From David:
It is amazing how many of these bitter ex-members were actually pretty direction-less when they joined us.
It used to be “pretty hopeless before they joined us,” but it looks as if somebody changed it to “direction-less.”
Yes, Dogmother, DM is the cause of a lot of excitement (in a sense), but he trains his people to think that life outside the JCs is BORING and he'd have them remember their previous lives as generally bad. This is one of the ways in which he traps them.
The link to the (Dogmother's) above quote is here:
What I find really sad are Joe's comments, posted right after DM's. Joe writes:
Yeah, I was pretty boring before I met the JCs.To which Alan replies:
LOL. Somehow, I doubt that, Joe.Then Joe comes back with (italics added by myself):
No it's actually true, Alan, and I think my previously boring life was a bi-product of the "respectable" conditions that I was brought up in. Respectability, lukewarmness, and BORING all go hand in hand; and it is only after I met the JCs, forsook all that I had, and started living a bit more "radical" that my life really got exciting. Everything before that was pretty much a drag (although I had accomplished a few things that people might THINK weren't necessarily boring).Joe is showing us that he has rewritten his biography against the template of DM's indoctrination. He is remembering his life before he was lured in as “lukewarm” and "BORING.”
This is a very telling post from Joe, is it not? What can I say? I am so sad for him. Joe, I hope that you are happy and safe. You ought to call your parents. May God bless you.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2008 06:21AM by zeuszor.