ImagoDei Wrote:
Malcolm Wesley WREST
> What topic did you find them under, in 'Reddit',
> may I ask?
> This is not comprehensive, but using the two
> verses I quoted above, I found 6 users who have
> started threads in the following subreddits:
> Christianity, philosophy, conspiracy,
> ifyoulikeblank, socialism, Shit_To_Watch_Online,
> collapse, wokekids, AskAChristian, lostgeneration,
> AwakenedTV, awakened, DebateReligion,
> ShrugLifeSyndicate, DoesAnybodyElse, minimalism,
> spirituality, howtonotgiveafuck, totallynotrobots,
> Soulnexus, RadicalChristianity,
> conspiracy_commons, alltheleft, EndTimes,
> OrthodoxChristianity, Catholicism, religion,
> changemyview, PrayerTeam_amen, Thetruthishere,
> PhilosophyofReligion, CapitalismVSocialism,
> conspiracyundone, 1984isreality, unpopularopinion,
> aliens, Consumerism, agnostic,
> relationship_advice, theology, TheSolutions,
> ELINT, ChristianApologetics, CasualConversation,
> Economics, economy, Foodforthought, conspiracies,
> conspiracytheories, AnythingGoesNews,
> Anticonsumption, Anarchism, altnewz, Coronavirus,
> zen, communism101, DumpsterDiving, unknownvideos,
> todayilearned, CrazyIdeas, NoFap, NoFapChristians,
> DebateAChristian, China, AcademicBiblical,
> EndTimesProphecy,TopConspiracy,
> CommunismWorldwide, propaganda, teenagers,
> facepalm, funny, Futurology, Bible, Freethought.
> It appears they each have 2-3 subreddits they
> regularly post in, then they make fringe posts in
> other subreddits. Their posts and comments get
> downvoted pretty often, so a lot of their posts
> get removed due to subreddit rules for having
> negative karma (Reddit "points"). The bulk of
> their activity seems to be on the Christian and
> conspiracy related subs.
They are also using Quorum, for the same purpose. This (below) video is called "A Radical New Way to Share Your Faith!" But what is so "radical" about using the Internet, and some sites on it, for preaching purposes? That's what most churches, and most evangelical Christians are doing nowadays! That's what THE SYSTEM, the CHURCHIES do! This is the age of Covid-19, and everybody and their brother is stepping up their Internet presence. How is using Reddit and Quorum "radical"?
“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said; Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man: for I will demand of thee and answer thou me.”