writing all that stuff out is going to help BIG TIME in dealing with it. It takes it out of the realm of confusion, and begins to put it back into context, that is into the context of...gimme a freaking break Byron Katie!
Byron Katie might be a blend of crazy, and just crazy enough to make a ton of cash acting wacky.
She seems to be just pitching a version of the old silly SOLIPSISM.
All of these types of questions about "reality" have value, no question. Philosophy has dealt with all of this stuff, and we can spend time trying to come to grips with it, without losing our grip on reality. Folks like Byron Katie exploit the human desire for MEANING and COMPREHENSION, and they abuse it.
Also, her views on happiness will make a person UNHAPPY.
If you want to be happy all the time, you will become miserable, as the expectations conflict with reality.
If on the other hand, you have proper expectations of being a human, with normal ups and downs, then happiness will come more naturally.
Dr. Martin Seligman has a good book on this called Authentic Happiness.
Bertrand Russell also explains happiness.
Byron Katie is very smart.
1) She tells people if they do what she says and take her courses, they will reach Happiness.
2) But doing what she says will literally make you MISERABLE.
3) this just means you need to take more of her courses. Closed-Loop.
Byron Katie is not happy, she sounds like a very tortured soul.
People who are seriously depressed or anxious should seek good treatment from a licensed professional, and stay as FAR AWAY as possible from Byron Katie, and people like her. They will hurt you.
That is why her website is full of legal disclaimers, as after she hurts you, you will find it difficult to do anything about it.
Would anyone care to post the text of her legal disclaimers she forces you to sign before you take her courses and School?
Just post the text in these Byron Katie threads, so we can have a look at it.