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Byron Katie: Nazi's burning Jewish babies was the work of "God"
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 26, 2008 02:33AM

on page 35, of LOSING THE MOON, Byron Katie starts talking about Nazi's taking babies from Jewish mothers and throwing the babies into a firepit near the end of WWII.

"If Someone (God, "what is"), pulls my baby from me - if that's what it takes, I'm there. Take the baby. Tear my baby from me. Throw it in the fire....My discomfort is my war with God. [...]
You see, there are NO choices. What is, is. [...]
But when we get to the baby thing, we're getting down to our sacred little concepts now....You take my baby from me, you're messing with the illusion of I'm the mommy, this is the baby, there's the daddy...
But tearing the baby away- that's the higher. That's the higher, because it snatches your story from you and makes it apparent in your face - nothing's real short of reality....
That's it. That's what is. That's love. That's absolutely Un-describable love. That you, God, would even give me that.
Can you know that Hitler didn't bring more people to realization than Jesus? On your knees - God. God! God! But our stories of reality keep us from the awareness of God is Everything. And God is Good. [...]

There has never been evil and there never will be. Evil is simply a story about what's not...
But I have trashed the baby when I have trashed the Nazi...
I am the baby going into the pit. I am the one throwing the baby in the pit..."

Byron Katie just keeps going on and on from there.

So according to Byron Katie, Nazi's mass murdering Jewish women's babies by burning them to death alive while the mothers watch, is the loving work of God.
As a matter of fact, Byron Katie says that baby killers are "higher" than the illusion of mommy.

There is something very seriously wrong with this very sick person, who is now hiding her true beliefs behind whitewashed manuscripts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2008 02:36AM by The Anticult.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: floater ()
Date: June 26, 2008 03:58AM


thanks for doing this archival work on BK's past publications. Whenever someone blames the victims of genocide and war, that lack of compassion upsets me. What you've quoted here makes me feel ill. It's not just a red flag-- it's a big, honkin' neon red banner.

What I've noticed about the New Age/New Thought movements is that many of its advocates can't comprehend the reality of human evil. They want to think the victims attracted the cruelty, that it's somehow predestined instead of facing the sad fact that humans have free will and can choose to do evil. The Holocaust atrocities happened because people chose to support Hitler and carry out his ideas. It had nothing to do with love and everything to do with fear and hatred of other people.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) deathbed stories, cancer hypnosis
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: June 26, 2008 04:36AM

Now why would someone take 9 days out of their life and spend thousands of dollars just "out of curiosity"? This seems very odd, to say the least.

How is it that Daphne knows how many school participants elevated Ms. Katie into guru status? Did she do a heacount? What criteria did she use to determine who fell under BK's spell? What if many people showed little or even no external signs of being unduly influenced, but were nonetheless?

Daphne claims, "Byron Katie teaches just the opposite of anything cult, it’s about critically examining what you think about."

No, BK's "turnarounds" are the antithesis of critical thinking. They are bizarre mind twists that erode a healthy sense of self.

If it is okay with Daphne to get "worked up" over certain things, like churches, why not over BK too?

I went to a Byron Katie 9 day program out of curiosity. I am not a follower of her or anyone else, she is not a guru. Yes, there were some there who elevated her, very few, why is that Byron Katie’s fault? She didn’t encourage them. Nobody with her organization led any rounds of applause for her or set her apart in any way.
Most people were looking for a way to challenge their thoughts, which they got. That included challenging their thoughts about Byron Katie and her message. There was no coercion, no requirement to do anything. She suggested people give up their addictions while they were there, cell phones, tobacco, caffeine. There was no requirement to do so. I drank my Starbucks in the meeting everyday. Nobody bugged me.
Everyone was an adult. They came on their own, paid their own way, no one was asked for a donation, of time or money or possessions. There was nothing offered to her, I was at the entire meeting.
If you want to get worked up about something, get worked up about churches telling children they will suffer in hell if they don’t follow some book. That’s child abuse pure and simple. Get worked up about Mormons who want to justify pedophilia via polygamy.
Byron Katie teaches just the opposite of anything cult, it’s about critically examining what you think about.
Everyone who runs a course isn’t trying to start a cult. No one has contacted me since my participation, not a single e-mail asking for anything, no phone calls, nothing.
If she running a cult, she’s not doing a very good job of it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2008 04:53AM by helpme2times.

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Re: How dangerous is Byron Katie? Scientology "Clear" connections?
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: June 26, 2008 04:41AM

Not to me she isn't! I leave her alone, and she leaves me alone.
Then why not leave us alone as well, Stu?!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2008 04:53AM by helpme2times.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: June 26, 2008 05:01AM

What I've noticed about the New Age/New Thought movements is that many of its advocates can't comprehend the reality of human evil. They want to think the victims attracted the cruelty, that it's somehow predestined instead of facing the sad fact that humans have free will and can choose to do evil. The Holocaust atrocities happened because people chose to support Hitler and carry out his ideas. It had nothing to do with love and everything to do with fear and hatred of other people.
As a former New Ager, I heartily concur. Byron Katie has made such inroads with the New Age crowd because she gives them what they desperately want... a universe where all is "love and light".

But it ain't. Unfortunately. And Byron Katie exploits the heck out of this.

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Byron Katie, is Nazi baby-killing work of "God", Holocaust Denial?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 26, 2008 05:08AM

There is one correction to be made about Byron Katie being functionally an Atheist. After reading some of her suppressed book "Losing The Moon" its clear she is not an atheist.
She is also not a Humanist, more an Antihumanist.

Byron Katie literally says its the hand of her "God" literally creating child-rape, and the Nazi mass murder of Jewish babies by being burned alive in firepits at a train station at the end of WWII.
(So the orders of Hitler at the end of the war to murder those children, according to Byron Katie, are literally the work of the "God" of Byron Katie. Its right there in the text...which is why the text has been suppressed).

The material in "Losing The Moon" was pulled from the market and suppressed to save those type of extreme beliefs for deep initiates only. She changed to the "Bait and Switch" method.
They serve a similar purpose to the "lighter" Byron Katie metaphors like being robbed by gun and enjoying it.
Byron Katie does not believe that for herself, its only for you.

This is all a type of dark, twisted deep persuasion of the highest order.
Its meant to be close to the final step, where she sweeps away your entire sense of reality and identity, and replaces it with her own.
Just reading the book "Losing The Moon" will put you flat on your back, it will knock you out, which was clearly its intent. That is why they pulled it off the market. They probably deliver the same material now only in more "advanced" seminars, and don't write it down so they can't get in trouble.

But the intent is clear, its meant to be close to the last step in the process, where Byron Katie takes over, by sweeping away even your most cherished beliefs. Knowing most of her followers are women, she aims to even sweep away the instinct for motherhood, to destabilize your entire identity and personality, so then you only have Byron Katie left to grasp onto.

The text in that book actually needs to be reported to antisemitism authorities and Holocaust Denial and genocide reporters.

And Oprah Winfrey is about to get caught in the middle of this.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) - Critical Blog Review
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: June 26, 2008 05:11AM

Here is a link to a recent blog entry critical of Byron Katie's work:

[[url=]Critique of Byron Katie[/url]]

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Losing the Moon: Byron Katie, (1998) (suppressed book)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 26, 2008 01:41PM

(indexing reference)

Losing the Moon: Byron Katie Dialogues on Non-Duality, Truth and Other Illusions (Paperback)
by Byron Katie (Author), Ellen J. Mack (Editor)

Byron Katie - ebook - Losing The Moon (complete).pdf

Product download Details
Paperback Torrent
Publisher: The Work Foundation, Inc.; First Printing edition (1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1890246069
ISBN-13: 978-1890246068

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Siddha Yoga connection?
Posted by: Guruphobiac ()
Date: June 26, 2008 02:58PM

The Anticult
It is interesting how Byron Katie seems to have a bit of a connection to some former Siddha Yoga devotees?
Carol Skolnick is one. How many others?

People should be much more careful, and not just jump from one abusive Guru cult thing, to another one, with the "love at first sight" salespitch put forward by Carol Skolnick on her many websites promoting Byron Katie.
The new Guru's grass is no greener than the old one. Its a recipe for abuses.
But sadly, like Siddha Yoga, it can take many many years for the truth to come out, and many lives can be wrecked by then.



Stuart Resnick aka Random Stu was a Siddha Yoga devotee back in the early 80's, and is currently a Zen student under a Korean master whose name I don't know.

Stuart has been active in the ex-Siddha Yoga forums for years. Carol Skolnick used to be, and they would have to know each other.

I've had a positive experience of much of his writing, so it's a bit disconcerting to see him now running interference for Byron Katie.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Siddha Yoga connection?
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: June 26, 2008 09:28PM

Stuart Resnick aka Random Stu was a Siddha Yoga devotee back in the early 80's, and is currently a Zen student under a Korean master whose name I don't know.

Stuart has been active in the ex-Siddha Yoga forums for years. Carol Skolnick used to be, and they would have to know each other.

I've had a positive experience of much of his writing, so it's a bit disconcerting to see him now running interference for Byron Katie.
It IS disconcerting to witness people getting out of one culty situation, only to get into another one down the line. But I think it's not all that uncommon. I certainly was involved in a few other cults in my lifetime, prior to Byron Katie International.

Interestingly Stuart lists both Carol Skolnick's and Steven Sashen's blogs on his blogroll.

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