Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: February 03, 2010 05:07AM

Wow, Pilot. Indeed it's been deleted. She posted the following message very recently:

This blog has been deleted
January 21, 2010 by Janaki

Thank you so much for all your posts and supporting emails.

If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to email me at xxxx.



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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 03, 2010 06:03AM

Yes looks like the blog is gone.
There is still an automatically generated HTML version temporarily in the Google cache, until it gets wiped.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: February 03, 2010 06:28AM

'Its amazing how some of those who seem to be into Nondualism willfully blind themselves to the MOUNTAIN of hard facts and evidence that is right in front of their eyes about Byron Katies covert persuasion, manipulation and LGAT seminar tactics. Its as if they are poking their own eyes out with their fingers, and then saying they can't see anything.'

I think a lot of this inattentional blindness is fuelled by fear. From my own experience I remember how scary I found the idea of accepting that some humans were just plain ill-intentioned, to the point that I went into a denial and refused to see the obvious power plays. It just made life more liveable for a while to ignore what was in front of my eyes. Of course this is a short term strategy, reality has a way of making its presence felt. But I can see how it is possible to train oneself to see selectively for a very long time.

Most new age stuff is crafted to pander to this wish for only a feel-good vision of reality--with all the uncomfortable realities airbrushed out. Its a very attractive hook for those already feeling bruised by life. Its only when maintaining the denial becomes more painful than facing reality that anyone musters the wherewithal to break the spell.

I do hope that BK has not pressured Janaki to delete her blog and that it is her own decision to move on.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: arunadasi ()
Date: February 04, 2010 01:53AM

Hello all! This is my first post!

I found this site a few days after finishing Elizabeth's Gilbert's book Eat Pray Love; I was curious about her guru, did som e googling, and voila! Even while reading the book it was obvious to me that there was something fishy about this group. I've got a fairly reliable bullshit detector!
Since finding this forum I've been reading a few threads; I have a bit of background both with cults and legit gurus and wanted to comment on the post below:


It appears one of the first to start the 'resume' movement was Poonja and
as Poonja, unlike Maharshi, could speak English, Poonja was able to do outreach to English speaking Westerners, without any need to resort to interpreters.


First of all, Ramana Maharshi did know some English. He went to English medium schools and was always able to speak to his English- speaking devotees without translators.

Secondly: RM was not in the least intersted in "outreach". He simply was; people came to him of their own volition. He would have been just as happy if nobody came. Up to this day there is no advertising and no interest by the ashram in attracting visitors. They sell books, tapes and bags and that's it.

I've been a regular visitor at his ashram since 1973. It has always been free; that includes accomodation and meals. They accept donations but there is absolutely no pressure. I was last there in 2008, with my husband. We stayed in the ashram for 3 weeks and then moved into a rented accomodation nearby, but visiting the ashram every day. I did not make my donation until about 2 weeks after we had moved out, and nobody ever remarked on it. They didn't even notice. People can come and go all day, as they please. There is no formal instruction and there is absolutely nobody there who has "replaced" RM. Before he died he said "I am not going anywhere" and that remains true. His presence is there as powerfully as if he were there in person. It is utterly transforming.

He has always been for me the gold standard by which I measure all other spiritual teachers, and I've seen quite a few, including Nisargadatta, Amma and Mother Meera.

However, around the ashram in India a variety of new age cults and the like have sprang up almost overnight. It used to be a quiet ashram no-one ever heard of, and it's still quiet inside, but all around it is bedlam. Tiruvannamalai is the new Rishikesh!

I was involved for several years with a group of Westerners which sprang up around Ramanashram. The teacher was a German homeopathic doctor who had lived there for 20 years. He was pretty amazing, a loving, compassionate man who later on founded a charity near the ashram. But his group grew and grew, and with it all the tendencies we see in cults. Since one could not join without a direct recommendation by someone who was already in the group, it remained fairly small and selective. He married a charismatic American woman and they became known as Amma and Appa, or Ammappa, two in one. That's when the trouble really started to escalate and that's when I left. Many others left, some of them badly scarred. Luckily, I never got in too deeply. I always regarded Ramana Maharshi as my Guru, and that's been my protection.

For me, the three traps for wannabe gurus are sex, money and power. Sooner or later, if they are not absolutely vigilant, they slide down one of these three traps. Once they start taking disciples it is very easy.

And now I've rambled on far too long for a first post; please forgive me!

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: arunadasi ()
Date: February 04, 2010 02:40AM

A quick question: what is LGAT?

ETA: sorry for going so far off topic in my last post. I really only intended to make a quick correction to the post I quoted.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2010 02:44AM by arunadasi.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 04, 2010 03:17AM


An LGAT is large group awareness training, which is what this thread is about.

It is not about Indian gurus.

Please stay on topic or start another thread about whatever topic you wish to discuss.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: arunadasi ()
Date: February 04, 2010 03:23AM

Thank you and sorry.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Pilot ()
Date: February 04, 2010 05:35AM


I do hope that BK has not pressured Janaki to delete her blog and that it is her own decision to move on.

When I saw that the blog had been deleted, for some reason I had this thought that maybe BKI was tired of the Janaki backlash and decided it would be financially in their best interest to offer her a compensatory sum to remove it. They had no legal grounds to demand that she do so, that I am aware of. I could be wrong. I hope Janaki got compensated for all the crap she put up with from them. Her blog made the rounds for sure. It must have been an expensive irritant for BKI. Good.

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Janaki & Byron Katie filetype:pdf (links to online sources)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 04, 2010 06:35AM

There is no indication that BKI went after Janaki or her blog in that way, they don't have a leg to stand on. Obviously Janaki was just telling it like it is.

Its unfortunate that people who are new to the Byron Katie system won't be able to have the informative Janaki blog to read, to be able to get full information of what is going on.

But there are probably many people with copies of the Janaki & Byron Katie PDF, and perhaps at some point some copies will appear online somewhere at a file sharing site, like this one. []

So perhaps run a google search from time to time for something like:

pdf janaki "byron katie"

janaki "byron katie" filetype:pdf

There is currently a version of the blog in the Google cache, which will be automatically deleted at some point.
"This is the html version of the file
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web."
Janaki & Byron Katie HTML

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2010 06:46AM by The Anticult.

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Janaki & Byron Katie filetype:pdf (links to online sources)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 04, 2010 10:47PM

There appear to be several copies of the Janaki blog posted at the above website!
Now the challenge is to figure out which one is the most recent and complete. The sizes of the files are different?

Janaki & Katie January 2010.pdf

Janaki & Katie 11-01-2010.pdf

Janaki and Byron Katie.pdf

Search Google for: Janaki Katie

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