Lead by a good example. Preach and witness with respect and love. Those that want authoritarian leadership are going to want it and find it no matter what you do.
Outside Observer wrote
Problem is that they are going to attract that small fraction of one percent of folks who are looking for that sort of Authoritarian group
God's Child wrote:
do NOT even think about engaging with these people. If you do, you open a door to the enemy, in my opinion. The enemy is very cunning, do not forget it.
This is a time to be as cunning as a snake and harmless as a dove.
The Adversary loves high emotion, crisis and confrontation. Dont add to it. Bystanders may try to egg you on and into a confrontation. Dont fall for it.
Lead by a good example. But beware of snares.
A time to behave wisely as Jesus did when asked whether to pay taxes or not, and he answered "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's (the coins with the Roman emperor's portrait on them) and render unto God, that which is God's."
Friends, beware of any kind of confrontation. In fact, YMMBA may be craving a confrontation so that they will look like persecuted martyrs--and so that your legitimate groups can be thrown into disgrace.
Discuss your concerns with campus police and get advice. What I write below is no substitute.
Keep in mind that many people now have cameras.
Some possible precautions to take.
1) Designate one or two trustworthy persons to be 'monitors' when YMMBA is present. One should have a camera and one should be an observer. Ideally three or more.
2) Do not have any conversations with YMMBA members unless your monitors are present, one with a camera, and no one should be be carrying a sign or anything that could be construed as a 'weapon'.
3) Avoid any situation that could give rise to touch, shoving, etc. Too easy for someone to claim that the legitimate group 'acted aggressively'.
4) Best to avoid meeting or conversing with YMMBA members where there are no witnesses present in case of a misunderstanding.