is an article Sahara wrote earlier today summarizing some of the advice The Anticult gave on how to recover from the toxic effects of trance induction.

You can recover. A glass or two of lager is fine. But drinking or drugging to excess (Seshing) would delay healing.


Get back into your body and feel your mind and body working in synch.

I do simple deep breathing exercises of the kind recommended for developing lung volume and diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe from your gut, don't strain. Feel your feet on the floor, feel your brain and gut working in tandem.

The brain can be fooled and confused by word games.

Your gut, your belly wisdom can never be fooled.

Bad gurus mess us up by estranging our brains from our guts. The two are supposed to work in harmony, as allies.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: February 26, 2019 02:03PM

Thank you Corboy!

I was trying to re-post that quote from the Anticult here, on this discussion, but I got a bit mixed up! Now I see you have fixed the problem for me.


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Date: February 26, 2019 06:25PM


Yes, it's a fact, he's quite open about it. You can find a quite interesting discussion from 2009 here:


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: clearvision ()
Date: February 27, 2019 08:00AM

GODHIMSELF asked some questions on Feb 21.

Horowitz answered the next day

One of the questions was "Does he says that he is in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi ?"

I'll add, yes he does (even though it is complete and utter bullshit)

"Mooji is a direct disciple in the lineage of the great Advaita Vedanta master Sri H.W.L. Poonja and the great sage Sri Ramana Maharshi. In 1987, Mooji was brought into the direct experience of the Divine within and began a life of quiet simplicity and surrender. Drawn to his light, beings began seeking him out to discover the living Truth. Mooji shares satsang in the form of retreats, intensives, and spontaneous gatherings across the globe. For more information, visit"

This was found on the No Ramana Maharshi Lineage facebook page article: False lineage narrative with “Mooji”

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: February 27, 2019 09:40PM

Note: just in case anyone here is approached by persons who say they are journalists, make sure to do a careful background check to see if the person is OK.

Does the person belong to a reputable journalists association?

You would want someone experienced in this kind of work, who has the willingess and resources to protect your confidentiality. No amateur can do this. One needs an editor and a legal department to provide support.

Demand full names. Insist on a list of articles person has already written. Ask which publications or tV stations have published this persons work.

Then do a background check to see if that information is valid.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: February 28, 2019 03:10AM

I have compared the Mooji: “An Invitation to Freedom”: []
with “How to Recognize Your True Self: "I Exist" from Bentinho Massaro: []. B. Massaro begins to mimic Mooji’s The Invitation a little bit in some specific aspects and they both present that in very similar ways:
It’s obvious, that the both teachers pretend that they are already on the second side of river of the knowledge, that they are already realized beings, that they see the Self everywhere and it is easy and effortless for them to be the true Self, to immerse into it, to feel an immediate bliss. They come very quickly from a short exercise/meditation to immediate benefits and positive spiritual results, and they finish a talk with strong words like the bliss, heaven, pure awareness with great promises that may follow definitely soon. In truth, they only talk about a simple relaxation, pure sensation, temporally thoughtless mind. If someone later admits some difficulties with this fast food awakening and instant magic drink exercises/meditations, they will tell the person rather to look for another spiritual teacher, or they tell them “you have done it incorrectly”, “you are not ready yet”, or start to make some jocks around…..atc. This manipulative strategy leads to an untrue atmosphere or hypocritical and false awakening statements in their satsags/retreats. For an uninitiated or enter-level observer, such satsangs and retreats look then like a quick visa to nirvana.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2019 03:15AM by Horowitz.

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