Well, one certain Eric Allen Bell seems to care quite a bit.
The current view count is something like over 25,000.
I didn't start this thread, but I also care.
When I was trying to figure out Eric Allen Bell in 2012, there wasn't much out there except for David Christopher's excellent work. [
Mr. Christopher has preserved some of the online exchanges he had with Eric Allen Bell, and they are very relevant today.
So, this is done in the style of David Christopher, that is a collection of EAB's bizarre responses to ordinary questions. It is Eric Allen Bell showing us, if not telling us, who he is. This thread adds to the knowledge base about one of the stranger people on the internet.
There is still not much out there about Eric Allen Bell, but this much is certain. You need to keep your wits about you, or he will lead you astray.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2019 07:42AM by livingengine.