(Pause for Station Identification)
Found some items for continuing education for those interested. They can be applied to many situations, far beyond RR.com.
What follows is copied from the website Butterflies and Wheels in an article on rhetoric:
The Woolly-Thinker's Guide to RhetoricBe CourageousTell us how brave you are. Talk about how marginal, revolutionary, lonely, out there, edgy, pioneering, strange your ideas are compared to all the old safe boring tame ones everyone else has. Stand up straight, square your shoulders, squint a little as if facing a strong wind. Stifle a sigh now and then. If you can (this is difficult), make a muscle in your jaw twitch.
Be dismissiveGo on, don't hesitate. Brush people off, especially if they know about something you don't know about. If they later turn out to be Nobel economists or widely-read philosophers, just pretend you've forgotten the whole episode. "When? Where was that? I don't remember that at all, you must have me confused with someone else."
Cheers and catcallsUse hoorah and boo words.
Hoorah: heart, feeling, spiritual, holistic, instinct.
Boo: intellect, cold, analytical.
Claiming is SucceedingBlur the distinction between claiming to make your case, and actually making it. If anyone notices this, act surprised and wounded. Notice someone you need to talk to across the room.
Clumsy sarcasmSay things like 'Of course I could be just as wrong as you.' Or 'Well naturally I'm not as subtle as you are, I don't know how to pick words apart until there's nothing left.' Or 'Certainly, you're right and the rest of the world is wrong.' Or 'Where did you read that, TV Guide/The Sun?'
Define words in your own special wayDefine truth, for example, as hegemonic discourse, or monoculturalism, or Eurocentrism. Define education as privilege. Define science as an arbitrary game, or a story, or a power-play.
Develop sudden hearing lossWhen your opponent makes a good point, a crushing argument, an incontrovertible case, simply fail to hear, and keep talking as if no one had spoken at all. Talk a bit louder. Lean toward your opponent with an intent, listening expression on your face, then continue to ignore what anyone else says.
Do a Procrustes*
Make the evidence fit the case you're trying to make. Force it. If it doesn't fit, don't give up, don't be shy, just keep pushing and hammering and chopping until it does. No one will notice.
*(Note from C. Procrustes was, in Greek mythology, a sadist who posed as a generous host. He had an iron bed. Procrustes offered refuge to unsuspecting guests, invited them to go to sleep on the bed, and then tied them to it. If the victim was too short to fit the length of the bed, Procrustes stretched the person out to fit. If the trapped victim was tall and longer than the bed, Procrustes lopped off the extra length from that persons feet.)
Embrace contradictionBe ostentatiously anti-elitist, and sprinkle your writings equally ostentatiously with references to Foucault, Irigaray, Derrida, Kristeva and such salt-of-the-earth types along with words like 'problematize', 'phallogocentric', 'hegemonic discourse', and similar folksy slang.
Emotional BlackmailIf someone expresses skepticism about religion, demand how anyone can cast doubt on something that consoles people. This tactic can of course be used for any otherwise untenable system of belief.
Evasive Tactics1. Wrap yourself in a flag.
The martyrdom flag. The victim flag. The spiritual flag.
2. Change the subject.
Fly under the radar1. Use subtle pejoratives, so subtle that they're almost invisible but prejudice the discussion anyway.
2. Use words that are pejorative to one group and the opposite to the other. 'Science' and 'scientist' are good for this.
Go Ahead, Contradict YourselfDon't be afraid to make two mutually incompatible statements in one sentence. For instance, if you are a bishop, declare that the Church is not afraid of critical examination, but at the same time guards the 'truths' of its faith very jealously. If anyone asks how you can do both of those, exactly, just look vague and perhaps hum a little sacred music.
HistrionicsUse emotion. If you don't feel any, work it up. Let your voice quiver and tremble. Sound indignant, outraged, self-righteous, passionate, 'courageous', 'defiant'.
ImplyImply things. Be careful not to be explicit, because then it would be obvious that you are not telling the truth.
Mention the ArmchairCall your opponent an 'armchair' something. Armchair psychologist, armchair shrink, armchair historian. Whatever. Indicates that the other party is sheltered, lazy, housebound, nerdy, reclusive, uninformed, unhealthy, and out of touch, whereas you are out there with your sleeves rolled up, down in the muck with the other therapists and archaeologists and coal miners. When there is digging to be done you get out there and dig, you don't just sit in the comfy chair and ponder.
Moral One-upmanshipIf people disagree with you, accuse them of Eurocentrism or elitism or intolerance or narrowness or conventional thinking or scientism or homophobia.
Pat yourself on the backSay things like "This is a trivial issue, there are much more important battles to fight," and then go right on arguing. That way you give yourself credit for having a sense of proportion but still get to go on trying to win the argument.
Pave With Good IntentionsMake it clear that you mean very well, that all the benevolence and right feeling and compassion and tolerance are on your side, and all the other thing on your opponent's.
Play the theory cardTalk about 'theory' a lot. Use the word 'theory' in every sentence. Say 'theory' with a special tone of hushed reverence. Ask people if they're well up on 'theory'. Everyone will be very impressed and very intimidated.
Pretend to be amusedSay things like, 'Not at all, I'm not angry/cross/offended, I'm amused.' Pretend to find the other person hilariously ineffectual and cute. Disguise the tremor in your voice and the bulging veins on your forehead.
RepetitionIf your ideas are weak, if you have neither logic nor evidence to back them up, simply keep asserting them over and over and over again. This will convince everyone that they must be true. If they were not true, surely we wouldn't keep hearing about them all the time?
Say the methodology was flawedWhen your opponent presents evidence (and it always happens, so be ready) that would undermine or completely contradict your argument, simply say everyone knows the methodology of that particular study was deeply flawed. Never mind if you know nothing about it, that this is the first you've heard of the study, just say they went about it in quite, quite the wrong way. If there's another study with a different methodology that also proves you wrong, no matter, just say it again.
Say the outcome was predictableWhen your opponents point out flaws in your argument, smile cheerfully and say you think this outcome was entirely predictable.
TranslateIf your opponent talks of evidence, you talk of proof. If your opponent mentions probability, you turn that into certainty.
If your opponent disagrees with your facts, say your opponent is offended. If your opponent claims to know something about the topic under discussion, call your opponent an elitist.
Translate Even More When the Subject is ReligionIf someone expresses doubts about the truth claims of religion, translate that into a statement that science can solve all of humanity's problems, and mock the statement. When your opponent disavows that statement, ignore the disavowal and continue the mockery. Eventually your opponent will get bored and leave the field.
Use 'Obscure' as a First NameAlways refer to people who disagree with you (unless they are so undeniably famous it simply won't work) as 'obscure' while referring to people who agree with you as 'notable' (which sounds so much more dignified than 'famous'). E.g. if you have call to mention the Sokal hoax, be sure to say 'an obscure physicist named Alan Sokal', as if obscurity were not the natural state of nearly all physicists and indeed academics generally.
Use obscurityGenerate such a tangled clot of verbiage that opponents cannot be sure you haven't said something profound.
(unquote--from Butterflies and Wheels)
Another set of evasive tactics is referred to in some circles as the 'Three Cards.'
This list is from an article printed on the Integral World website.
The Three Cards Gambit"what he's done is play “three cards”, well known to anyone who has studied cults which sprung up with the mixing of eastern religion and western psychology in the sixties and seventies, e.g. Adi Da. These three cards are:
The Higher Level Card(i.e. Sorry, it's just over your head). You're just not smart enough to realize I am smarter than you, because you're on a lower (less divine) level.
The Projection Card (i.e., I know you are, but what am I). By criticizing me, you are really just criticizing yourself, because any problem you see in me is just a projection of a problem in yourself.
The Skillful Means Card
(i.e., it was only a test, dickhead). The most potent card of all! It's not abuse; it's not pathetic or ridiculous or wrong; it's a crazy-wise teaching. You know, like Zen stuff. So when I call you a dickhead, it's not because I'm a dickhead, it's because you have a dickhead-complex that you need to evolve past, and I'm here to help you see that. "
Quoted from the website Integral World
Another discussion of the Three Cards gambit can be read here:
"Note that these cards are not designed in any way, shape or form to prompt a discussion or dialogue. What can one possibly say to any of these cards? Nothing…and that is exactly the point.
"They are designed to end all discussion, and they are used only when folks know the actual substance of their beliefs has run, or is running, dry"
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2008 12:24AM by corboy.