Oh lord, have mercy on us poor mortals...her "story" is called...
Going to Work Naked: My Journey to Byron Katie Carol L. Skolnick
I am speechless reading that.
Carol seem to be a guru-jumper, one to the next. She does appear to be completely indoctrinated.
She SAYS she only heard of Katie in early 2001, and then had a conversion experience. (no proof if that is true, or not).
She also says that Katie was molested as a child, and that Katie went to the molestor, reaching out for love. So it appears Byron Katie also "asked" to be molested as a child? (she deals with this an an Objection in the "story". It might be filter to FIND people willing to blame themselves for being victimized by others?).
And she spins story after story...
friend refers book about Byron Katie,
read book,
stare at picture of Katie,
indocrination into 4-Question bait-technique,
go to website,
send desperate email to Katie,
have dreams about Supernatural Katie,
Love-Bomb email from Katie (alleged),
dispute cult intuitions,
attend short seminar,
get recruited to School,
etc, etc.
That actually sounds like the EXACT process other people have come to BK, in that same sequence.
Carol is mapping out a roadmap for the conversion process to Katie, to take you from doubter reading this weird book, to attending the BK School and being a follower.
She is using manipulative language and storytelling, and the full 9 yards. The full Monty. She's quite good, but not good enough yet, give Carol 10 more years of persuasion, and she'll get better. (worse).
Is there any proof she had no contact with Katie before 2001? Of course not.
But she might have been recognized as a good prospect, the comedy background (if true) would be an asset, as well as writing ability, and personal charm, non-threatening image, etc.
Its just too slick, too planned out, to carefully designed as a 3rd party intro to indocrination, targeted at women in middle age. Easy Targets.
Carol L. Skolnick is the queen of the Turnaround. Turnaround Carol?
That seems to be her specialty.
One feels slightly nauseated after reading her "story" and profoundly doubts its accuracy and veracity.
Can anyone get a straight non-Turnaround answer out of Turnaround Carol?
That Turnaround stuff is a sick mind-virus, I do feel very sad for all those regular folks who are going to get duped and sucked into this. this is a bad one, for those who get sucked in, and can't get out.
No matter what you say to them...they will Turn It Around, over and over. Its a profoundly perverse process.
They mess with your head, they mess with your heart, they mess with your body, they mess with your relationships and sex, they mess with your money, they literally want to RIP YOUR HEART OPEN, carve you up, and do Soul Surgery on you, and turn you into a Katiestein Katiephiliac.
Well, I remember reading a lot of things online from Carol Skolnick after The School.
No, she's not a professional... she was a comedian turned "faciliator." She has no formal education that would give credence to her practice of "soul surgery".
AND... if you search for "Byron Katie cult" on Google, you will probably get this big paper written by Carol Skolnick about her previous involvement in a cult, and how BK supposedly "helped" her out of it. I've never had the patience to actually read the thing. But it sounds like, instead of getting any qualified exit-counseling, she jumped right into BK's arms.
Yeah, she knows how to turn around everything...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2008 04:55PM by The Anticult.