on other forums, some folks are wondering what Stuart Resnick is up to, and even if he believes in advanced persuasion techniques in groups and cults.
The reality is that RandomStu has reached a point, where he has to be carefully looked into himself.
RandomStu is not an objective guru analyzer, he is not a critical thinker.
He is not even on "the peoples" side in this cult abuse stuff.
Stuart Resnick spent 5 years with the Siddha Yoga (SYDA) cult of guru Muktananda and Gurumayi. Was he on "Staff"?
in 1997, Dan Shaw and Resnick are making comments...and this is what RandomStu says...
Why doesn't he apply that to Seung Sahn and his sexual abuses? Its just about self-interest. Your guru bad, my current guru good. my current friends guru good too.
QUOTE: "But in Siddha Yoga, the guru herself is at the center of the practices &
beliefs. So once one sees the guru's flaws, there's nothing left of the
doctrine. (I supposed if you discovered that *Jesus* had a Swiss bank account...
that would be a parallel.) "
Stuart Resnick is now a "teacher" of a very abusive form of so-called Zen.
Its interesting he calls his blog...so-called spiritual life.
That seems accurate...so-called spiritual.
Stuart Resnick has detailed and extensive knowledge of many of the techniques that get used by the Staff Leaders on the disciples. He's been involved in that for many years.
He is also completely indoctrinated in the abusive so-called Zen teachings and very very harsh "brainwashing" tactics of the Kwan Um School of Zen from Seung Sahn. [
Seung Sahn himself used the exact same techniques on his followers, that you see RandomStu using today, to try and distract them from what he is doing to them. Some of it is ancient old-school Dominance stuff, some much more current.
So yes, RandomStu knows all about the various techniques that the Master uses on the disciple, he clearly sees himself as the Master by this point. He is also indocrinated himself in the same techniques, as he is been in them for his entire life.
a full objective analysis of RandomStu is in order.
In a way, some of the soft-apologists are even more damaging than the Guru's, as they are used in recruitment, and deflection.
You will see RandomStu, tends to deliberately point AWAY from the real issues, to exaggerate and make false comparisons, to always deflect away from the precise persuasion techniques being used.
That again, is the (Seung Sahn) Kwan Um School of Zen method.
It amounts to trying to harshly beat-down people's ability to think for themselves based on facual evidence, and then to follow the dysfunctional Zen Master.
What is ironic, is that the basic position of RandomStu, and other selective apologists is:
...hey, don't be a weak-minded idiot and let these cult Guru's take over your life...and if you do then its your fault...
Obviously, that is false, on so many levels.
First off, the first blame needs to go onto the backs of the manipulative, dishonest, cultish Guru's, that are abusing and harming people in the first place, by using advanced deception, trickery, coercion, and lies.
Most importantly, how do people learn how to NOT get scammed? Sites that point out the SPECIFIC techniques the guru's, are really the only way for people to stop getting duped. You can't escape from a specific technique, until you at least can describe it, and understand it. So by specifically spelling out the exact techniques, you can escape from them.
So EDUCATION and learning, is the key.
So that is why Stuart Resnick constantly tries to cloud the water of analysis around the specific techniques being used. It because in order for them to work, people have to be ignorant of the techniques. He will point to SOME techniques, but not the ones he is using.
So if you want to be a Guru, your first lesson is to distract from your techniques.
Its really the same as a stage magician, who also uses misdirection, to distract the mental focus of the audience away from the hand that is doing the trick. Then it looks like magic.
So that is basically all that RandomStu, and many others do.
Misdirection, and creating confusion.
Blaming the victim and denial are also essential as well.
Woe to those who end up in this type of so-called "Zen" center. They will empty your mind, alright, then fill it up with what they want in it.
Stuart Resnick needs his own little subsection at this point. There seems to be a cottage industry of so-called Guru analyzers, who are not intellectually honest, but just bash the Guru's they dislike, and create Misdirection around their own guru and his friends, and business associates.
What do they get in return? They get approval by the guru's they favor, and maybe a few cookies, internet jobs, maybe a plane ticket to Amsterdam...who knows...
But its the power of the knowledge of the tech, that can corrupt anyone.
and the most important thing to do for a wannabe guru, is to misdirect people from the hand that is doing the persuasion magic, with random noise and distractions.
its time to collate the file on RandomStu.
Notice the deliberate blind-spot they all have on their websites, for example.
Does Steven Sashen have a critical thinking area on his website? or an area on sales methods? of course not, that is his bread and butter. If Sashen sold a course on internet sales/marketing tech, it would show the various methods he uses. Maybe he does sell that course, but on another website?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2009 04:56AM by The Anticult.