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Re: Byron Katie - Carol L. Skolnick, SOUL SURGERY, CLEAR, Scientology
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: February 28, 2008 09:34AM

The Anticult
Jeez Whiz....

I just "noticed" the title of the blog for Carol L. Skolnick.

Carol L. Skolnick knows exactly what she is doing...its beyond mere Mind-Control, Thought-Reform, that is too superficial, not deep enough.
I wonder if she knows exactly what she's doing, or if she's just carrying out her brainwashing and has unconsciously picked up the tricks of the trade from the master, Byron Katie. I'm inclined to believe the latter. But then I tend to believe in the goodness of people... which has at times gotten me into mega-trouble!

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Re: Byron Katie - Carol L. Skolnick, SOUL SURGERY, CLEAR, Scientology
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 28, 2008 10:27AM

I wonder if she knows exactly what she's doing, or if she's just carrying out her brainwashing and has unconsciously picked up the tricks of the trade from the master, Byron Katie. I'm inclined to believe the latter. But then I tend to believe in the goodness of people... which has at times gotten me into mega-trouble!

Fair enough! Of course no one can read the mind of another person, so it is an inference.

What I can say, is that I have NEVER seen a professional facilitator working at her level, after going through all the courses, and getting the highest certification right from the Guru, who has not had a very high level of awareness of what they are doing to people.
For fun, try to run an LGAT seminar and coaching with ain't easy. Its about as easy as playing the violin. Everything has to be seamless. It takes years of daily practice...years.

On the other hand, there are lower end "franchisees" that sometimes pay a lot of money to promote certain LGAT groups, some of them are awfully bad, and they go broke as they can't get-keep clients. Bankrupt after a year or two max. (but the Guru gets paid in advance for the licensing, sometimes $250K or more, bye bye house).

But for those close to the Guru, and working right under her name, those are specially groomed and trained.

No one would say Carol or another Facilitator wakes up in the morning and eats worms and drinks vinegar.
she might be a very pleasant person on that level. On one level they have to believe very strongly to be an Insider.
But on the OTHER hand, I have never seen a pro who does this stuff for a living, who does not see what is going on after a while, even just a few years.
(of course it goes very deep, and some people stay in for an entire lifetime).

There is an easy objective experiment to find out.
People could contact Carol L. Skolnick and ask her direct questions about the various LGAT techniques she is using on people, negative effects, etc. See if you get a straight answer.
But be cautious, she is a professional, and that is saying a lot, they know how to Turnaround everything.

Someone could ask her about Full Disclosure, $100,00 gifting, damge waivers, and many of the other serious questions being raised.

One could "mind read" what the response would be...non-reponsive? Distortion Cloud? Love Bomb?
From the names of the sites, and their set-up, she knows wassup.

If she does believe she is REALLY helping people, then she should practice 100% Full Disclosure. Is she?

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Re: Byron Katie - Carol L. Skolnick, SOUL SURGERY, CLEAR, Scientology
Posted by: jj52 ()
Date: February 28, 2008 01:03PM

Well, I remember reading a lot of things online from Carol Skolnick after The School.

No, she's not a professional... she was a comedian turned "faciliator." She has no formal education that would give credence to her practice of "soul surgery".

AND... if you search for "Byron Katie cult" on Google, you will probably get this big paper written by Carol Skolnick about her previous involvement in a cult, and how BK supposedly "helped" her out of it. I've never had the patience to actually read the thing. But it sounds like, instead of getting any qualified exit-counseling, she jumped right into BK's arms.

Like I said, The Work is apparently a great catch-all for former mind-control victims. Everything is too subtle for them to be able to spot it directly, and it's familiar enough to feel "right". Plus, having been brainwashed before, they are probably even more susceptible to it.

I'm not interested in anything she has to say about it.

It's funny that she called The Work a "modality". A modality of WHAT?

Yeah, she knows how to turn around everything...

But failed to do so before defending BK. (Remember, in BK land, defensiveness is supposed to be the signal that lets you know that what the other person is saying has some truth to it. And, when a person feels defensive, they are supposed to "go inside" and inquire, and do their own turnarounds.) I haven't seen anyone involved heavily with BK yet who wasn't a total contradiction.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2008 01:08PM by jj52.

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Re: Byron Katie - Carol L. Skolnick, SOUL SURGERY, CLEAR, Scientology
Posted by: jj52 ()
Date: February 28, 2008 01:46PM

I'm checking on Skolnick's credentials.

Don't find anything that suggests the right to practice "soul surgery" on people.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2008 01:47PM by jj52.

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Re: Guruphiliac: AN ABNORMAL ATTRACTION TO GURUS Programmed Confusion
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 28, 2008 04:00PM


Thanks for clearing that up. In the context it was given, it did appear to me to be aimed at people involved with BK. I misunderstood. I'm glad to know what you really meant!


okey dokey jj, thanks for the reply too.
i've been away from this message board for quite awhile as I was doing some schooling, and this BK person is someone i had not heard about before...i have a bit of catching up to do. My concern was with Landmark/EST, then a couple of weeks ago i heard about this Tolle character, and i thought "oh brother, here we go again"...there is just no end to this eh?


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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 28, 2008 04:11PM

Over the last week, there was a discussion here about the exercise at the School where participants were asked to think of something valuable in their rooms, wrap it up, and give it to BK... not to be returned for the most part. (Just a brief recap after the Guruphiliac detour:) Blammo shared about his relatives who apparently gave away $100,000 in jewelry. And, I witnessed others who gave up their wedding rings and valuables.


this reminded me a little bit of when i was in a class at college, when i was doing my certificate course in Substance misuse counselling skills, the group process. Our instructor asked us to bring something for the last day of class. It was to be something that we valued, but something that we were willing to part with. BUT the difference here is he stipulated that it was not to be something of extreme financial value. Just something little, but something that we really liked. I remember I had a few tough moments parting with a particularly ordinary looking shell, but one that was given to me by someone important, so it was something that i valued. Anyway, the object of the exercise was that we would sit in a circle and pass our "gift" to the person on our right, so we did not chose the person to whom we gave the gift to, but we all got something. I guess the difference here is that we were the recipients of the gifts, not the instructor, and the gifts had no big dollar value.

But the reason for the gifting was to get "closure" for the group, as were had dealt with some heavy issues. It was a valuable exercise. What is interesting is that this simple exercise has been manipulated by these other think i have a new word for them..."fake mesiahs" they are exploiting this simple and valuable exercise of the gifting, and using it as a means to their own end. Pity, isn't it...there are so many valuable therapeutic techniques and these crooks are truly exploiting them for their own selfish gains.

i could go on all night, but it is 12:09 and i am going to a free siminar tomorrow to learn how to manage pain from a Doctor who herself used to suffer from chronic fatique syndrom - i have heard her speak before, so i know she can be trusted...anyway, i should "hit the hay".


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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: February 28, 2008 04:13PM

p.s. I'm glad you kept Issac, jj

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Going to Work Naked: My Journey to Byron Katie Carol L. Skolnick
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 28, 2008 04:48PM

Oh lord, have mercy on us poor mortals...her "story" is called...

Going to Work Naked: My Journey to Byron Katie Carol L. Skolnick

I am speechless reading that.
Carol seem to be a guru-jumper, one to the next. She does appear to be completely indoctrinated.
She SAYS she only heard of Katie in early 2001, and then had a conversion experience. (no proof if that is true, or not).

She also says that Katie was molested as a child, and that Katie went to the molestor, reaching out for love. So it appears Byron Katie also "asked" to be molested as a child? (she deals with this an an Objection in the "story". It might be filter to FIND people willing to blame themselves for being victimized by others?).

And she spins story after story...

friend refers book about Byron Katie,
read book,
stare at picture of Katie,
indocrination into 4-Question bait-technique,
go to website,
send desperate email to Katie,
have dreams about Supernatural Katie,
Love-Bomb email from Katie (alleged),
dispute cult intuitions,
attend short seminar,
get recruited to School,
etc, etc.

That actually sounds like the EXACT process other people have come to BK, in that same sequence.
Carol is mapping out a roadmap for the conversion process to Katie, to take you from doubter reading this weird book, to attending the BK School and being a follower.
She is using manipulative language and storytelling, and the full 9 yards. The full Monty. She's quite good, but not good enough yet, give Carol 10 more years of persuasion, and she'll get better. (worse).

Is there any proof she had no contact with Katie before 2001? Of course not.
But she might have been recognized as a good prospect, the comedy background (if true) would be an asset, as well as writing ability, and personal charm, non-threatening image, etc.

Its just too slick, too planned out, to carefully designed as a 3rd party intro to indocrination, targeted at women in middle age. Easy Targets.

Carol L. Skolnick is the queen of the Turnaround. Turnaround Carol?
That seems to be her specialty.
One feels slightly nauseated after reading her "story" and profoundly doubts its accuracy and veracity.

Can anyone get a straight non-Turnaround answer out of Turnaround Carol?
That Turnaround stuff is a sick mind-virus, I do feel very sad for all those regular folks who are going to get duped and sucked into this. this is a bad one, for those who get sucked in, and can't get out.
No matter what you say to them...they will Turn It Around, over and over. Its a profoundly perverse process.

They mess with your head, they mess with your heart, they mess with your body, they mess with your relationships and sex, they mess with your money, they literally want to RIP YOUR HEART OPEN, carve you up, and do Soul Surgery on you, and turn you into a Katiestein Katiephiliac.

Well, I remember reading a lot of things online from Carol Skolnick after The School.

No, she's not a professional... she was a comedian turned "faciliator." She has no formal education that would give credence to her practice of "soul surgery".

AND... if you search for "Byron Katie cult" on Google, you will probably get this big paper written by Carol Skolnick about her previous involvement in a cult, and how BK supposedly "helped" her out of it. I've never had the patience to actually read the thing. But it sounds like, instead of getting any qualified exit-counseling, she jumped right into BK's arms.

Yeah, she knows how to turn around everything...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2008 04:55PM by The Anticult.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 28, 2008 05:00PM

The Shadow
p.s. I'm glad you kept Issac, jj

Yes, her story is 100x more compelling than Carols, or Katies cockroaches, because its true.
Its quite scary to think one can be that close to getting sucked in...could be for 10 years, or even for Life.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) Katiephiliac, Stories and lies
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 28, 2008 05:49PM

this begs the question...about how Katie and Katiephiliacs represent "stories".

If to her, everything is just a "story" and there is "no reality", then there is no just thing as "objective reality" or "truth".
So one story is no more "true" than the next story, they are both just a story.
So in that cosmology, even a story from imagination is as real as a story from somewhere else, as there is no truth, only the stories. So you cannot tell a lie even if you wanted to, its just a story, as what others call "true" is also just a story. So the truth and lies are both just stories.

So this means you can lie your ass off, fabricate endless stories for a living, and not feel guilty about it, as a story is not true, as there is no truth.
Solipsism and radical post-modernism.

Too bad they are both false.
Tell that one to the judge, and he won't buy that one.

But it does explain how someone can continuously lie like a sidewalk for years on end, without one shred of remorse.
Now THAT makes sense.

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