Virtually everything being said below is actually directly contradicted by the facts.
- The 9 Day program, is only the first step of the 100 Day program, which is being heavily promoted.
- Katie makes herself into some type of enlightened being, and tries to diffuse it with the false Anti-Guru stuff, like many of her senior professional followers. Its a technique.
- Katie PROGRAMS those people to literally fuse with her identity. Its all in the text.
- modern Thought Reform like BK is about INFLUENCE, and they do the opposite of overt coercion, as anyone can see from these threads.
- cell phones are not an addiction, that is about starting to take your power from you.
- going cold turkey with smoking and caffeine is dangerous and destined to fail, and she knows it, and you know it. You wean yourself from them slowly. Another Thought Reform tactic, thanks for bring it up.
- much evidence abounds about the massive "donations" being given to Byron Katie.
- the 9 Day LGAT costs thousands and makes Byron Katie millions.
- they also try to use the word "cult" as a straw-man. The Byron Katie org is a Love-Bomb Group.
Many people make a lot of money from The Work, and they don't like people messing with their income streams.
Watch out.
Byron Katie is sly like a fox, and a world-class waking-hypnotist, so good you don't even see it.
Her main strategy is to try to make herself appear like some middle-aged lady just talking about questioning your thoughts.
Its a fraud. Its a scam.
Its a complete system of Thought Reform, meant to destablize your entire identity and reality.
Extremely dangerous.
I went to a Byron Katie 9 day program out of curiosity. I am not a follower of her or anyone else, she is not a guru. Yes, there were some there who elevated her, very few, why is that Byron Katie’s fault? She didn’t encourage them. Nobody with her organization led any rounds of applause for her or set her apart in any way.
Most people were looking for a way to challenge their thoughts, which they got. That included challenging their thoughts about Byron Katie and her message. There was no coercion, no requirement to do anything. She suggested people give up their addictions while they were there, cell phones, tobacco, caffeine. There was no requirement to do so. I drank my Starbucks in the meeting everyday. Nobody bugged me.
Everyone was an adult. They came on their own, paid their own way, no one was asked for a donation, of time or money or possessions. There was nothing offered to her, I was at the entire meeting.
If you want to get worked up about something, get worked up about churches telling children they will suffer in hell if they don’t follow some book. That’s child abuse pure and simple. Get worked up about Mormons who want to justify pedophilia via polygamy.
Byron Katie teaches just the opposite of anything cult, it’s about critically examining what you think about.
Everyone who runs a course isn’t trying to start a cult. No one has contacted me since my participation, not a single e-mail asking for anything, no phone calls, nothing.
If she running a cult, she’s not doing a very good job of it.